First of, the cinematography, editing, and directing are top tier. That is pretty much indisputable. My main issues lie with the tone, storytelling, pacing, plot, and character interactions.
The biggest issue for me is that the writers seem to think the concept is once in a life time groundbreaking idea that will keep fans engaged regardless of whatโs actually built around it. But in reality there have been so many shows in many mediums around the split identity, dystopian dual consciousness premise. Rather than developing this idea, they get really cocky and think they have so much leeway assuming this "complex" concept alone will just carry the show regardless.
The episodes are stuffed with a lot of filler and pretentious dialogue/forced character interactions (I swear everytime Dylan says on of his quips that make him sound like a 2010s kid in a discord chat make me cringe so bad) that don't really advance anything around the series' concept or add any depth or grounding to the supposedly deep lore and world they have built. They just throw a vague cliffhanger based around the same concept at the end of every mini arc, and rinse and repeat. Like "wow look at how complex and smart this severed identity concept is" without actually developing it or doing anything interesting with the themes it presents. They built a whole word/lore around it, and never really deliver any meaningful exploration or explanation of it. They just hint at "something" deeper without actually delivering anything. By the end of 19 episodes, we still have no clear grounding in Kierโs ideology or why Lumen even needs these bizarre psychological experiments or dungeons or animal fucking sacrifices lmao. And at the end of these 19 episodes, all this putative complexity and deep concepts has devolved into a cringy 1980s love triangle
But don't worry guys, the intellectuals on twitter will write their think pieces like "What is identity? What is the soul? If each half of your consciousness is in love with a different thread on how Severance dives into the philosophical aspects of consciousness, identity and memories..." trying to create meaning where the show refuses to provide any.
Also, Lumen might be the most retarded "world dominating big bad corporation" ever lmao. Imagine having control over politicians, finance, etc... then leaving your most critical operations rooms practically unguarded, allowing 4 unarmed middle aged nerds to roam freely, uncover your operation, and instigate 2 major coups that genuinely impact your business. Also with this staggering incompetence, they insists on presenting the higher ups as some menacing all powerful monsters standing in dark rooms and monologuing threateningly about the main characters lol It felt like somehow teleported cartoonish One Piece villains to the a completely different show. Shut up bro you ain't scaring no one I can teleport in your world and beat all y'all asses with my bare hands
Last thing that really annoyed me also, is that my wife and I called Hellyโs connection to the company in episode 3 of season 1! So imagine sitting through 9 episodes in the 1st season for the "big" reveal already obvious if you're paying semi attention.
At the end of the day, this show is trying really hard to TELL US itโs intriguing without actually committing to anything interesting with the theme or characters, keeping them one dimensional for the most part.