Current Events We now know who disabled cameras in Egghead labophase and killed Shaka


Sasaki Kojirō


Ta da, it is

Damn Gorosei the guy has already done more than Kizaru in the entire serialization, first he before the Boat docked on the island he was already in action with his Yokai of the shadows convincing one of the Vegapunks to betray and kill the others, deactivating barriers to the CP- 0... In fact it is more useful and threatened than Kizaru, Luffy vs Saturn, Zoro vs Kizaru.
Damn Gorosei the guy has already done more than Kizaru in the entire serialization, first he before the Boat docked on the island he was already in action with his Yokai of the shadows convincing one of the Vegapunks to betray and kill the others, deactivating barriers to the CP- 0... In fact it is more useful and threatened than Kizaru, Luffy vs Saturn, Zoro vs Kizaru.
How ridiculous some people are, so insane. Just cause Saturn destroyed some cameras he's more dangerous than Kizaru?? Kizaru is probably the one character no one in the One Piece verse is not afraid of fighting against...

People try to find anything to downplay Admirals. At this point even Yonkotards should realize how pathetic that is. Just cause Admirals were always portrayed as untouched intelligent monsters until now, while Yonkos got one L after the other in the past half decade.