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Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
@Adam 🍎
you've been chasing your own tail for the last few pages over this crazy fake assassination attempt theory (when i was already one of the ones winning) and some sort of WIFOM attempt
this just doesn't feel genuine at all at this point
or you're one of those tryhard tunnelers
either way, i have nothing more to say to you, besides that i had my reasons to care about being in the council, and that i was indeed poisoned and healed
Cool story, I'm happy for you
Basically here's the rule of thumb

If everyone wants to murder ekko he's usually town

If nobody cares about him and I'm screaming from the hilltops that he's scum better believe he's probably flipping scum
You'll have to wait, this is my last post.

Except I stopped my TR on you my GTH reads are standing.
About Ultra it depends what Naomi tells me.
You don't town read me because I scum read you? or because of my post to yo tan? pretty weak and actually makes you look worse in my eyes if that's the case lol.
What tells you I am informed?
I mean Cmon Michelle, you claimed to read my posts, or it was only my read list lol?
About Baki, he is rather towny for that post, angleshooting included, but I wouldn't sheep his reads based on angleshooting.
It does seem that Michelle entered the thread with an agenda lol

Well, she clearly knows what is going on, not only she knows about this Boa situation and calls it NAI, she is also invalidating my read list.

She is also aware of the council thingy, Michelle, is clearly informed
So her first post is a lie basically
Now i wonder if it can be that easy?
Vote Lynch Michelle
I explained in this post why you are informed.
You don't town read me because I scum read you? or because of my post to yo tan? pretty weak and actually makes you look worse in my eyes if that's the case lol.
I don't care how you look at me.

You want council presence and a townie killed, advocating for it to others. Both very bad, regardless the case who is incorrect.

The meme thing is a weird concern for town.


What could have been...
You're not gonna play the multiball card on me scum boi. I'm hunting everyone no ifs ands or buts.

Nice try though
so indie or need to get good then

let me break it down here

when i joined thread you were going after saber, i took 2 minutes of simple questioning to determine that your angle on saber was faulty because he was leading council votes before he got poisoned, and he is not a fodder. why did you not do this on yourself? maybe saber could still be scum but it took me very few questions (that you called busy work btw) to determine that your angle and adam's is not very good.

you then shifted to michelle who i vibe read town. i didnt have a strong reason to defend her so i didnt stick out for her, but it pinged me how you said both of us r reading each other strong town. can you evidence this from anywhere in thread? think u straight up made that up

then you swap to me, a town from my PoV, and without being able to articulate why i am scummy, you try to huff your chest and get a wagon going on me, then enter into this forced interaction with me where u r asking for receipts about something in the past when ive clearly said "recently" you havent been reading me well

what shud i make out of this ultra?
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