Future Events What is your dream Hype up fights for the BB Pirates?

Not one you necessarily think will happen, but which would give the best hype for the Blackbeard Pirates:

Ideally I'd like a combination of the Red Haired Pirates and the Marines, basically a version of the God Valley fight where Rox comes out the victor:

Blackbeard vs Shanks - This fight would be a great way to hype up Blackbeard's combat abilities. People downplay this saying he's only strong against Devil Fruit users; however, Shanks is arguably the strongest haki user in the verse right now so Blackbeard defeating him would really hype him up better than any others.

Kuzan vs Kizaru - Kuzan gets some disrespect saying he's the third strongest admiral pre timeskip; however, if he beats Kizaru not only would this hype up Kuzan, but it would hype up Akainu as well as the man who was able to defeat him.

Shiryu vs Fujitora - Shiryu's ability ideally shouldn't work against Fujitora as Fujitora is a blind swordsman already. Therefore, this will hype up his swordsmanship showing he wouldn't need the Clear Clear fruit to be powerful, or it'll show his ability that he can hide from even Fujis CoO.

Lafitte vs Ryokugyu - We still don't know either's ability so not much to say.

Burgess vs Beckmann - Burgess needs a solid hype up fight if he's going to fight a serious opponent in the BB Pirates arc especially since he's likely to be given a powerful devil fruit.

Pizarro vs Lucky Roux

Van Augur vs Yasopp - Let's be honest this fight needs to take place for Usopps development

Devon vs Hongo - RHP officer and idk he doesn't give me any necessarily strong vibes to anyone else

San Juan vs Building Snake - I just like the theme of Battleship vs Builder

Vasco Shot vs Howling Gab - RHP Officer

Stronger and Doc Q Vs Bonk Punch and Monster - Human animal Combos

10th Captain vs Lime Juice

I think people go back and forth on Blackbeard defeating either some marines or the red haired pirate; and honestly, I think it'd be even more impactful if they defeated both. This will cause the marines to get even more desperate and if Blackbeard and Kuzan beats an emperor and an admiral then that sets up Luffy and a marine counterpart (Smoker or Coby depending on what camp you're in) Taking down Blackbeard and Kuzan themselves.

This is just my dream take, i think the BB Pirates have some of the best designs in OP and I like the stories of those we've met so far so I'm biased towards wanting them to be insanely powerful anyways.
Fuckkkkkk all that

Either one being used as hype tools would suck imo

Give them feats against someone else or let them stand on their own hype

Blackbeard is a Yonko so we can gauge his general level, Shiryu was equal to Magellan before he got a fruit, and the rest of the crew were level 6 prisoners or get a lot of hype in general (Burgess, Lafitte, Van Augur)

They don’t need hypetools
Fuckkkkkk all that

Either one being used as hype tools would suck imo

Give them feats against someone else or let them stand on their own hype

Blackbeard is a Yonko so we can gauge his general level, Shiryu was equal to Magellan before he got a fruit, and the rest of the crew were level 6 prisoners or get a lot of hype in general (Burgess, Lafitte, Van Augur)

They don’t need hypetools
Disagree, Luffy is already defeating the World's Strongest Creature.

Blackbeard's Bounty is incredibly low so in the eyes of the World, yes he needs a hype up. Luffy isn't going into his fight with Blackbeard with a higher bounty than him
I want Franky in a giant mecha fighting San Juan Wolff. Anything else and I'll be extremely disappointed :finally:
Still I think it would be best to have the Strawhats fight the BB Pirates 1v1 for their final battle
The only fighters to hype up are Blackbeard, Shiryu and Vasco Shot (or whoever you think it's going to fight Sanji). Especially the first two.
Oda doesn't care that much about the other strawhats.

My dream one: they should fight against admiral level opponent. I don't want them to beat all the admirals, but BB defeating/killing Kizaru while Shiryu and Vasco stall Ryokugyu and Fujitora would be enough.

The ones i think we are going to get: the strawhats themselves. I think the BB pirates will defeat the strawhats an arc or two before their final fight.
King and Queen are by far the strongest in their crew and it's clear, from what they showed and from their bounties, they are stronger than the 'average YC' (Cracker, Jack, Smoothie,...). Now Zoro and Sanji need opponents stronger than their current version, who defeated those monsters. And above YCs we have top tiers.

It makes sense to hype up those opponent since there are very few people that strong. On top of this, Zoro and Sanji were the only ones that received power ups with some background behind. Their fights are important to Oda, they are the wings.

Robin, Jinbe and so on can just defeat vaguely strong opponents with a fairly big bounty. It's more than enough for them. Not saying I'm happy with this, but it's just as it is.
King and Queen are by far the strongest in their crew and it's clear, from what they showed and from their bounties, they are stronger than the 'average YC' (Cracker, Jack, Smoothie,...). Now Zoro and Sanji need opponents stronger than their current version, who defeated those monsters. And above YCs we have top tiers.

It makes sense to hype up those opponent since there are very few people that strong. On top of this, Zoro and Sanji were the only ones that received power ups with some background behind. Their fights are important to Oda, they are the wings.

Robin, Jinbe and so on can just defeat vaguely strong opponents with a fairly big bounty. It's more than enough for them. Not saying I'm happy with this, but it's just as it is.
So what you're saying is that Oda only cares about characters if he has them fight opponents with an arbitrarily high power level? You don't think there's any way a character can have value outside of how hard they punch an opponent?
And you realize that "wings" is just a phrase that means "reliable person" in Japanese, right?
King and Queen are by far the strongest in their crew and it's clear, from what they showed and from their bounties, they are stronger than the 'average YC' (Cracker, Jack, Smoothie,...). Now Zoro and Sanji need opponents stronger than their current version, who defeated those monsters. And above YCs we have top tiers.

It makes sense to hype up those opponent since there are very few people that strong. On top of this, Zoro and Sanji were the only ones that received power ups with some background behind. Their fights are important to Oda, they are the wings.

Robin, Jinbe and so on can just defeat vaguely strong opponents with a fairly big bounty. It's more than enough for them. Not saying I'm happy with this, but it's just as it is.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about the other strawhats

Fighting stronger opponents doesn’t mean the others won’t get similar focus


Law Nerd
Yes a clash against the RHP would be refreshing. I think the BBP are probably already good enough to take them on with an extremely high difficulty, this is why I'm kinda skeptical it will happen soon, but never suggest never.
Yes a clash against the RHP would be refreshing. I think the BBP are probably already good enough to take them on with an extremely high difficulty, this is why I'm kinda skeptical it will happen soon, but never suggest never.
Honestly, if the Gorosei and Shanks worked out a deal that they were talking about Blackbeard, it's very likely that Shanks and the admirals will fight together to defeat Blackbeard. Once the warlords are dealt with afterall