Powers & Abilities What is conquerors haki exactly?

It seems to only be this thing you use to knock out fodders which is useful, Luffy saved Ace’s life with it afterall but it’s also the only haki that we don’t know much about.

Before I thought Rayleigh used Conquerors haki to free Caimei from the neck cuff exploding. In the anime it looked like he transported the explosion but it turns out that was advanced observation which doesn’t make as much sense because the neck cuffs in Udon work differently from the Celestial Dragon ones.

It appears to be more than just intimidation or a clash of wills, there is physical component to it, like when Shanks damaged part of Whitebeards ship because of it.

And it looks like you don’t need to be in the D clan to have it but you just need to have ambition.

Do you guys have any theories on what conquerors haki is exactly, like its origins.

What if it’s the spirit of joyboy or something that was inherited by the 20 kingdoms and certain people awaken this spirit if they have a strong enough will.

Just like DF’s, I think Haki has a beginning aswell and the concept became a thing during the Void Century.

critical mindset

EMP wave that shuts out the weak willed people that are vibrating on low frequencies
It seems to only be this thing you use to knock out fodders which is useful, Luffy saved Ace’s life with it afterall but it’s also the only haki that we don’t know much about.

Before I thought Rayleigh used Conquerors haki to free Caimei from the neck cuff exploding. In the anime it looked like he transported the explosion but it turns out that was advanced observation which doesn’t make as much sense because the neck cuffs in Udon work differently from the Celestial Dragon ones.

It appears to be more than just intimidation or a clash of wills, there is physical component to it, like when Shanks damaged part of Whitebeards ship because of it.

And it looks like you don’t need to be in the D clan to have it but you just need to have ambition.

Do you guys have any theories on what conquerors haki is exactly, like its origins.

What if it’s the spirit of joyboy or something that was inherited by the 20 kingdoms and certain people awaken this spirit if they have a strong enough will.

Just like DF’s, I think Haki has a beginning aswell and the concept became a thing during the Void Century.
Haki is the secondary power system of One Piece and Devil fruits are the primary power system. But Haki is similar to the power systems of your traditional shounen manga it’s an innate ability that can be trained to strengthen one’s self and it allows you to sense other people and their strength. Like Chi in Dragon Ball, Chakra in Naruto or Reiryoku in Bleach. However what distinguishes Haki from other shounen is conqueror’s Haki and it’s connection to a core theme of One Piece: WILL. The ability or freedom to choose what you do or don’t do.

Conqueror’s Haki is rare and can’t be learned. You have to be born with it, and you can strengthen it, as it’s strength is directly proportional to the wielder.

It’s wielders have been described as having the qualities of a king( and called Supreme Kings.). We haven’t been explained what this means, but we can assume, that like a king they stand above the rest. Imposing their wills over those with lesser resolve. This effect causes weak willed people like Fodder to pass out, under the pressure of the wielder’s will.

It is hereditary as demonstrated with the Monkey and Gol family lines. Maybe the Supreme kings are descendants of former kings from the ancient kingdom and maybe even before then.

When used, it’s like an invisible aura that emanates from the wielder and it emits a sort of pressure in their surroundings. Like Shanks flexing on WB’s ship. Or like when two conqueror’s clash and the shocks and pressure that are emitted cause atmospheric conditions that change the weather.

I think it has existed in-verse since the beginning, like most “spiritual” based powers. It’s really cool, IDK about DFs though.
Haki is the secondary power system of One Piece and Devil fruits are the primary power system. But Haki is similar to the power systems of your traditional shounen manga it’s an innate ability that can be trained to strengthen one’s self and it allows you to sense other people and their strength. Like Chi in Dragon Ball, Chakra in Naruto or Reiryoku in Bleach. However what distinguishes Haki from other shounen is conqueror’s Haki and it’s connection to a core theme of One Piece: WILL. The ability or freedom to choose what you do or don’t do.

Conqueror’s Haki is rare and can’t be learned. You have to be born with it, and you can strengthen it, as it’s strength is directly proportional to the wielder.

It’s wielders have been described as having the qualities of a king( and called Supreme Kings.). We haven’t been explained what this means, but we can assume, that like a king they stand above the rest. Imposing their wills over those with lesser resolve. This effect causes weak willed people like Fodder to pass out, under the pressure of the wielder’s will.

It is hereditary as demonstrated with the Monkey and Gol family lines. Maybe the Supreme kings are descendants of former kings from the ancient kingdom and maybe even before then.

When used, it’s like an invisible aura that emanates from the wielder and it emits a sort of pressure in their surroundings. Like Shanks flexing on WB’s ship. Or like when two conqueror’s clash and the shocks and pressure that are emitted cause atmospheric conditions that change the weather.

I think it has existed in-verse since the beginning, like most “spiritual” based powers. It’s really cool, IDK about DFs though.
Why does it seem like you copy/pasted from One Piece wiki, I’m not new to the series, I was looking for a deeper answer on what haki could be just like in the future we might learn the origins of DF’s.
Why does it seem like you copy/pasted from One Piece wiki, I’m not new to the series, I was looking for a deeper answer on what haki could be just like in the future we might learn the origins of DF’s.
Why does it seem like you copy/pasted from One Piece wiki
Weird that it seems that way, cause I was wracking my brain looking for the appropriate words and phrases to explain Haki.
I was looking for a deeper answer on what haki could be just like in the future we might learn the origins of DF’s.
That’s on me then, I should’ve paid more attention to what you wrote down. But here’s what I did write that can be similar to what you were looking for.
Maybe the Supreme kings are descendants of former kings from the ancient kingdom and maybe even before then.
I think it has existed in-verse since the beginning, like most “spiritual” based powers.
It's a real thing. The uppercase "D" of an alpha. When you face the vice president of the company and your lower case d shrinks from what what it was to begin with, that's conqueror's Haki


Zoro Worshipper
The will of the "D" might be strictly connected to CoC but we don't know yet, or at least we can speculate about it. Ds are supposed to be "Gods' sworn enemies" so perhaps CoC is meant to define that concept too.