US Presidental Race : 2020

Who is taking the US Presidential Election ?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Kanye West

    Votes: 36 29.0%

  • Total voters
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Boomers, and it’s not particularly close. They’ve come out in droves to make sure that things not only stay the same until they die, but that younger generations can’t recover at all. They destroyed the economy over the last 40 years with their insane greed and entitlement, then excoriate younger people for not being able to survive in the broken system they left behind.
What exactly has the democratic establishment done that has pissed off so many of you berniebros? Obama was one of the best presidents in modern history.
  • killed bin laden
  • created obamacare
  • gay marriage
  • brought us out of the recession
  • first black president(I think this has to count for something)
  • DACA
Was he perfect? No. But he changed the country for the better in a lot of ways.

Most of the issues that you guys have are caused by the republicans. You guys are spending so much time pushing for the most radical and divisive platform when you should be focused on beating the republicans. And I have serious doubts that bernie, who can't even beat Biden, would not only be able to beat trump, but create a victory in the senate and keep the house.

Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
You guys are spending so much time pushing for the most radical and divisive platform when you should be focused on beating the republicans. And I have serious doubts that bernie, who can't even beat Biden, would not only be able to beat trump, but create a victory in the senate and keep the house.
Biden had to conspire to have moderate Democrats drop out of the race to inflate his vote while Bernie’s vote is still split between himself, Warren, and Klobuchar.

What has the democratic establishment done to piss me off? Well, nothing I suppose. You’re right. Let’s focus on the candidate who stands the best chance at defeating Donald Trump’s apocalyptic agenda. Let’s find out what Biden stands for so that I can get excited to vote for him!

Oh...well, this is awkward lol.

It’s almost like voting for an Establishment Democrat is just advancing the same agenda that allowed trump to take power in the first place....

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
What exactly has the democratic establishment done that has pissed off so many of you berniebros? Obama was one of the best presidents in modern history.
  • killed bin laden
  • created obamacare
  • gay marriage
  • brought us out of the recession
  • first black president(I think this has to count for something)
  • DACA
Was he perfect? No. But he changed the country for the better in a lot of ways.

Most of the issues that you guys have are caused by the republicans. You guys are spending so much time pushing for the most radical and divisive platform when you should be focused on beating the republicans. And I have serious doubts that bernie, who can't even beat Biden, would not only be able to beat trump, but create a victory in the senate and keep the house.
@Admiral Lee Hung laid it out about as well as I could have. Status quo ain’t fucking working anymore, and to the GOP’s credit, they saw that four years ago and consolidated behind someone who was anything but. Given the same opportunity, the Democrats continue to shoot themselves in the foot and wonder why they’re bleeding.
Biden had to conspire to have moderate Democrats drop out of the race to inflate his vote while Bernie’s vote is still split between himself, Warren, and Klobuchar.

What has the democratic establishment done to piss me off? Well, nothing I suppose. You’re right. Let’s focus on the candidate who stands the best chance at defeating Donald Trump’s apocalyptic agenda. Let’s find out what Biden stands for so that I can get excited to vote for him!

Oh...well, this is awkward lol.

It’s almost like voting for an Establishment Democrat is just advancing the same agenda that allowed trump to take power in the first place....
Electing Biden is like slowly raising the temperature of the water until the frog dies.
Re-electing Trump is like putting the frog in boiling water. It will recognize the heat and jump out immediately.

America can survive 8 years of Trump. It can’t survive the nonstop corporatism that will never stop getting pushed by both parties.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Electing Biden is like slowly raising the temperature of the water until the frog dies.
Re-electing Trump is like putting the frog in boiling water. It will recognize the heat and jump out immediately.

America can survive 8 years of Trump. It can’t survive the nonstop corporatism that will never stop getting pushed by both parties.
Hasn’t survived*
We’re living in the fallout from the rampant corporate greed already, that’s why the middle class has almost disappeared completely. The question now is do we keep going on the path to total destruction, or actually take active steps to improve the economy/climate?? Thanks to a bunch of dipshit old liberals, seems like the former option ONCE AGAIN
Biden had to conspire to have moderate Democrats drop out of the race to inflate his vote while Bernie’s vote is still split between himself, Warren, and Klobuchar.

What has the democratic establishment done to piss me off? Well, nothing I suppose. You’re right. Let’s focus on the candidate who stands the best chance at defeating Donald Trump’s apocalyptic agenda. Let’s find out what Biden stands for so that I can get excited to vote for him!

Oh...well, this is awkward lol.

It’s almost like voting for an Establishment Democrat is just advancing the same agenda that allowed trump to take power in the first place....
I really don't want to spend time going through this meme but.
  • not everything that Donald trump does is bad. We shouldn't upend our entire economic system because trump supports it
  • bernie's climate plan will be a disaster. "Green energy" is unsustainable. If he actually wanted to stop climate change, he'd fight to support nuclear energy, which is the best alternative to fossil fuels. He predictably is anti-nuclear. Why? Because environmentalism is a cult. It is run by people who perpetually think that the world is going to end in 10 years and that the only way to stop this is by destroying the energy sector. Unfortunately for them this won't do anything because most of the pollution in the world comes from china and India and they can't do anything about it because 1) they're too poor(India) 2) they manufacture most of the world's products(china)
  • neoliberalism has brought millions of people out of poverty across the world
  • Biden's plan will cover everyone, it just won't seize the means of healthcare production
  • "racial and environmental justice" is literally a buzzword
  • Biden would allow for free 2 year college, which would greatly solve the student debt problem for incoming college students. As for people who already have debt. Most of them are upper middle class, get into high paying jobs, and are able to pay them off and live a better life than a majority of Americans.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I really don't want to spend time going through this meme but.
  • not everything that Donald trump does is bad. We shouldn't upend our entire economic system because trump supports it
  • bernie's climate plan will be a disaster. "Green energy" is unsustainable. If he actually wanted to stop climate change, he'd fight to support nuclear energy, which is the best alternative to fossil fuels. He predictably is anti-nuclear. Why? Because environmentalism is a cult. It is run by people who perpetually think that the world is going to end in 10 years and that the only way to stop this is by destroying the energy sector. Unfortunately for them this won't do anything because most of the pollution in the world comes from china and India and they can't do anything about it because 1) they're too poor(India) 2) they manufacture most of the world's products(china)
  • neoliberalism has brought millions of people out of poverty across the world
  • Biden's plan will cover everyone, it just won't seize the means of healthcare production
  • "racial and environmental justice" is literally a buzzword
  • Biden would allow for free 2 year college, which would greatly solve the student debt problem for incoming college students. As for people who already have debt. Most of them are upper middle class, get into high paying jobs, and are able to pay them off and live a better life than a majority of Americans.
Doesn’t wanna read what you said, but wants to give his opinion anyway...if that doesn’t perfectly sum up American politics, I don’t know what does.

Anyway, I’ll do you the courtesy you avoided and respond to each point -

Everything he’s EVER done is dumb and bad. He drove casinos into bankruptcy, advocated for the Central Park Five (who were proven innocent) to be imprisoned well after the fact, and is famous among New York real estate developers (already a front for illegal activity) for being a sleazy piece of shit even in THAT world. He IS bad no matter how you dice it, but he’s easily manipulated because of his arrested mental development.

Fossil fuels have ruined the ozone layer - we’ve been talking about greenhouse gasses and their detrimental effects since the 1990s - and once they’re gone, which will happen a lot sooner than you think, every machine in the world that runs on them will be completely useless. Bernie’s energy plan will allow for the expansion of alternative sources that WON’T keep ruining the environment like nuclear energy does (and if you don’t know the destructive qualities of radiation, nothing I can say will get through your thick skull).

List one example of neoliberalism having any tangible effect on reversing the poverty cycle. I grew up in a middle class home, and thanks to Democrats cozying up to lobbyists and corporate overlords every bit as much as Republicans have, it’s guaranteed that I’ll be raising my own family while living paycheck to paycheck. My girlfriend and I both work full time jobs in the medical industry, do not have any kids, and a reasonable amount of debt - we STILL can’t afford to buy a house because of the skyrocketing cost of living not matching up with the wage structure set by the same.


Student debt doesn’t do anything but ruin credit and lives, it is completely asinine to say otherwise. I worked 70 hours a week at a job I fucking hated to support myself through college; I have absolutely no loans to pay off, and I *still* think everyone who does owe money for their education should see their debt totally absolved.

Other countries in the world have universal health care, free college, and less reliance on fossil fuels, and THEY all get along just fine. It’s THIS country that’s the cancerous one.
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Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
As for people who already have debt. Most of them are upper middle class, get into high paying jobs, and are able to pay them off and live a better life than a majority of Americans.
Not going to explain why everything you posted before this is wrong as @Jew D. Boy already destroyed the soft alt-right Billionaire propaganda that you tried to advance, but this part was so ludicrous that I had to spend a post highlighting its lunacy so that it didn’t get lost in the rest of the apocalyptic rhetoric that you posted lol.

The American middle class is dying, the gross majority of the middle class are descending into poverty while a small few are lucky enough to be increasing in net worth.

The net worth of the 1% in the US is skyrocketing while the 99% either stagnates or declines.

Boomers are notoriously angry with Millennials for not starting families and buying homes, while simultaneously voting for policies that shovel the heaviest level of debt upon the millennial generation in world history. This is the level of debt my generation (and yours?) faces.

And before you get the wrong impression: I’m very fortunate, my personal income happens to be higher than the average household income in the US, and my wife makes significantly more than I do. I wouldn’t be a WG Patron otherwise lol. So you know I’m not saying this out of a misplaced sense of entitlement like most who advance Corporate Propaganda might accuse me lol.

The US is currently neck deep in late stage capitalism. There is no way conservatism will save it from a total economic collapse. Only drastic reform can prevent the US from Economically destroying itself. Bernie proposed such reform while Establishment Democrats you suggested we support, are defending the same policies that have obliterated the middle class while enriching the 1%.

Don’t be a megaphone for corporatism. The heavily capitalist US desperately needs the social safety nets that Bernie is campaigning for.
Other countries in the world have universal health care, free college, and less reliance on fossil fuels, and THEY all get along just fine. It’s THIS country that’s the cancerous one.
Do all bernie supporters hate this country as much as you?

Everything he’s EVER done is dumb and bad. He drove casinos into bankruptcy, advocated for the Central Park Five (who were proven innocent) to be imprisoned well after the fact, and is famous among New York real estate developers (already a front for illegal activity) for being a sleazy piece of shit even in THAT world. He IS bad no matter how you dice it, but he’s easily manipulated because of his arrested mental development.
so capitalism is bad because trump supports it?
how is it more of the same if we've never even tried a public option before?
Student debt doesn’t do anything but ruin credit and lives, it is completely asinine to say otherwise. I worked 70 hours a week at a job I fucking hated to support myself through college; I have absolutely no loans to pay off, and I *still* think everyone who does owe money for their education should see their debt totally absolved.
So you are saying that you would be okay taking a tax increase for you and your family to pay off the debt of other people who might not have been as responsible, even if those people are 100% capable of paying off their own debt and have high paying jobs.
Not going to explain why everything you posted before this is wrong as @Jew D. Boy already destroyed the soft alt-right Billionaire propaganda that you tried to advance, but this part was so ludicrous that I had to spend a post highlighting its lunacy so that it didn’t get lost in the rest of the apocalyptic rhetoric that you posted lol.
supporting Biden is alt right now?

Bernie proposed such reform while Establishment Democrats you suggested we support, are defending the same policies that have obliterated the middle class while enriching the 1%.
What policies are those?

A public healthcare option?
free 2 year university?

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
Love the argument that, because I see the cruel machinations at work throughout the government AND the corporations they allow to run unchecked, I must HATE this country. You can be an American *and* aware of/upset with its myriad issues at the same time, that’s the entire God damn point of freedom of speech.

Tax billionaires at the same rate as the rest of us! Trump is a SYMPTOM of the moral failures of capitalism, not a cause!
Do all bernie supporters hate this country as much as you?

so capitalism is bad because trump supports it?

how is it more of the same if we've never even tried a public option before?

So you are saying that you would be okay taking a tax increase for you and your family to pay off the debt of other people who might not have been as responsible, even if those people are 100% capable of paying off their own debt and have high paying jobs.

supporting Biden is alt right now?

What policies are those?

A public healthcare option?
free 2 year university?
This entire post is just strawmans.

Jew D. Boy

I Can Go Lower
I dont agree that its true though, hence my emoji lmao.
Fine, but if that’s the case, then nothing I can say is gonna convince you otherwise like Theories up there. The Muslim travel ban, calling attendees of the Charlottesville white power rally “very fine people,” accepting an endorsement from the actual leader of the KKK, fomenting fear of Hispanic immigrants to justify the wall and literally trapping their kids in cages...I could go on and on, and on and on, and ON and ON, but if this doesn’t all paint a picture of a hardcore racist to you, then we just don’t agree on what reality is.
Then, as with Theories up there, nothing I can say is gonna convince you otherwise. The Muslim travel ban, calling attendees of the Charlottesville white power rally “very fine people,” fomenting fear of Hispanic immigrants to justify the wall and literally trapping their kids in cages...I could go on and on, and on and on, and on and on, but if this doesn’t all paint a picture of a hardcore racist to you, then we just don’t agree on what reality is.
If those things would actually be like you tried to convey them, then i might agree on what your "reality" is.


What exactly has the democratic establishment done that has pissed off so many of you berniebros? Obama was one of the best presidents in modern history.
  • killed bin laden
  • created obamacare
  • gay marriage
  • brought us out of the recession
  • first black president(I think this has to count for something)
  • DACA
Was he perfect? No. But he changed the country for the better in a lot of ways.

Most of the issues that you guys have are caused by the republicans. You guys are spending so much time pushing for the most radical and divisive platform when you should be focused on beating the republicans. And I have serious doubts that bernie, who can't even beat Biden, would not only be able to beat trump, but create a victory in the senate and keep the house.
Biden is corrupt loony son , I am surprised you havent seen much what happened in last 48 hrs . Buttigeg and Amy were forced to leave the campaign and warren continuing the campaign should tell you no one gives a shit about bernie's dream haha .

Eitherway progressive voters will now sit out or probably vote trump , Do you really think joe will beat trump with so much struggle in his campaign that upper echloen have to come down and make path for his win ?


I'm worried that Bernie will get the most votes, but it will become a contested convention due to him not reaching the delegate threshold, and then the superdelegates will be stupid enough to give the nomination to someone else, even though Bernie got the most votes. This would all put guarantee a Trump landslide since no Bernie supporter would support the DNC after they just took a huge dump on them.
Either this , i don't see Bernie quitting his campaign . It'll be bad for Creepy Joe if Contested Convention happen ,He'll come out as weakest candidate Dem nominated after 70 years .
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