ESC - Who shall win?

  • Entry 1

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 3

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • Entry 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 5

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 6

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Entry 7

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 8

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Entry 9

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Entry 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Entry 11

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Entry 12

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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C1 - The Waves Crushed in! + Countdown to day start! + Happy Valentine's Day!


Holy Simp
The First Waves! An Overwhelming Force! - Results

The Weebs failed to fend off most of the waves. Due to God's [Rej's] blessing, the waves disappeared. But repercussions are incomming!

Wave #1: Manipulative

Wave #2: Protective

Wave #3: Protective

Wave #4: Investigative

Wave #5: Preventative

Wave #6: Protective

Wave #7: Creative

<<<Countdown to Day 2 Start!>>>
Also wishing ya'll a happy valentine's day, love everyone of ya! Truly meaning it!
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Day 2 Start! - The Disappearance of Weebs!


Holy Simp
The Disappearance of Weebs!

Weeb bodies are burning left and right. What caused this in this eventful night?
The Weebs were sitting around a campfire and discuss then recent events. For once they seemingly did not succeed in defeating the waves, they really insisted to fight each other instead and form new rivalries. Atleast some of the Weebs are relieved, that the big bad evil in their center has been stopped.
But is that enough? More Weebs are in danger!

[Wangsheng Funeral Parlor] has been activated!
[Wangsheng Funeral Parlor] has been activated!
The Gods Mafia have killed @Dr. Watson [???]!
The Puppets Mafia have killed @Worst [???]!

[Inspect Woman] has been used on [???]
[Motor Cycle] has been used on [???] and [???]
[The Nun's Portait] has been used on [???]
[Janitor] has been activated
[Cybernetic Machine-gun Arm] has been used on [???]
[Eye of Storm Judgement] has been activated
[The Odd One Out] has been used on [???]
[Electro Vision] has been used on [???]
[Female Power] has been used on [???] and [???]
[Soul Perception] has been used on [???]
[True Ultimate Despair] has been used on [???]
[The Protecting Power] has been used on [???]
[Filolial Egg] has been used on [???]
[Vendetta] has been used on [???]
[Love Detective] has been used on [???] and [???]
[Salvador] has been used on [???]
[Soul Menace] has been used on [???] and [???]
[Former Offerings to a God] has been used on [???]
[Contract] has been used on [???]
[Skeleton Maid] has been used on [???]
[Planet Befall] has been used on [???], [???] and [???]
[Janitor] has been used on [???]
[Wind Release] has been used on [???]
[Magnifying Glasses] has been used on [???]
[3 Horse Mahai] has been used on [???], [???] and [???]
[Bloodline] has been activated

A role has been unjanitored.
@Lord Tentei [???] has been lynched!

Glass has been killed!
[Rondo] - Glass randomly attacks a player who visitted a wielder of a Cardinal or Vassal Weapon with a non benign or questionable ability. She wounds her target.
[The Fan Vassal Weapon] - Upon Glass's death, she will toss the Fan Vassal Weapon.
These Abilities have been tossed:
[Microphone] -
You are allowed to make a post during the night phase. Alternatively: Give a player a [Microphone]. [2-shots]
[A Massive Mansion] -
The Shadows House is a massive building, that even towers over the nearby town. Inside of it, it seems to contain it's own ecosystem of Shadows, Scorches and Living Dolls. The Shadows House is immune to preventative abilities, including rolecrushes.
-----[Star Bearers] - The Star Bearers are a group of uprising Shadows, that now watch over the children wing. They serve as a bridge towards Lord Grandfather's wing and thus supply the grown ups with informations. Whenever [A Massive Mansion] blocks a preventative ability, learn that visitors name during the end of the phase.

[Lord Grandfather] - Lord Grandfather is considered the father of all Shadows. Whenever the Lord Grandfather gets detected, he may speak justice upon his visitor. Toss half of their Arsenal. [2-shots]
-----[Lord Grandfather] -
Once this ability depletes: become immune to a lynch during the next day.

This Ability has been tossed, but it was also taken:
[The Vassal Fan] -
The weapon belonging to the Fan Vassal Hero.
-----[passive] - You are immune to tossing.
-----[active] - Toss a random ability from your target. Or fully occupy a creative wave instead. [2 cycles cooldown]
By killing or lynching the current holder of the Vassal Fan.

Day 2 has started! You have 48 hours to discuss decide on a lynch! Actions and votes lock after 47 hours! More WU's inc.
@Fujishiro will join your role PMs, as of now he will be helping me with tracking your finances and making votecounts! Welcome our new Weebs co-host! :sweat:


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I targetted you but it failed.

If I'm roleblocked then will it say my action failed or that I got blocked.
well thats a shame either you or i were blocked - maybe that stalker ability roleblocked me tbh
i assume it was this?
[Trade Copper] has been used on [???]
You don't find out why your ability failed. Could be for many reasons. If you were blocked you shouldn't get any message saying you were block, only that you failed.
most host do make you aware that you were roleblocked at least rolecrushed in most cases, similar to when you are poisoned and such.
I can only protect if I win RPS lol. Conditional protects are a bit annoying tbh.
for someone who just told udell to keep his info to himself you sure went and overshared yourself.
MUUGEN is probably scum, serial killer or cultist. I doubt you were block tbh. Also he putting energy into open scum while he dodges your question.

Anyway back to minding my business.
how would kagu's ability failing on me equate to me being specifically SK/Cult?

open scumming with rion? please do elaborate.

& she had just answered my question......

you sure are reaching here.
What makes you think that about MUUGEN ? Cuz i have my reasons to suspect him too, should we take him down ?
oh is this cause you arent dead yet thinking id spite you?
If I am scum then I wouldn't target Flower because she has not yet established herself as a strong townie other than being vouched for by Al only.

People like Ekko, Fuji, Muugen, Charlie, Naomi, Al sama, T pein, SK etc would be hot targets imo. They have been most active and vocal. While Flower has been quite inactive.
well i mean ive been targeted with quite a lot last cycle given the info
How is he open scumming?
dont believe he has/had an answer for that one, just making shit up cause i called him out on being a dick.
Let's just say that if i had a KS they'd be signing up for a new game cuz their weebs adventure would be OVER
do you have mech info on them or just hunch/read?

i dont particularly like either one.

kekko didnt even give his thoughts after "catching" up.
I am a miller claim.
Imma get lynched eventually.
Also I am not gonna be doing anything ability wise.
youre just wasting your slot at this point no one is even suspecting you and if it was an issue you shouldve just kept miller info to yourself.

just start using abilities if they can/will benefit town.
just to get on the same page

1. you scum read fooj

2. you do not want fooj to win because u think its possible EVC is bad and fooj will get a buff

3. you want us to make a player who we town read win the contest to get the buff (even if their ability is not very useful)

okay my questions here

1. what if EVC is good (or even if bad) but what if it really lets us keep the abilities? would u not want the night lynch? based on what charlie and me r saying in regards to abilities being nerfed does it not make sense to u that the winner probably gets to keep their abilities?

2. do u think fooj just outs himself like this to push for his ability just to get the buff? if we dont get to keep our abilities then fooj isnt stupid to just out himself for it. is that what u think?

like i lost track of what u r trying to do with fooj. just seem like u dont wanna buff him cuz u scum read him, regardless of how beneficial the night lynch may be (or the possibility that we will get the night lynch to begin with)

it just looks like fooj is pushing a possibility and u r pushing another. but u have not provided us with an alternative

whats ur current position here. if not fooj who do u want to vote then? i dont recall u saying it yet. also whats ur current read of fooj? i need to know. at this point gna assume ur just phoning in that scum read
is this all you had to say or was their more?

for someone who had a lot to say you only focused on player. suprised it wasnt broki.
Baki is innocent too. Thats all info I have this DP.
why would you even share this info?

& what ability is yours that you used alignment check on baki and was this onii or you that submitted it?
Nah, he doesn't.
lol what?
I thought he was scum from DP0 tbh. He was clearly going for the easiest lynch possible. I made it my business to annoy him and Ekko until they stop. I would have to be a moron to be scum and playing like that. Apparently not having time to read a thread makes you scummy.
easiest lynch iirc correctly i was pushing ekko, flower and juliet majority of DP0 all hard lynches to pull off.

if i was going for the easiest lynch possible i wouldve hopped on kagus wagon yet i didnt not even once.

iirc i voted you cause you said you wont play until you can use abilities and you didnt care to be a team player or participate in D0 - iirc i also asked you to vote yourself saying you were ok with being the lynch and you would vote yourself but you bitched out.
The key thing I notice is that the same thing he did DP0 is what he did DP1. He kept a lower profile this DP though.
& what exactly is that?

i mean i did say id be busier today and have been continuing on in engaging multiple players and discussing when ive been around so much so that you claimed i was open scumming and ignoring kagus answer to my own question saying i was hostile indie.

see your logic doesnt make sense here. sounds like youre just spitting nonsene out of spite. do you have any other reads or thoughts?

nessos's timing for coming online to say he is busy has been great so far

mithatch was happily fluffing but we started game solving he went MIA

that's my issue she isn't doing much besides gambit
we can focus him and gambit today, im 98% sure theyre both scum here tbh

gotcha i think ive only seen one mitch post tbh as wel;

@Underworld Broker can you give us a full reads list and thoughts please?
4587 this is where he said that he used the ability on me
cool thanks baki, appreciate it.
Alright everyone, if our lynch Tentei flips town, then we have to deal with the fact that he got a guilty investigation on this slot.

This action was used, it makes me switch alignment with a target player for a cycle.
If someone investigates me, the result will be the target's alignment.
If someone investigates the target, the result will be my alignment.

This ability was used on @MUUGEN this cycle. Meaning our alignments have switched. If Tentei got a guilty result, then this means that he indirectly caught a guilty person.

My true alignment is innocent.

All I said here is the truth, if someone wants to check any part of it either by revealing the "???" or by truth-checking any part of this post through an ability, be my guest.

Tagging everyone as this might determine our night lynch, remember this is only valid in case Tentei is innocent.

why would you reveal info before a flip even happened, you may have targeted me but the results are false that much is true, you'd only come out with info like this if you were trying to save face, given the fact your slot has been more so scum read the timing is off for me. for starters im not even sure how that is inherently a towns ability you swap your true alignment with another players? sounds more like scum ability tbh since its essentially a self busdrive for invest. Given you stated it was an Onii ability usage the timing was I was heavily Town read while he was heavily Scum read. you also went out of your way to tag the entire lobby to plead your case..

like i said im not doubting the ability target and usage but your true alignment and intentions with this post.
Its an ability of mine. I already mentioned it in the post.

I don't even know whats the point of using such an ability this early. Because it needs teamwork that I won't have in cycle 1.
i do appreciate you coming out with some info earlier in the game but it also does set up rions invest results quite perfectly here.

@MUUGEN you tried to pocket me?? :pepecafe:
that would require me to be scum.

What do you have to say about this? thoughts?
the timing is off and the ability usage doesnt sound town.
ok but why would town have something like this??

also what's the point of using it without telling anyone unless you're scum??
my thoughts exactly.

to his credit he did say it earlier in game but not sure why he felt the need to announce that invest in him from the start would scan another player.
8 as in broki is town or scum here?
If Tentei is saying the truth about the invest and flips town, yes Muu is guilty.

This is coming out now because I didn't have time to play today until now. I just subbed for Fuji this phase.
well rions flip was janitored so id say that was a hard indication that he was indeed scum. if he was telling the truth here why would his alignment matter we did see the ability used in the wu he claims to have had but the ability usage for his claimed character doesnt align. i think it was udell who pointed out the ability usage for flavor/player.
What town role has teamwork between different townies ?

I'm sure you know Al.

Fuji used it and stayed silent about this in the thread. Ask him, I'm here in an attempt to catch a scum and survive a bit to estabilsh something important.

I need to get scum killed for my role to become useful, otherwise I am closer to being a vanilla than anything.
masons would be the ability/role id guess, but you can also elaborate on that bit.

so if onii was silent about it why did you discuss it?
They both scum, don't overthink it.
oh since when have you been scum reading me and why?
wanna bet ? i think tentei is telling the truth and MUUGEN has been lying to us since the start of this game, time for another stabby stab Sir Muugen!
what have i been lying about?
So yeah, I keep getting hit with s*** and I'm prob a goner soon. Thanks for ruining my experience yet again, scums, and thank you so much fellow Town for not sending me a heal or a protect after I repeatedly asked in the thread.

Really losing motivation to even play here.
well this post aged well:
Emotional tantrums and unnecessary victim playing incoming ......
for someone whose not doing shit in thread ur crying too much kik
for someone who has "good" protection to begin with she sure is being selfish here with asking for more protections on her to begin with.
Either that or because I have a good protect ability. I would really appreciate some help here -_-...

I really don't know what Fuji even wanted to do with this play he made, its such a high risk high reward move

If Tentei flips town and was saying the truth, then I can give a scum on a silver platter on Day 2.
I'll probably be the main target for the night lynch, which means I'll have to try to get the scum lynched.
also found these post quite amusing given the timing of it all - a night lynch wasnt even going to be possible this cycle so why were you so concerned about your health here id even say in regards to priority youre on the lower end of the totem pole.

you clearly said you wanted to wait til cycle 2 to share info yet went out of your way to try and paint me as scum.
Power games result C1/D2


Holy Simp
The Top of the Top gathers!

The Weebs have slowly started to gain influence in the world, even with miserable success, there came a small group to be, naming themselves the "Upper Six".

Whoever is highly positioned in the ladder, will have gains and influences from the economy, everything is yours, shops, merchants and market chains! Let's welcome the top of the Town!
  1. Kagurashii
  2. Apollo
  3. BakiDou
  4. Muugen
  5. Alwaysmind
  6. Udell
  7. Underworld Broker
  8. T-Pein
  9. Naomi
  10. Zolo
  11. Rottkins
  12. Soulkiller
  13. Xlaw
  14. Nessos
  15. Gambit
  16. MitchMatch
  17. Ryu Kishi
  18. oddoddfruit
  19. Mashiro Blue
  20. Random Asshole
  21. Charlie
  22. Monochrome Yoru
  23. Ariess
  24. Destroya
  25. Juliet
  26. AL sama
  27. Michelle
  28. Ekkologix
  29. Flower

The Top of the Top gathers!

The Weebs have slowly started to gain influence in the world, even with miserable success, there came a small group to be, naming themselves the "Upper Six".

Whoever is highly positioned in the ladder, will have gains and influences from the economy, everything is yours, shops, merchants and market chains! Let's welcome the top of the Town!

  1. Kagurashii
  2. Apollo
  3. BakiDou
  4. Muugen
  5. Alwaysmind
  6. Udell
  7. Underworld Broker
  8. T-Pein
  9. Naomi
  10. Zolo
  11. Rottkins
  12. Soulkiller
  13. Xlaw
  14. Nessos
  15. Gambit
  16. MitchMatch
  17. Ryu Kishi
  18. oddoddfruit
  19. Mashiro Blue
  20. Random Asshole
  21. Charlie
  22. Monochrome Yoru
  23. Ariess
  24. Destroya
  25. Juliet
  26. AL sama
  27. Michelle
  28. Ekkologix
  29. Flower

feels good to be in the top 1%


✯ ✧ 𝔾 𝕠 𝕕 𝕠 𝕗 𝕃 𝕚 𝕖 𝕤 ✧ ✯
The Top of the Top gathers!

The Weebs have slowly started to gain influence in the world, even with miserable success, there came a small group to be, naming themselves the "Upper Six".

Whoever is highly positioned in the ladder, will have gains and influences from the economy, everything is yours, shops, merchants and market chains! Let's welcome the top of the Town!

  1. Kagurashii
  2. Apollo
  3. BakiDou
  4. Muugen
  5. Alwaysmind
  6. Udell
  7. Underworld Broker
  8. T-Pein
  9. Naomi
  10. Zolo
  11. Rottkins
  12. Soulkiller
  13. Xlaw
  14. Nessos
  15. Gambit
  16. MitchMatch
  17. Ryu Kishi
  18. oddoddfruit
  19. Mashiro Blue
  20. Random Asshole
  21. Charlie
  22. Monochrome Yoru
  23. Ariess
  24. Destroya
  25. Juliet
  26. AL sama
  27. Michelle
  28. Ekkologix
  29. Flower

I feel like if I saw list of approved students from my year again

Mashiro Blue

𝓦𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓾𝓹𝓸𝓷 𝓪 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻 ✰
Vote for Your President now! +C1 Results

[Presidental Campaign] has been activated!

A message from Joe Biden:

Players are asked to silently vote for their prefered choice as president! Vote in your role DM between:

Joe Biden:


The president will receive benefits. You have time until the cycle ends.

During Cycle 1: Chika Fujiwara has won the presidental election! Congrats!
Ofc no one would vote for a bald old politician guy.

People know what's up by voting Chika for Prez


The Sol King
why would you even share this info?

& what ability is yours that you used alignment check on baki and was this onii or you that submitted it?
why would you reveal info before a flip even happened, you may have targeted me but the results are false that much is true, you'd only come out with info like this if you were trying to save face, given the fact your slot has been more so scum read the timing is off for me. for starters im not even sure how that is inherently a towns ability you swap your true alignment with another players? sounds more like scum ability tbh since its essentially a self busdrive for invest. Given you stated it was an Onii ability usage the timing was I was heavily Town read while he was heavily Scum read. you also went out of your way to tag the entire lobby to plead your case..

like i said im not doubting the ability target and usage but your true alignment and intentions with this post.
i do appreciate you coming out with some info earlier in the game but it also does set up rions invest results quite perfectly here.

masons would be the ability/role id guess, but you can also elaborate on that bit.

so if onii was silent about it why did you discuss it?
also found these post quite amusing given the timing of it all - a night lynch wasnt even going to be possible this cycle so why were you so concerned about your health here id even say in regards to priority youre on the lower end of the totem pole.

you clearly said you wanted to wait til cycle 2 to share info yet went out of your way to try and paint me as scum.
The alignment check is here:
[Rolecop] has been used on [???]
was used on Baki and returned innocent.

I didn't have time to play after I subbed until late into the DP, the info about Baki being innocent should be shared.

My alignment is innocent, and anyone can invest me if they want as I won't use the switch alignment ability. Unless town wants to work with me on that.

You're right about my role, but I am severely limited in abilities. At least for now.

I wasn't sure about the night lynch, but if it did happen we would have no night chat at all. If I got voted for whatever happened before I subbed that would suck. I would have no way of defending myself.

As for waiting for D2, it was something I considered: Keep the result secret, when Tentei dies I can then choose what to do: If Tentei is innocent, I will know you're guilty. If he flips scum, I will dismiss it.

Since Tentei flipped 3rd party, I am wondering again about you Muu.
Tentei's AtE and guilty result from last day looked genuine. Apollo and Muugen look like to me they are on opposing mafia team. Apollo said he busdrove himself with Muugen and the weird thing is Fuji town read Muugen and busdrove himself with Muugen. Town doesn't busdrive themself with a town read of theirs and only scum does that. My scum read on Muugen is from Tentei's guilty result and I didn't like his vote.
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