US Presidental Race : 2020

Who is taking the US Presidential Election ?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 47 37.9%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 41 33.1%
  • Kanye West

    Votes: 36 29.0%

  • Total voters
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Honestly, Trump has exposed so many people for being irrational to the point of stupidity. They let their hatred of his personality cloud their judgement to the point where it's laughable.

You don't have to like Trump or vote for him. He is unlikeable and an asshole. But some statements are just wtf...

"Oh he's deporting people. Putting people in cages." -> Obama deported more people and the cages started under his admin.

"He's dangerous. He's going to get us into a war." -> Started 0 wars i.e. less wars than Bush and Obama.

"He's the first racist president" by Biden -> Even Dave Chapelle LOLed at this

"He's corrupt and puts his family in office" -> Hillary's entire political career was literally based off being Bill's wife. Same with Bush Jr. and his dad. Joe Biden's son and Clinton's daughter are grifting off their name.

"He didn't condemn white supremacists" -> Obama himself was too chickenshit to say confederate flag was bad, and resulted to "it belongs in a museum"

Even for Corona, look at UK, Canada, Italy, France, Germany deaths as pop %. The US is not that different.

Literally the only bad thing Trump has done that no one else did is rage tweet at 4 AM while taking a dump. Yeah, it's not what a president should do, but I'd take that rather than the Iraq War. But Bush danced with Ellen, so it's all good now!
It is pointless to say stuff
They are blind and deaf
The only blind zombies here is left...
Right never would go rampage causing vandal acts case they lose. Crazy zombies who listen lie from news like CNN are the only blind here. But whatever, as I said before I'm glad with results, and now will wait 4 years just too look how false pink glasses will broke, and people will start understand shit...
Georgia is Recounting, nice job guys, due to the amount of fuckery that was so obvious, you now are gonna get a recount and due to the piling amount of evidence, it might just happen everywhere else. Celebrating a little early huh? :gokulaugh:
I know, I want this to end too. :pepehands:
The Georgia state government is completely controlled by Republicans, so according to you guys, the Georgia Republicans either rigged the election in favor of Biden (but didn’t do the same for Jon Ossoff for some reason even though him and Biden are on the same ballot...), or Georgia Republicans are the most incompetent state party ever and let the Democrats rig the election despite them having no control over the state government.

I remember when Hillary Clinton was called the biggest sore loser in history because JILL STEIN requested a recount in Michigan, but now that Trump’s requesting a recount, he’s not a sore loser?
The Georgia state government is completely controlled by Republicans, so according to you guys, the Georgia Republicans either rigged the election in favor of Biden (but didn’t do the same for Jon Ossoff for some reason even though him and Biden are on the same ballot...), or Georgia Republicans are the most incompetent state party ever and let the Democrats rig the election despite them having no control over the state government.

I remember when Hillary Clinton was called the biggest sore loser in history because JILL STEIN requested a recount in Michigan, but now that Trump’s requesting a recount, he’s not a sore loser?
Every politician is a sore loser, which is why they go on twitter and talk shit about each other all the time, I mean, dems spent 4 years trying to remove him from power with amazing levels of reaching. Let trump get his recount, if all is good, Biden has nothing to worry about right? :cheers:
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Georgia is Recounting, nice job guys, due to the amount of fuckery that was so obvious, you now are gonna get a recount and due to the piling amount of evidence, it might just happen everywhere else. Celebrating a little early huh? :gokulaugh:
Georgia always has recounts if the margin of victory is less than 0.5% idiot.

Go and cry somewhere else.

Besides it's not like Georgia will change the result. LMAO Orange boi is going to jail.
Georgia always has recounts if the margin of victory is less than 0.5% idiot.

Go and cry somewhere else.

Besides it's not like Georgia will change the result. LMAO Orange boi is going to jail.
That's not very nice to name call. And do you know what crying is? I'm laughing at this circus. the thing is, Orange boi has numerous paths he can take to still win before the deadline and it seems he's started, that's why msm started to quiet down on the Biden parade.

And Orange boi is not seeing a cell if Bush and every other President involved was able to get away with the damage they inflicted in the middle east, let's be real here. :kayneshrug:
I love it how not even all Republicans are behind election fraud accusations lmao

And Trump didnt even forward any real evidence or make any gain on it

Dude is just salty and GoP will use him until Janurary to ditch him like its nothing
Donald Trump wanted to throw a coup, but was too lazy to actually plan it out and just decided to improvise it lol.

It’s funny how accurately he represents the 7 deadly sins:

Pride: Yep.

Greed: “A small loan of a million dollars”

Lust: Has had three wives and cheated on all three of them, sexualizes his own daughter, and loves to “grab em by the pussy”.

Envy: Obama is living rent free in his head and Trump spent his entire presidency trying to spite Obama or one-up him.

Sloth: Prefers to golf instead of lead the country. Wanted to throw a coup, but too lazy to actually plan it out. Put incompetent staffers in charge of his administration to do all the work for him.

Gluttony: He’s borderline morbidly obese.

Wrath: Has Donald Trump ever let go of a grudge? Dude can’t stop himself from starting a Twitter feud with anyone who has upset him.
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