Lets see how many fanbases this comment triggers:
Lets say there's potential that Kaido/Big Mom win the initial rooftop battle. Lets say that Oda is trying to only pit Beast Pirate against Strawhat (as evidenced already by 5 of the F6 members and only Strawhats + Yamato being present during CP-0's "Defeating Executives" speech in 1003). What can this mean structurally for the fights? Well firstly, I personally believe several things as a result:
- Both Yonko and their crews are going down, its time.
- Luffy's side will lose on the rooftop the island crashes onto Wano around the same time, separating everyone.
- Strawhats will only fight Kaido and his 9 executives, as evidenced by Chapter 1003 and the various advertisements that pit Kaido's crew as the primary aggressors, not Big Mom or her crew.
- Luffy will get his 1v1, as will Zoro.
- The rest of the WG pirates will face other threats on Big Mom's side.
- The Numbers are pure fodder and will be used for plot movement (destroying the capital, being stopped by the Scabbards or something)
The Beast Pirates
Luffy vs Kaido
Zoro vs King
Sanji vs Queen
Yamato vs Jack
Jinbe vs WsW
Brook/Robin vs Black Maria
Franky vs Sasaki
Chopper vs Drake (Oni virus; I've given my explanations before)
Nami vs Ulti
Usopp vs Page 1
Big Mom Pirates
Kid/Law vs Big Mom
Law/Killer vs Smoothie
Killer vs Snack
Pedro/Peckoms/Bepo vs Perospero
Hawkins/Apoo/Drake (after being cured by Chopper early on) vs Compote/Daifuku/Oven (if he's around)
Everything else would be fundamentally irrelevant anyway. Maybe the WBP show up and fight Big Mom's crew, or Sword.
I only put the Supernova with Big Mom's crew because half the strawhats are already monopolizing half of Kaido's crew. Apoo, Hawkins and Drake are doing nothing (so far), and we truly have no idea how the other 5 on the roof either stay fighting Kaido/Big Mom or not.
Then again, BMPs could just be irrelevant and never show up, so there's that too. It still doesn't change my thoughts on what I think is happening with the Beast Pirates and Luffy's crew