Which One is the Most Heart Melting Confession?

  • Flower's Tragic Love Confession

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Charlie's Work Affair Confession

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Xeno's Court Confession Case

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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What could have been...
Shoot Yo Tan to get him out of POE I guess
okay 1 xenos

Wait actually @ekp shoot Al to test his claim kek

Or dofla
1 AL

Dofla was Flower's soulmate and I find it unlikely 2 mafia are soulmates with each other. If Dofla is scum then he could be a potential sk candidate.
2 xenos now
half dofla

not xenos? who then?


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
what flowa said doesnt matter to me. shes an outed scum. why exactly does what she says have more weight than what i say?

maybe instead of this better to reveal who the superkill was on. check the [???]
didnt read the 3rd mystery yet. will do when back home

when does day end?
why exactly does flowa claim protecting a teammate when out of pressure?

if anything she tried to buddy kavo and get him on her side
yeah this is good

u probably not aligned with flowa just from this

also kavo isnt aligned with flowa either given her progression on him
if i end up killing town they only have themselves to blame then
fwiw atleast u took the time to cooperate @Reborn

ill remove u from PoE

btw u said flowa visited jules. do we know with what? jules is most likely not aligned with flowa either

so leftover is AL dofla tpein yo tan

fuji tells me not to shoot tpein. but then again fuji was helping flowa and stuff. i may just ignore what he says. he may be pro mafia
Can't you say everything in one post lmao

3rd mystery is fucked up. It's real mess. My advice to you is prepare yourself for some brain wrecking stuff because it just doesn't add up.

We don't know with what flowa targeted jules with.

Pot tracked flowa to jules and kavot.

Flowa role sheet says she could only redirect (excluding her second ability).

Another possibility is she got some items and she used one on you and redirect on jules or vice versa. And, kiku who was ninja performed the kill and thus was not seen by Hime.

And, I don't think anyone has ability to reveal ???.

Charlie asked few times already and no one responded


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
I don't think i have anything for 3rd one. I can tell you for sure that answer "beatrice tricked everyone" is wrong though xd
Not everyone

I got list of 7 culprits so there is definitely a culprit

Problem is all of them are dead and it's in red. So, who killed the last person if not for Beatrice?

First 8 kills could be explained by Genji being the culprit.
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