I know y'all think I hate Sanji because I think he’s ass but he’s clearly the most interesting Strawhat to discuss because of the ambiguity in his strength. So in this thread I’m not bashing him but curious to what you think Sanji needs to reach the levels that the current fandom is expecting him to reach?
In my opinion:
1. Future Sight - This would be great for Sanjis fighting style and really complement his speed. The reason I say that is because speed seems to be the best counter to FS but if the user is as fast as Sanji it’ll be almost impossible to outspeed him.
2. ACoA Internal Destruction - This would add a lot to Sanji’s fighting style. He is a CQC master that focuses on potency as opposed to AOE so this would add to the potency of his attacks and allow him to bypass the defenses of characters like Kaido and Big Mom.
There are a few more things that would really push him over the edge but I don’t think are necessary like:
ACoC - just to add power (but Oda can already buff his attack power however much he wants.
Ranged Attacks - But his speed should allow him to blitz most characters to dodge or attack which can cover range.
I think the two points earlier should be enough to get him to low top tier or maybe even mid. Mind you, in my opinion low top tiers are people like Law and mid top tier would be someone like Kizaru.
In my opinion:
1. Future Sight - This would be great for Sanjis fighting style and really complement his speed. The reason I say that is because speed seems to be the best counter to FS but if the user is as fast as Sanji it’ll be almost impossible to outspeed him.
2. ACoA Internal Destruction - This would add a lot to Sanji’s fighting style. He is a CQC master that focuses on potency as opposed to AOE so this would add to the potency of his attacks and allow him to bypass the defenses of characters like Kaido and Big Mom.
There are a few more things that would really push him over the edge but I don’t think are necessary like:
ACoC - just to add power (but Oda can already buff his attack power however much he wants.
Ranged Attacks - But his speed should allow him to blitz most characters to dodge or attack which can cover range.
I think the two points earlier should be enough to get him to low top tier or maybe even mid. Mind you, in my opinion low top tiers are people like Law and mid top tier would be someone like Kizaru.