"Shinagawa Shinju" or the "The Suicide of Shinagawa Lovers" is the title of a Rakugo play where an aging and ruined prostitute wishes to commit suicide. Having convinced a young man to leave with her by jumping off a bridge, the man refuses at the last moment, but she pushes him away. Before jumping in her turn, a messenger brings the prostitute the announcement that some money has arrived. Delighted, the idea of killing herself suddenly seems ridiculous and she returns to her activities.
Judge can fix that.
Oda wouldn't call someone weaker than Lanji strong, elite, etc.
Lucci, Kaku and Stussy are definitely YC2+. Lucci and Kaku are stronger than Law and Kidd.
Judge can fix that.
Oda wouldn't call someone weaker than Lanji strong, elite, etc.
Lucci, Kaku and Stussy are definitely YC2+. Lucci and Kaku are stronger than Law and Kidd.
As good as Jabra.
We all know that the parallels you like begin with fanart, fan request covers and end with characters sharing panels, everything else is irrelevant.
"Shinagawa Shinju" or the "The Suicide of Shinagawa Lovers" is the title of a Rakugo play where an aging and ruined prostitute wishes to commit suicide. Having convinced a young man to leave with her by jumping off a bridge, the man refuses at the last moment, but she pushes him away. Before jumping in her turn, a messenger brings the prostitute the announcement that some money has arrived. Delighted, the idea of killing herself suddenly seems ridiculous and she returns to her activities.
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