I've been replaying the few games I got to play as a child, since around last Dec or so.
First was Spider-Man Friend or Foe. It was fun. Side characters were kinda lame and I had to keep stopping myself from spamming certain moves, but it was a fun if not large game.
Next was Battlefront 2, the classic one. I played this in 2013 or so on a potato PC and am have only now experienced it in its full glory. It's awesome! Library mission in Knightfall was hell though until I started using the engineer, and the rest of it was even worse with all the damn Jedi and Anakin constantly dying.
Had an embarrassing gaffe in the Yavin mission where I completely fucked myself by not understanding where I was supposed to put the bomb. Also the Dark Trooper is supposedly really OP but I can't play it for shit without dying super fast. On the other hand the sniper classes were super easy to use and base clone/soldier etc were easily the ones I had the best success with.
Also everyone really hypes up the Hoth map in this game but I hated it and thought it was ass. Kamino on the other hand was really fun and atmospheric - I kept loading it up in Instant Action and ditching my team so I could fuck around the map with a jetpack. I also kept replaying Mygeeto out of nostalgia. And ofc there's the Mos Eisley assault map where you can just play as any Hero/Villain. Luke was my fave.
Next was PoP: Sands of Time. I never got to play this one actually, just had the CDs for all three POP games lying around which didn't work on the aforementioned potato PC. This one was fun but also REALLY frustrating and challenging. The camera angles had me seething more than once because they're all over the place like no tomorrow, ESPECIALLY during combat. Which is not a good thing because the combat is very complicated!
Enemies can block, have unblockable attacks, are tanky, require a special action to defeat and if you don't do it they will keep coming at you. And these guys WILL gang up on you, which is really bad if you get hit with the unblockable attack that knocks you flat on your ass, because then you have to jump to get back up.
It's especially annoying because sometimes you have to protect Farah, who is fragile, prone to hitting you with her arrows and will die if not rescued on time. What makes it worse is that she keeps moaning like she's in the throes of climax everytime she gets hit significantly, which is REALLY distracting.
....Also I'm embarrassed to admit that I never got to use the Mega Freeze attack except once on the Vizier, which is something I intend to remedy upon replaying the game next time. I didn't even know how to use it until I went online, which is also how I found out how to deal with the different types of enemies. I also got stuck a lot more than once on certain parts due to sucking at the puzzles/parkour, which was a very humbling experience that helped me figure out a lot of my own mental blindspots.
Anyways, I'm playing Warrior Within next and then Two Thrones, after which I plan on moving on to the very first game I've ever played - TMNT 2007. I might hunt down some other PC games next - looking for a way to play some Spider-Man games like Shattered Dimensions, Web of Shadows and Edge of Time which aren't around anymore. I also plan on playing TF2 at some point.
Sorry for the super long post! This is the first time in years - like 5 or 6 - that I've played any games on PC that weren't free online, so there's a lot I felt like typing out lol.