[FNZ] Role Madness WG Memes Mafia - Boys Vs Girls Game Thread

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What could have been...
Night 3 End - The RNG Gods

@Ratchet 's primary role (The Eternal Godfather) was revived!

@Naomi 's primary role has became a 20% lightning rod tonight!

@Meeyori 's primary role (Father) has died tonight!

@Rottkins 's secondary role (Frank) has died tonight!


Day 4 Start - Eyes On The Horizon

It is now day 4. You have 24 hours to reach majority on a player.

Ceasefire is enabled.

The Majority required to lynch a player today is 11 votes

Day 4 ends in - Countdown



What could have been...
This game is intended to be decently fast paced and filled with action. You will know what I mean when you see the Lynches and Roles section. Mastery of these mechanics and roles are what will give you the edge against the enemy gender! Additionally, your contribution and activity will be required for your gender's victory.
I know people are busy but please keep this in mind.
You have the ability to end the night fast if all actions are submitted and locked, or simply say abstain if abstaining.
Day 4 - Final Vote Count


What could have been...
Day 4 - Final Vote Count

Boys Lynch:
Charlie -> Ratchet
Mindight -> Ratchet

Girls Lynch:
Natalija -> TAC
Rej -> TAC
Ratchet -> TAC

TAC = 3 (Nat, Ratchet, Rej)
Ratchet = 2 (Midnight, Charlie)

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Day 4 Lynch - Ratchet (The Eternal Godfather) was executed. The plurality lynch on TAC failed.


What could have been...

Day 4 Lynch - Back To The Grave

@Ratchet 's primary role (The Eternal Godfather) was executed by the King!

The plurality lynch on @TheAncientCenturion 's secondary role has failed!

The Hololive Split - Lewdest Tourny is a passive, therefore it resolves right as the day start. The results will be announced once players submit their RPS. I will RNG it if I received no RPS from players by the time the Leaders WU is announced.


Night 4 Start - The Change Of Plans

It is now night 4. You have a little less than 23 hours to submit your actions.
Night will end early if everyone submits and locks in their actions.

Night 4 ends in - Countdown

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What could have been...
Execution is selected. Day has ended. Everyone stop posting please
Day 4 - Final Vote Count

Boys Lynch:
Charlie -> Ratchet
Mindight -> Ratchet

Girls Lynch:
Natalija -> TAC
Rej -> TAC
Ratchet -> TAC

TAC = 3 (Nat, Ratchet, Rej)
Ratchet = 2 (Midnight, Charlie)

Day 4 Lynch - Back To The Grave

@Ratchet 's primary role (The Eternal Godfather) was executed by the King!

The plurality lynch on @TheAncientCenturion 's secondary role has failed!

The Hololive Split - Lewdest Tourny is a passive, therefore it resolves right as the day start. The results will be announced once players submit their RPS. I will RNG it if I received no RPS from players by the time the Leaders WU is announced.


Night 4 Start - The Change Of Plans

It is now night 4. You have a little less than 23 hours to submit your actions.
Night will end early if everyone submits and locks in their actions.

Night 4 ends in - Countdown

Edited this and day 2 writeup.
Majority is not reached per se. This is a king execution on Ratchet in day 4 and Flowa in day 2

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Joygirl's primary role (Wueen) was titled the lewdest kicked out. Seven7's old and new primary roles (Town's Serial Killer and The Chadnight Delight) were emotionlessly murdered for inactivity


What could have been...
Night 4 - The 3 Horsemen Of L's - Leaders, Lewdest and... a Little Sheep

@Joygirl 's primary role (Wueen) was titled the Lewdest and is kicked out of the game!

@Kurozumi Seven7 's old and new primary roles (Town's Serial Killer) and (The Chadnight Delight) were emotionlessly murdered for inactivity!

Night 4 continues.


The Boys Town Leader has protected @Rottkins 's primary, @oddoddfruit 's primary, and @Midnight Delight 's secondary roles from the Girls Indie and Mafia actions this night.

The Boys Scum Leader has protected @TheAncientCenturion 's secondary, @T-Pein™ 's secondary, and @Rottkins 's primary roles from the Girls Town actions this night.

The Girls Town Leader has protected @Naomi 's primary, @Natalija 's primary, and @Michelle 's primary roles from the Boys Indie and Mafia actions this night.

The Girls Scum Leader has protected @Flower 's secondary, @Natalija 's primary, @Juliet 's primary, and @Meeyori 's secondary roles from the Boys Town actions this night.

Night ends in a little less than 12 hours.
Actions lock 1 hr before night end or when everyone submits and locks in their actions.

Night 4 ends in - Countdown

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What could have been...
Night 4 End - Edo Tensei

@Ratchet 's primary role (The Eternal Godfather), @Rej 's primary role (Gamberu~~), and @Meeyori 's primary role (Father) were revived!

@Alwaysmind's primary role (???) has died tonight! He is still able to post in the game thread.


Day 5 Start - We're In The End Game Now

It is now Day 5. You have a little over 24 hours to reach a majority on a player.
Ceasefire is enabled.

The required amount of votes to reach majority today is - 11 votes

Day 5 ends in - Countdown

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