Vegans are so stupid

They are like animal abuse is bad
And the treatment of animals at farms are bad

And it's like that's right
but instead of just attacking those issues, they attack anyone who eats meat
like if you just attacked the issues then most people would side with them but they make enemies out of everyone even if they would of sided with them otherwise

because to them meat eaters are akin to nazis who did the holocausts

Im not making this up, this is literally their thought process
and it's beyond dumb as the holocaust done because jews were the poltitical enemies of germany at the time where the animals are just killed for the desire to eat them for nutrition value or just because it tastes good

Love how still to this day
they make articles trying to debunk the other animals do it so okay argument

Like the only reason, your not eating other animals is cause you are in a civilized society where you dont have to worry about basic needs
if you lived in the wild then you would be doing the same things lions do in africa

It's not cause your human or your more moral
it's because your domesticated, Dogs and cats when as pets dont hunt like they cant do it and would die without the owner feeding them
so clearly it's not about your nature as a person but rather your environment that your surrounded with

Another thing too, this even applies to zoo animals
so are they super concerned with morals or are they just acting according to their setting
They are like animal abuse is bad
And the treatment of animals at farms are bad

And it's like that's right
but instead of just attacking those issues, they attack anyone who eats meat
like if you just attacked the issues then most people would side with them but they make enemies out of everyone even if they would of sided with them otherwise

because to them meat eaters are akin to nazis who did the holocausts

Im not making this up, this is literally their thought process
and it's beyond dumb as the holocaust done because jews were the poltitical enemies of germany at the time where the animals are just killed for the desire to eat them for nutrition value or just because it tastes good

Love how still to this day
they make articles trying to debunk the other animals do it so okay argument

Like the only reason, your not eating other animals is cause you are in a civilized society where you dont have to worry about basic needs
if you lived in the wild then you would be doing the same things lions do in africa

It's not cause your human or your more moral
it's because your domesticated, Dogs and cats when as pets dont hunt like they cant do it and would die without the owner feeding them
so clearly it's not about your nature as a person but rather your environment that your surrounded with

Another thing too, this even applies to zoo animals
so are they super concerned with morals or are they just acting according to their setting
These radical vegans are mostly city kids who are so detached from the natural environment that they humanise animals to the point of drawing vegan comics with huge eyed animal characters that say "I don't want to be eaten".

And at the same time they hate plants. These extremists only like animals so much because humans are biologically animals. Plants are "things" to these kids.
Reminds me of this lol:
They low key insane. If they wanna be vegan then fine, but they don’t gotta go around causing issues with people who don’t.

Going vegan long term doesn’t make any sense anyway. The amount of deficiencies that will arise cannot all be accounted for without going back to the animal sources to begin with. The issue is with processed meat and milk. And also overconsumption of meat, with the standard diet over here you got people eating meat like 3 times a day when you should only really be eating it closer to 3 times a week. Inclusion of animal protein is the most optimal diet for good health and has been the standard for the longest time for a reason.
but instead of just attacking those issues, they attack anyone who eats meat
The issue is that animals are being eaten. I don't really get you are supposed to attack "the issue" without literally confronting those people.

like if you just attacked the issues then most people would side with them
Would they though? You probably wouldn't even know about veganism if not for that.

"Most people"? You think 4+billion people would be vegans if vegans wouldn't talk about it?...Really?


They are like animal abuse is bad
And the treatment of animals at farms are bad

And it's like that's right
but instead of just attacking those issues, they attack anyone who eats meat
like if you just attacked the issues then most people would side with them but they make enemies out of everyone even if they would of sided with them otherwise

because to them meat eaters are akin to nazis who did the holocausts

Im not making this up, this is literally their thought process
and it's beyond dumb as the holocaust done because jews were the poltitical enemies of germany at the time where the animals are just killed for the desire to eat them for nutrition value or just because it tastes good

Love how still to this day
they make articles trying to debunk the other animals do it so okay argument

Like the only reason, your not eating other animals is cause you are in a civilized society where you dont have to worry about basic needs
if you lived in the wild then you would be doing the same things lions do in africa

It's not cause your human or your more moral
it's because your domesticated, Dogs and cats when as pets dont hunt like they cant do it and would die without the owner feeding them
so clearly it's not about your nature as a person but rather your environment that your surrounded with

Another thing too, this even applies to zoo animals
so are they super concerned with morals or are they just acting according to their setting


I don't really care about vegans but if you forced your dog or cat or pets to go on the same diet as yours, yeah you have problem.
Tiktok vegan teacher dog will prolly starve to death
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I thought being vegan was more about a healthy diet
It is indeed healthy but meat isn't exactly bad either , its the excess consumption which makes it bad.
I thought being vegan was more about a healthy diet

Really? One of the arguments from vegans is, "Where do herbivores get their protein from?"
I’m not going to say I know everything about this however herbivores cannot eat meat/animal protein because of how their digestive system is structured, their digestive system is more so suited for breaking down plants and grass. Same thing with the carnivores, theyr eat meat because of how their digestive system works. There’s more to it but that is the gist of it from what I remember.
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So unless vegans magically attain the digestive system of a herbivore, the argument “where do they get their protein from” is mute.
It is indeed healthy but meat isn't exactly bad either
Red or processed meats are definitely quite bad. There are links between red meat and bowel cancer.

Btw I am not a vegan or vegetarian myself lol, I am just trying to reduce red meat consumption these days.

I’m not going to say I know everything about this however herbivores cannot eat meat/animal protein because of how their digestive system is structured, their digestive system is more so suited for breaking down plants and grass. Same thing with the carnivores, theyr eat meat because of how their digestive system works. There’s more to it but that is the gist of it from what I remember.
The point is if herbivores can get all their necessary proteins from plants, humans could too.
Some people take it to a far extreme because they have a desperate need to be a champion of some kind and always be right.

My own personal philosophy is to not eat fellow mammals (I don't eat red meats, though I do consume milk). I enjoy fish and poultry. Fish are vital for good health imo. The benefits of eating fish 2x's weekly is phenomenal. The Mediterranean diet is touted as the healthiest diet in the world and red meat is eaten rarely.

I don't have a problem with Vegan food and have actually enjoyed a few dishes. For instance I tried Vegan Stuffing for the first time this Christmas and it was pretty darn good.

BUT I agree 100% that the Vegans that try to force their pets (dogs/cats) to be deprived of meat is animal cruelty in of itself. If it bugs them that much to feed them what they need, then get a Bunny, Bird or Guinea Pig or something.
Well there are people try vegan for years and quit due health problems. You can look up YouTube.
Beside farming the crop require killing animals who tried to eat crop like rats and insects.
I just eat whatever I want . Vegan have freedom to eat or not. All fair in game.
Your thread title is a gross generalization
might want to fix that.

being vegan is a personal choice that shouldn't deserve scrutiny
those who want to be aggressively vocal about it should be frankly separated and criticized as another sect entirely.
The point is if herbivores can get all their necessary proteins from plants, humans could too.
That argument from veganism is mute for the very reason that herbivores have the digestive system intact to best absorb the protein from said plants while humans do not. And some herbivores eat certain kinds of plants that we have trouble even digesting properly to begin with.
So that is where animal protein comes in and with it the essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin b12 that will be lost with the vegan diet.