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The Dream of a Child and a Miracle

Rio Sonogami has activated Eden

Yuzuru Yamai/@Rottkins has been brought back to life

@Blue @Ratchet vote yo tan wa
Vote Lynch Yo Tan Wa

1-I mean I said I can protect people lol, other than that I can do other stuff that I dont wanna claim rn.

2- Sure

3- Blue/Ratchet told me Im neutral indie leaning pro town, so Im assuming my targets to protect are town ( gotta have 1 of them make it to end game with me so we both win, he/she doesnt have to win the game with town for that to happen but I can win either way.)

Well prior to my claim I was one of the most if not the most town read person in the game. Only reason I claimed is because I dont want mafia breathing down my neck. Any logical person should know Im good by now. Since I created a CFD on Zolo from scratch to save Rottkins ( a townie) therefore chances of me being red is super low if not non existent because of that very fact. If I was red I wouldve just sat there and let whoever get lynched ^^.
Stay with me fam. I'm like 99% town, too.
dude no hes a watcher. his role already better than mine
just revive him

he is also part of fuji's targets = fuji will protect him. if rott die = fuji no bueno

its 2 in 1 deal. we revive a watcher town role and make fuji our biatch. who wouldnt want that

do it now!!! ~♡
If he dies I got plenty of other targets to protect lol, but Im lazy so Ill just stick to Rott.
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