Think there's only two options.
1-Its Gomu Gomu and the Gorosei want to erase WsW because he knows too much, that would conect with the reason why Shanks stole the fruit and so on, and all this awakening talk is to hint Luffy awakening.
2-Its a Wano character fruit that the Gorosei havent heard for a time and have heard about it from three CP0 guys now. From all the Wano characters fruits the ones i see with potential to be something more are Toki, Tama, Shinobu and Orochi.
-Toki would fit with the Idea of legend as the fruit existed in the void century, but since them had vanish, the think is, how the CP0 agents would know about it to talk to Gorosei if Toki died 20y ago? Only if they knew the samurai traveled in time.
-Shinobu, its a strange power, and turning Momo into adult add a different ability to the fruit, but Shinobi is kind random and dont seem like the CP0 know about the Momo growing.
-Orochi, this one have the "immortality" that lines with the high-ups from WG theme, and we know that Higuarashi bringed It from outside of Wano, there could be some secret behind It, and the two Kurozumi seems to have had some misterious past outside Wano, as they get theirs hands in some DFs and even meet Shiki. And also Orochi showed his power to the CP0 guys when they talked earlier.
-Tama, she is a quite random character that Oda bringed up out of nowhere, but its clear her ability is the counter for the Beast Pirates, the thing is, how she got a fruit like that in Wano? Its quite strange. There's some theories that Tama could be Orochi secret weapon against Kaido, somehow he got the fruit and feed it to Tama, planing to use her in the future. If Tenguyama is Sukiyaki, could be that he saved Tama from Orochi, or even he made a deal with him, so he would hid her from the Beast Pirates. About how she got the fruit, could even be that the fruit was under Kozuki Clan protection to be feed to someone when the time of JoyBoy finally came(pehaps the heir of Kozuki Clan, Momo), but as Orochi become Shogun he got acess to some things the Kozuki were hidding including the fruit.
if it is a Wano fruit, i think the Gorosei talk involve three subjects, First capturing Robin, them killing Drake and ending SWORD and finally the DF. The Zunesha talk is clealy to confuse us, as the CP agent isnt talking with the Gorosei when he Zunesha.