Reggie and Pantheos not gonna like this SBS lol.
First I get snubbed by Pantheos in the podcast thread now this too...

Fuck One Piece and fuck Oda lmfao.
Man has serious issues with women and mothers too anyway and some other very questionable, very immortal stuff too.
Oda is genuinely pathetic at this point but his dickriders will defend him and get mad at me as usual for saying so.
It's all good! Kid comeback in Elbaf baby!
@Pot Goblin stick him back in the cage with a muzzle please.
I thought Kidd would come back in Elbaf but I really wonder if Oda is just finished with him
Probably hates drawing his devil fruit and wanted to get rid of Kidd (yes the rhyme/pun I know) so make it easier on himself or hes really just this fucking petty and actually hates Kidd. The way he wrote him with Shanks was fucking spiteful as hell and now this too, it cant be coincidence.
The fandom used to joke that Sanji's VA fucked Oda's wife, lately it seems like it was Kidd's VA who did it all along.
The man who doomed a fanbase
I WAS ABOUT TO SAY THAT LMFAO! At this point, Smoothies, Jacks, Zoros, Sanjis, Kaidos, Big Moms and whoever elses VAs have all had a go with his wife but given how "offscreened" his marriage is, I cant blame her that much either!

I'm turning up the Shanks slander to 11 now, fuck Oda. I'm betraying the Shanks fandom once and for all,
@Mr. Reloaded your betrayals aint gonna have shit on this lmfao. Fuck that damn rat! And his rat master!
Midd got hypetooled 3x by Weapon users and his fans still tell me that he's Magneto 2.0 lmfao
If only he was a completely overrated Gary Stu with no real character, feats, hype and was hyped for decades for no good reason. Also at least he aint no pathetic dog of the WG like a certain painted sword, fightphobic fraud and red haired rat with no real character and a blatant self insert wank fest.