You are Ron Jeremy!
“If somebody wants to compete, I'll just pull out enough to win.”
[Passive - Star Power] Ron Jeremy is a porn legend, as such he is very known and always has to deal with his fans in some way shape, or form. Whoever Ron Jeremy visits will receive the notification that they were visited by him in the form of an
Autograph. A player may only receive an
Autograph from Ron once.
---[Tracking Merchandise]--- Ron’s autographs can be quite valuable so his team is careful to keep tabs on them. He will be alerted any time a player with an
Autograph targets a member of his team.
[Passive - Mind The Stashe] Ron is very particular about his porn stashe. After all it defines him as an actor. So he doesn't let anyone get too close to him just in case. Unless they are part of his
Fan Club, the first person who visits Ron Jeremy each cycle will be roleblocked for a phase and their action will fail on Ron.
[Passive - Hung] Ron is famously well-endowed and everyone knows it. With so much to deal with he can be a hard package to handle, literally. It will take an extra two votes to get Ron lynched.
[Active - Flash The Goods] Packing this level of heat comes with its own perks, and most of those come from showing it off. Ron can visit another player and flash them, causing their next action to be redirected.
[Active - Professional Standards] If a player with an
claims in any way, Ron can single them out for their uncool behavior, draining their vote power for a phase.
[Active - Libido Booster] Even if Ron doesn’t need them, he realizes some people need a little help in the stamina department. Ron can slip another player a blue pill that they can use to refill one of their abilities.
[Active- Talent Scouting] Ron can scout a player and decide if they are fit to be in his next film. He will target them and send them a message. If the receiver answers the message, Ron Jeremy will receive their ID, in this case, their
Usable once a cycle.
---[Filming]--- Ron Jeremy may target a player he has used
[Talent Scouting] on and start filming his next porn movie. The target will be the star and all eyes will be on them. For a phase, Ron Jeremy will know of everyone who visits his target and what kind of ability was used on them.
---[Broadcasting]--- Ron Jeremy may choose to broadcast his movie to select viewers, he may choose 1 player to relay the information he gets from his
[Filming] with the option of making it a
Director’s Cut. If Ron decides to make it a
Director’s Cut he can choose to leave out certain pieces of information from the film.
[Active - Fan Club( Not a Sex Cult)] Ron has countless fans, and many of them want to get up close and personal with him. Starting Day 1 he may open up signups for his fan club. After creating the
Fan Club, a permanent discord chat will be opened for Ron and his followers. All members of the
Fan Club will automatically receive an
Autograph from Ron, and the people in the club cannot harm Ron Jeremy in any way through their actions. Players can leave the chat of their own choosing.
---[Perks of Stardom]--- With Ron’s status he doesn’t need to get his hands dirty himself. He can just have his followers do it for him like a good (not a) cult leader. When Ron would carry out a faction kill, he will have one of his fans do it instead, unknowingly.
---[Star Eyed Persuasion]--- Ron can vote redirect one of his fans each day.
---[Membership Expiration]--- Ron Jeremy may decide that he's had enough of one of his groupies and kick them out, permanently. Ron can target a member of his fan club with a kill to get rid of them.
[Active - Wet T-Shirt Contest] Ron Jeremy may organize a Wet T-Shirt Contest where 5 players of his choice get to participate. The players will have to send Ron Jeremy pictures of women in bikinis. The winner will be rewarded with one night of hot steamy sex with him. The arousal will give them double action on all of their abilities for a phase.
---[Wear Them Out]--- A night with Ron doesn't come without a cost. The lucky winner of a night with him will be too sore and tired to walk the next day and will find themselves rolecrushed through immunities unless he chooses to go easy on them.
Ron can choose weather or not to activate this side effect when he picks the winner.
[Active - Sexual Encounter] Ron may choose to have a sexual encounter with a player, he will roleblock them for a phase.
---[Protection]--- Ron Jeremy may choose to wear Protection during the
Sexual Encounter, if he does the action will not show up in write ups and Ron won’t be seen visiting his target. Nor will he leave an Autograph.
---[Bareback]--- Ron Jeremy may choose to go bareback during the
Sexual Encounter, doing so has a 50% chance of
Impregnating his target. The target will then have to suffer from a post-restriction of Ron Jeremy's choosing for a phase. Failing the post restriction will cause them to give birth, rolecrushing them.
[Passive - Just The Flu] When you get around as much as Ron, sometimes you might catch a little bug if you aren't careful. Any player who targets Ron or is targeted by Ron, excluding his teammates or other pro mafia players, has a 25% chance of contracting the HIV status effect. Players under the effect of HIV will have all negative status conditions amplified when hit by them and will not be notified of the condition. Ron himself is immune to the HIV status condition.