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It‘s so frustrating when you just want to chill and help people and then get called a detriment to Town, spiteful (when it isn’t spite and the reasons are valid, what scum hunting is Zem doing like at all?) and your intelligence gets insulted at every turn, too.
You are acting like you are the only person in this entire game that gets their words challenged, twisted, interpreted one way or another and so on.

Your word isn't the law, go chill out and revaluate your approach to the game


I will never forgive Oda
but town doesnt work with info early day 1, you make reads with guts, vibe, matching energy, and agreeable content

so are you accusing pot of tmi here? have you bothered asking why he reads those 5 people town?
Would you ever put anyone in your town category without info, purely off tonal reads?

I can understand town lean. I can understand something like that. But by giving 5 people that leeway is pretty absurd to me.


Custom title
@Charlie @SoulKiller @Pot Goblin @Ultra

Sorry, can someone give me a page # or link to where the Soulkiller / Ultra thing started? Checked my alerts and nobody @'d me. It'll be a bitch to find on mobile


started with forced push on michelle imo
It was not a forced push, it was geniune and I stand on my reads on her, you clearly didn't even attempt reading why I voted her and just brushing it under the brush as 'forced'.

then out of sudden he started to scum read me after i started to scum read him
This is also false, i didn't scum read you after you started scum reading me rofl. I didn't even put you in my scum pile. I merely was gauging your reaction and you were pretty over protective of yourself and pretty reactive. Like I didn't even push you or place a vote on you. When I was questioned about lynching you, I told muugen not today for there are other better candidates.

now this dodging showing his abilities, he also feels a lot like in his bullet train game (everyone who town reads him has "good reads" and everyone who doesn't, doesn't)
I already explained why I didn't allow someone to copy my ability lol. Like if you are geniunely townie here, this is just poor.


What could have been...
But you rather encourage Muugen‘s obvious nonsense and rile him up against me to derail the thread and trample on me, too, so you get your sweet distraction you will have for days.

Vote Flower.

I rather get lynched today, flip and get revived and see you guys burn right after than play your dumb Flower push game you do every game.

honestly, im proud of u

took 119 pages. kind of a new record


Sorry. I just can’t enjoy this here anymore.

It‘s so frustrating when you just want to chill and help people and then get called a detriment to Town, spiteful (when it isn’t spite and the reasons are valid, what scum hunting is Zem doing like at all?) and your intelligence gets insulted at every turn, too.

Literally they should stop treating me like crap every game.
You know what? If you think I am treating you like crap I am legit, sorry. I promised myself coming into this game I wouldn't get ugly with you after the last game.

Me not agreeing with you doesn't mean I'm treating you like crap. It means we have a different opinion of what we would do. You take things too personally.

Me or anyone else not believing something you or anyone said isn't personal. It's how the game is played.


The End and the Beginning
i don't disagree about Watson necessarily but can you share your thoughts on Soulkiller/Indigo/Flower situation? Like, I don't think SK is outed by any means, but I'd still say he looks worse out of 2 (well, 3)
I have been. Not too fond of Indigo on play, think Flower is town, Soul has been up and down but I think the speed of his wagon was gross, and some of the players voting him look awful off the back of it. So in totality, dontreally think it's a trifecta that's juicy enough to warrant Day 1 revolving around it.
He questions indigo who you scum read rather than you. Like you said, he barely made any posts but you town read him.
Yes, call it gut read. Same thing when you town read a player with low posts and you brush it off as vibe.

You are making the colleration that i town read him because he is questioning indigio. If anything it just tells me he is using his brain unlike the other sheep who hopped into the wagon and incapable of thinking for themselves lol.
35 is barely...
You fellas are monsters when it comes to post count how do you do it
Welp, what i meant is that he only started to town read you once you kinda went after same people he does.

@Charlie @SoulKiller @Pot Goblin @Ultra

Sorry, can someone give me a page # or link to where the Soulkiller / Ultra thing started? Checked my alerts and nobody @'d me. It'll be a bitch to find on mobile
Let's lynch charlie boy.

Having these people be at the council would only bring mayhem upon us.
there's earlier my post putting him as scum read but it's some pages away, here's where main discussion starts
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