Speculations What is so special about G-5? Marine HQ=general security maintenance; G-5=security and maintenance of the NEW WORLD, combatting the yonkos.

Saying AdmiraLs lack advance Ryou and CoC and are not the handful of enemies that are capable to fight Kaido is manga fact.

On the contrary, denying all the facts that @5000 ng/dl or death presented out of fan bias is pettiness and shitting.
Admirals don't lack ACoA. They do possess barrier haki.

It's being firm on them lacking ACoA or ACoC that constitutes the bias. When there's no firm evidence they don't.
Admirals don't lack ACoA. They do possess barrier haki.

It's being firm on them lacking ACoA or ACoC that constitutes the bias. When there's no firm evidence they don't.
I showed some examples why no admirals has adCoC. Sengoku doesn't even have adCoC, or else he would have stopped WB from using his fruit power in MF. Same thing with Garp. That's why Rayleigh was considered such a threat when he forces admirals out of their comfrt zone witha adCoC, Kizaru vented on fodders because he could not use his elementary powers on him
I showed some examples why no admirals has adCoC. Sengoku doesn't even have adCoC, or else he would have stopped WB from using his fruit power in MF. Same thing with Garp. That's why Rayleigh was considered such a threat when he forces admirals out of their comfrt zone witha adCoC, Kizaru vented on fodders because he could not use his elementary powers on him
Bear in mind that Rayleigh himself didn't show different forms of haki when he took on Kizaru, it's most likely due the nature of Oda'a decisions, to keep it secretive, unless he didn't figure well how make all stick properly together.

After all Rayleigh himself had no reason not to try to overwhelm Kizaru.
Bear in mind that Rayleigh himself didn't show different forms of haki when he took on Kizaru, it's most likely due the nature of Oda'a decisions, to keep it secretive, unless he didn't figure well how make all stick properly together.

After all Rayleigh himself had no reason not to try to overwhelm Kizaru.
Lizaru constructed a sword with his powers we never see him fight with a sword again in MF. It would seem only reasonable to assume he can’t effectively use his light powers against an adCoC user. That’s why he couldn’t capture him and was resorted to swordsmanship when that is not his MO, not his preferred way of handling business. He was forced.

If Vergo was there Rayleigh would have captured because Vergo is not dependent on a devil fruit but on high level of skill and strength which Kizaru by comparison lacks when left to his own devices.

Rayleigh is overrated bc Kizaru ain’t that impressive in just base form lol
Admirals don't lack ACoA. They do possess barrier haki.

It's being firm on them lacking ACoA or ACoC that constitutes the bias. When there's no firm evidence they don't.
Barrier haki is not Advanced Ryou. Penetrating haki is. Luffy has been using that to fight Kaido. Chapter 1010 viz confirmed that.

There is no firm evidence or indication that the AdmiraLs have Advanced Ryou or CoC. If you have any solid foreshadowing, prove it with facts and not argue with words like MOST LIKELY, PROBABLY, etc
Barrier haki is not Advanced Ryou. Penetrating haki is. Luffy has been using that to fight Kaido. Chapter 1010 viz confirmed that.

There is no firm evidence or indication that the AdmiraLs have Advanced Ryou or CoC. If you have any solid foreshadowing, prove it with facts and not argue with words like MOST LIKELY, PROBABLY, etc
Vergo is probably the only one in the Navy with advanced ryou, ie Sanji used armament on King (sfx indicates that) yet Sanji took Vergo even more seriously. It only makes sense Vergo used advanced ryou to be able to use his weakest part of the leg to clash with Sanji’s strongest part of the leg that’s also imbued with armament haki, and manage to produce cracking in Sanji, not himself (clear trolling from Vergo showing he is just playing games, witching legs lol and making fun of him lmao funny guy).

So no admiral or OG navy guy has yet shown advanced ryou except Vergo, which otherwise if one does not accept that premise, then one has to argue Vergo broke Sanji’s best defence with just pure brute force, which makes Sanji durability significantly inferior to Law and Zoro which is just not supported by the story, so it only makes sense Vergo used internal destruction
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@5000 ng/dl or death Us
Fujitora has AcoC don't forget
I'll wait and see, that makes him a trur MVP of marines then truly...

But I think G-5 will be as important as Marine HQ, why you need to have an admiral's permission to be transferred there, Vergo might have actual influence over HQ vice admirals let's say he can always call upon Vice Admirals for support, he was in charge of the battling force in the New World, now Smoker has that authorotiy

edit: I think he might have authority over warlords as well. I think he quite dismissively talked about Law's warlord title but in the same breath talked down to him and said he would be dead if he would have tried pulling any tricks on them

So I think as the base of G-5 he can have authority over Vice Admirals from HQ as well as the seven warlords, who are not referred to as "royal warlords" colloquially people just say warlord. He is mocking the title in a way.
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