Questions & Mysteries ''was that... The haki he learned from the old man in Wano?”

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"was that... the book he bought from that store?"
Nothing indicates the speaker doesnt have such book

"was that... the math subject he learnt from that lecturer?"
Nothing indicates the speaker doesnt know such math subject


it's just a rhetorical question, nothing more
except that advanced coa is only one, not as many as books.
nah my homie. Luffy learnt internal distruction haki, and zoro have AAH but dont know abt internal distruction. Zoro can create barriers just like admirals did, he does know breathe of all things(also he showed it in latest chp how he cut breath of fire thus he can also use invisible haki. Zoro's haki flows through his blades(similar to when roger and wb clashed,though hes not at that level)zoros haki surpasses full body :cheers: side note: he didnt release enmas power yet
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