What Are You Currently Playing?

Owlboy - Close to beating, finally got passed riding the worm part, now with extra life and upgrades, it has been a breeze and fun so far, Beautiful sprite work and music.

Transistor - Just started playing, Laptop can now run it now that I did a full reset and the frame rate is no longer trash, So far so good, need to be more tactical since these enemies require you to counter and destroy them before they drain your life, they do a shit ton of damage.
Divine 2 The Dragon Knight Saga(version of Developers cut), love that this game give you possibility to play as real dragon, not just morf one time and period, but for real fly, burn enemies.(whenever you want, except caves ofc) At my memory this is one and only game at such genre - action role-playing that give you such ability in game. Saying more in this game you have normal character skills and dragon skills that you should imrove, I'm not even talking about skill system that give you possibility to play whatever you want, you can learn skills of any class. But if you will play it, you should try on hightest lvl of difficulty.
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Homie you guys need to stop posting every time you beat a fight in a gacha anime game.

Anyway I beat Prey (base game, don't have the dlc and it's unlikely I ever will cuz that game dragged for 80% of it)

Played some Monster Hunter World with a friend who I met via his twitch streams.

Played some Party Hard, Crawl, etc with a friend.

Did 3.9 levels in Star Wars: Dark Forces but quit cuz holy shit is this game kind of repetitive, so I completed 3 levels and quit almost fully through a level cuz meh. I might try to dupe a friend into taking turns playing it at some point so I can finish it.

Also played dragon ball fighterz with another guy and did some of the story mode alone.

I beat generation 22 of Mabinogi, an mmo I've played since 08.

I probably plan on playing some vr or sunset overdrive next, along with some more mabinogi.