[FNZ] Role Madness WG Memes Mafia - Boys Vs Girls Game Thread

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Ok ladies how about we make a deal here ?

Last night i was able to permanently change my primary role to a role with a gender fluid condition, yep you heard that right now i can be whatever gender i want!

To be more precise I'm now a Huawei MateView GT i have some very nice abilities for example I'm in the possession of Hime's, Ratchet's and Midnight's roles rn

So how about we team up? I'm willing to betray the boys here ( and u know I'd do it with no remorse)
Ok ladies how about we make a deal here ?

Last night i was able to permanently change my primary role to a role with a gender fluid condition, yep you heard that right now i can be whatever gender i want!

To be more precise I'm now a Huawei MateView GT i have some very nice abilities for example I'm in the possession of Hime's, Ratchet's and Midnight's roles rn

So how about we team up? I'm willing to betray the boys here ( and u know I'd do it with no remorse)
U scared?

I got "put to sleep" yesterday.
Why are mafia wasting stuff on me?
I am harmless.
Also I was sent that thing that killed Rej.
I sent it to rej and he died.
Day 3 - Final Vote Count


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Day 3 - Final Vote Count

Boys Lynch:

AM - > Naomi > Ratchet
Odd -> Ratchet
Charlie -> Ratchet

Girls Lynch:
Juliet -> Worst
Natalija -> Worst
Hime -> Worst
Joy -> Worst
Ratchet -> Worst
Michelle -> Worst
Mono -> Worst

Worst = 7 (Juliet, Natalija, Hime, Joy, atchet, Michelle, Mono)
Ratchet = 3 (AM, Odd, Charlie)

Vote Lynch Zolo
Guys it's Ratchet, he's a dirty traitor.

Vote Lynch Ratchet
Change vote lynch ratchet
Idk, Vote Lynch Ratchet
Worst's posts come across as sinister to me and it looks like he is something big.

Vote Lynch Worst
Can join you just in case, yesterday I didn’t even get the chance to vote

Vote lynch Worst
Vote Lynch Worst

Day 3 - Mango's primary (Giga Super RM RPG 4Fun Spammers) was titled lewdest and kicked out. midnight's primary (???) have died


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Day 3 - The Strike Back!

@MangoSenpai 's primary role (Giga Super RM RPG 4Fun Spammers) was titled the lewdest and is kicked out of the game!

@Midnight Delight 's primary role (???) has died!

Day 3 - worst's primary (Hold This L) was majority lynched and ratchet's primary (The Eternal Godfather) was plurality lynched


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Day 3 Lynch - Vengeance

@Worst 's primary role (Hold This L) was majority lynched! His Akai @Peroroncino has left the game with him.

@Ratchet 's primary role (The Eternal Godfather) was plurality lynched!


Night 3 Start - The Mind Games

It is now night 3. Night ends in a little less than 24 hours.
Actions will lock 1 hr before night end.
Night will end earlier if everyone submits and locks in their actions.

Night 3 ends in - Countdown

Night 3 - The Leaders


No dude... that's a bike...!!
Night 3 - The Leaders

The Boys Town Leader has protected @oddoddfruit 's primary, @Midnight Delight 's secondary, and @MangoSenpai 's secondary roles from the Girls Mafia and Indie actions tonight.

The Boys Scum Leader has protected @Rottkins 's primary, @Alwaysmind 's primary, and @TheAncientCenturion 's secondary roles from the Girls Town actions tonight.

The Girls Town Leader has protected @Ratchet 's secondary, @Natalija 's primary, @AverageNamiEnjoyer 's primary, and @Michelle 's primary roles from the Boys Mafia and Indie actions tonight.

The Girls Scum Leader has protected @Flower 's secondary, @Meeyori 's secondary, @Juliet 's primary and @AverageNamiEnjoyer 's primary roles from the Boys Town actions.

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