Speculations Usopp Arc is Next… the finally Nami

Luffy arc = Laugh Tale?
Zoro arc = Wano (not)
Nami arc = Arlong Park
Usopp arc = Elbaf?
Sanji arc = Whole Cake Island
Chopper arc = Zou (not)
Robin arc = Enies Lobby
Franky arc = Egghead (not)
Brook arc = ?
Jinbe arc = ?
After seeing Sanji and Zoro's "arcs" and what should have been Franky's arc I don't have high hopes and expectations for Elbaf and what it will do to and for Usopp's character.


Lazy is the way
Usopp last chance of being a character
I real hope he will get something this arc and I think Oda will at give him some crumbs at least