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Holy Simp
Tldr please? I am at work and sadly cant catch up. I need to know what's going on so I am not BLINDLY sheeping please.


The End and the Beginning
This has "I am getting railroaded by Ratchet and I'm a frustrated little townie" all over it

Kinda not great that Ratchet didn't waver on this. Thought Mango's reaction to his push was townie too. Hmmmmmmmmmmm
I don't agree with this at all. Think she made a point to say that her reaction was NAI, which, when you factor in the context that she's annoyed by the idea that I would accuse her of appealing to emotions to manipulate, it makes sense that she'd want to be very careful about ensuring that it isn't taken as way to persuade against the wagon. Like, this is pretty easy stuff Ultra.
I'd probably have to pick between Watson, Indigo, Ratchet in that order
Why would you shoot me when, by your own admission, you're not even prepared to say you think I'm scum. And why would you shoot me in particular after 2 people who I've pushed today?


Not really against Adam getting got today either. Felt like he wasted no time in playing mediator earlier when it wasn't required, and agree with Flower's point that his reads have been very stagnant.
I don't agree with this at all. Think she made a point to say that her reaction was NAI, which, when you factor in the context that she's annoyed by the idea that I would accuse her of appealing to emotions to manipulate, it makes sense that she'd want to be very careful about ensuring that it isn't taken as way to persuade against the wagon. Like, this is pretty easy stuff Ultra.

Why would you shoot me when, by your own admission, you're not even prepared to say you think I'm scum. And why would you shoot me in particular after 2 people who I've pushed today?


Not really against Adam getting got today either. Felt like he wasted no time in playing mediator earlier when it wasn't required, and agree with Flower's point that his reads have been very stagnant.
Yeah just because emotionally volatile woman throws a couple of plates at your head and then apologizes after and says it's NAI...doesn't mean it's actually NAI. She's prolly just busy and annoyed you're railroading her
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