General & Others What disappointed you the most in Wano?

People really try to pick things that they think ruined Wano lol. Wano is bad as a whole, even as a concept it is still fucking bad, you can't just pick things out of it and make it better, it's impossible. It's like trying to make shit eatable by cleaning, like that's stupid, you're never gonna make shit eatable just like you're never gonna make Wano good by removing things that you personally didn't like. For Wano to be good it has to be completely rewritten, even up characters personalities to make it good.

CoC: Color of Clowns

Science(Knowledge) + God(Light) = Truth
Since the arc is basically over, I think it's fine to ask this question.
Can be the treatment of one or several characters, story choices from Oda, dropped plot points, a particular fight... etc.
That there was too much going on for big moments to hit hard.

Izou dying should have been huge. It felt like an afterthought.

There was so much going on in Wano and so build up to things that didn't happen, that, even though people wanted the arc to end, everyone still felt like it was unfinished. Either Oda tried to do way too much and had to cut out a lot of the good stuff, or the arc became so bloated that it needed a mini-break before we come back to it.

Either way, Wano just had too much going on. The anime has been WAY better at times, IMO (besides the fucking auras and episodes with bad pacing), since it gives time for the bigger moments to matter. The recent Big Mom scenes have been really well done.
What I loved-
Law & Kidd vs Big Mom
Monster Robin
Rooftop 5 fight
Zoro vs King
Law vs Hawkins & Killer vs Hawkins
Roger & Whitebeard + their crew's moments (even though I had to muddle through Odens)

What I hated (unfortunately, a much longer list)-
Gear 5 Luffy was done sloppily.
Greenbull was pointless and overhyped.
Kaido was just a brute with zero depth.
The pointless return of Linlin.
The Scabbard got very annoying and most were useless.
The fake out deaths.
The actual deaths had no impact.
The damned Kinemon fart jokes!
Izo's off panel death (would rather Kiku died tbh).
The prison arc was boring af and way too long.
Queen was a buffoon, I couldn't take seriously.
The Beast Pirates were complete trash and a waste!
Too much focus on unnecessary side characters.
Law destroying Hawkins OFF PANEL!
Oden was a complete idiot.
No Sulong Bepo!
Yamato was obnoxious af and a complete "Mary Sue".
Zoro backstory tease (why start it then drop it Oda?!)
Zoro's sword switcharoos should have been more impactful.
Kidd could have been done better, as it is he looks the weakest of the 3.
X-Drake might as well have never even existed.
The pacing and length- this story should have ended in 2 yrs max not 4!
1) too many and uninteresting scabbards/ kanjuro was wasted.
2) arc was too long.
3) instead of a cool and skilled shogun that would be zoro's main rival, we got orochi.
4) kaido should have killed kinemon.
5) drake's presense was completely pointless.
6) the way big mom pirates were removed from the plotline was so cheap.
7) kaido vs scabbards had no impact in the story overall.
8) big mom having zero attack damage.
9) kaido should have never one shotted luffy in the first place.
10) chopper miraculously finding the cure was so predictable.
11) zoro learning advance haki out of nowhere was too forced.
12) momo becoming adult doesnt even make sense if its not by boney.

Adam 🍎

Pretty Boy
Where to begin christ

I'll just do big 3

Big Mom was a waste of space in Wano same as Yasui. So much time wasted on them that could have been spent in a far better way

Fights against Calamities were underwhelming, Zoro got his ass kicked by King and needed King to dumb down for him to land a shot. Like what the hell is that? Why write characters so strong you have no other option but to dumb them down in order for MC to win? Sanji vs Queen was decent until whole Germa tech shit. If Queen can replicate that tech then why the fuck didn't he give it to other headliners, tobi roppo and others? On top of that Queen got clowned hard pre Sanji it felt bad watching it. Jack, well what the fuck was even Jack.

And final, what is the point of rubbing that Yamato nakama dick so hard only to pull the rug under it? Like GTFO oda.

Honorary mentions, whole idea of Cross Guild is dumb af, Mihawk getting hype via tittle he never fucking showed any inclination, Page 1 and Ulti
People really try to pick things that they think ruined Wano lol. Wano is bad as a whole, even as a concept it is still fucking bad, you can't just pick things out of it and make it better, it's impossible. It's like trying to make shit eatable by cleaning, like that's stupid, you're never gonna make shit eatable just like you're never gonna make Wano good by removing things that you personally didn't like. For Wano to be good it has to be completely rewritten, even up characters personalities to make it good.
exactly....Wano is bad as a whole...fell flat in much wasted had potential to become the best arc...but got ruined because Oda trying too hard to "subvert"
most of us are not satisfied because Wano left us with so many unresolved issues, & I think they will be resolved in future arcs, & there's probably a return to Wano as well, so I don't think we judge Wano right now because future events will depend on Wano
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for me the most important issues that need to be resolved are about Zoro, Yamato, Big mom, King, Pluton, Onigashima, & Toki
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