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Also seen them post at same time.

ultra and those on olf saying cheating is bs imo.
Thank you

The funny thing is I would have been fine if for optics sake we played less games together, mixed up playing together, seperate, not at all, give the host the decision, the players in the games the decision, etc. I dont want to make the game unenjoyable for people. Trying to label me a cheater is what I have a problem with and won't stand
Interestingly I don't gloss over it, but rather multiple people have told me and brought up it has been allowed across the years, but I guess being annoying is that ultimate decision maker. Police annoyance makes total sense. Pretty soon claiming will be against the rules lmao
Claim bans are the most annoying BS tbh. Back in the day we‘ve faked Masons, IC and Plague Doctor as scum. Nowadays people are crying when they have no claimables instead of getting creative with fakes tsk.
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