Controversial What the hell happened to the art in the manga? (Chapter 1118 and beyond)

It's way too cluttered and even when not, it's kinda hard to tell what's happening on panel sometimes. It's been especially bad since the Gorosei showed up.

The style with clean and simple lines pre skip was better imo than whatever has been happening lately too. Everything seems more... round idk how to explain it.
Agreed, it’s the roundness and sketchiness. It’s like Oda is getting older and eye surgery but it seems like a style that feels more like cartoony doodles (comic strip vibe) then more refined lines and better panel use.

all I'm asking for is panels that are READABLE. When I can't even see what is happening and can't make out figures (background AND foreground) the manga is not readable
One PIece is one of if not the MOST readable manga on the planete. You will not make me believe that Oda is not doing a good job at it, its simply wrong. Density doesn't mean that the line of lecture can't be achieved.

EVEN in dense panels, the line of lecture in One Piece is clear:

I'm sorry, but One Piece is unmatched on that parameter.


I will never forgive Oda
The current art feels like it could be from a completely different manga. The art has been at its absolute lowest ever since the latter half of the Wano arc. The linework is awful, it's hard to make out characters and their actions. The lightning-fast pacing of the current manga made full-double spreads become a rarity. There's less emphasis on important moments. Instead, they are tucked away in tiny panels for a single page. Don't give me the "but Oda has health issues" crap. Oda should stop using manga as a means to convey his story if drawing takes too much of an effort for him. Although that's pretty much what he's doing already - he puts more emphasis on written speech than the art.

Damn, this is night and day lmao
Damn, this is night and day lmao
Those are two very different type of drawings. One is meant to be very realitic the other is meant to be goofy. One is full of organic environment, the other has none. Neither are "better" than the other, those are two different drawing for two different style. There is also the fact that the second is based on the scan, which mean darker, less clean and bigger lines.

And like I said, Oda is not the only one to draw, his assistant are also and they changed style just like him. Don't forget that.

Oda's drawing skill didn't decline, it just evolved
i still think he has his moments, obviously not as good as pre ts

I think it's one of those things where if he really wants to make something look nice he can do it

If not then it's the usual art which has undoubtedly dropped in quality likely due to his age and health problems

I think it's more about his decline in consistency rather than the quality

This is one of the best Akainu panels in the entire story but he isn't drawing at this level consistently

That's the difference between pre/early post timeskip vs now
I think it's one of those things where if he really wants to make something look nice he can do it

If not then it's the usual art which has undoubtedly dropped in quality likely due to his age and health problems

I think it's more about his decline in consistency rather than the quality

This is one of the best Akainu panels in the entire story but he isn't drawing at this level consistently

That's the difference between pre/early post timeskip vs now
Yeah, this is true.

The one thing I don't get, though, is the incessant need for him to just cram everyone and everything into these tiny little side panels. And then, even the big panels that are supposed to emphasize the scene feel cluttered and more zoomed out than they should be.

It's hard to believe that this particular issue is the result of a decline or inability, because it's not even about the actual quality of the art but rather the layout/framework. Apparently there's something about Oda constantly being rushed to publish his stuff?
Oda poops in front of the audience.
Everyone : ewww gross
@Logiko : it's not gross, it's different; not better nor worse than a ballet dancer.
I'm simply looking objectively at the drawings.

Again, you guys are failing to understand that a good drawing is not necessarily a drawing that is hyper detailed or with very thin and stiff or realistic lines.

In MANY aspects, THIS:


Than THIS:

Hint hint: the entire manga has degraded in quality, it’s not just the art

This is the difference in overall quality between pre timeskip and post timeskip in a nutshell:

The first set of panels is at least 2 times bigger than the other and the intended impact is not the same

Like I said, the style evolved in an optimized way but the quality of the drawings or Oda skills did not necessarily worsten.

Again, you can't judge a drawing that is done in 10 hours with the same lens that a drawing that is done in 1 or 2.

Oda is a master of optimization and technicity.
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Yeah, this is true.

The one thing I don't get, though, is the incessant need for him to just cram everyone and everything into these tiny little side panels. And then, even the big panels that are supposed to emphasize the scene feel cluttered and more zoomed out than they should be.

It's hard to believe that this particular issue is the result of a decline or inability, because it's not even about the actual quality of the art but rather the layout/framework. Apparently there's something about Oda constantly being rushed to publish his stuff?
The panel cramming is different (imo) because that's an active choice that's being made and a poor one at that

Then again as you said it could be down to Shueisha rushing him to put out chapters so he crams as much in as possible

But even then that doesn't quite explain why there are 100 reaction shots to everything instead of the clean panels that we used to have

Though I will say the cramming has been an issue for a while. Pretty sure it isn't a new thing

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
I'm simply looking objectively at the drawings.

Again, you guys are failing to understand that a good drawing is not necessarily a drawing that is hyper detailed or with very thin and stiff or realistic lines.

In MANY aspects, THIS:


Than THIS:

The first set of panels is at least 2 times bigger than the other and the intended impact is not the same

Like I said, the style evolved in an optimized way but the quality of the drawings or Oda skills did not necessarily worsten.

Again, you can't judge a drawing that is done in 10 hours with the same lens that a drawing that is done in 1 or 2.

Oda is a master of optimization and technicity.
You lost all credibility when you compared One Piss art to even the worst Berserk panel. Four Oda’s can’t replicate the artistic quality of Miura in his prime.

Also, “technicity” is not a word. Pretty sure you meant technicality, which Oda is most certainly not a master of Lmfao. Modern One Piece is inferior to fan manga artistically.
You lost all credibility when you compared One Piss art to even the worst Berserk panel. Four Oda’s can’t replicate the artistic quality of Miura in his prime.
Or you don't understand that the quality of a drawing is not necessarily linked to details and contrasts.

The drawing of One Piece is less detailed, granted, but it offers much more in term of storytelling than the Drawing I proposed you from Berserk. From the contrast between the foreground and the background, to the composition, to the poses of the characters, to the organic nature of the drawing, to the symbolism that doesn't need a understanding or knowledge of One Piece, to the pressure of the conflict.

The drawing of One Piece i just proposed is FAR more qualitative as a manga panel than the drawing of Berserk.

Also, “technicity” is not a word.
I use the french term I use daily but yeah, you can call it technicality if you want.

which Oda is most certainly not a master of Lmfao.
That's where you are completely wrong

Modern One Piece is inferior to fan manga artistically.
Oh dear...
You lost all credibility when you compared One Piss art to even the worst Berserk panel. Four Oda’s can’t replicate the artistic quality of Miura in his prime.
This is a person that also believes that One Piece is going to get taught in educational establishments in the future and that it has a greater status than ancient works like Iliad and Odyssey. Bloke never even had any credibility to lose to begin with. Tis best not to waste your time. Lol.

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
Or you don't understand that the quality of a drawing is not necessarily linked to details and contrasts.

The drawing of One Piece is less detailed, granted, but it offers much more in term of storytelling than the Drawing I proposed you from Berserk. From the contrast between the foreground and the background, to the composition, to the poses of the characters, to the organic nature of the drawing, to the symbolism that doesn't need a understanding or knowledge of One Piece, to the pressure of the conflict.

The drawing of One Piece i just proposed is FAR more qualitative as a manga panel than the drawing of Berserk.

I use the french term I use daily but yeah, you can call it technicality if you want.

That's where you are completely wrong

Oh dear...
Why don’t you use two panels that are attempting to illustrate similar scenes?

I’d love to hear you explain why this monkey shit:

Is superior to this artistically:

Go ahead, this should be good
This is a person that also believes that One Piece is going to get taught in educational establishments in the future and that it has a greater cultural relevance than ancient works like Iliad and Odyssey.
I wouldn't say greater relevance no. I don't think any story will dethrone the Odyssey, simply because this story has been too implanted in the common culture around the world in every step of history.

But do I think that One Piece will be taught in Storytelling classes in the future ? Yes, definitely. If I was young again, I would pay at least 500 € for a class just to have the knowledge I have now because of what I learned with the analysis of One Piece.

You guys are really underestimating the narrative educational potential of this story.

Is superior to this artistically:
Not really no.

Its a very good drawing. but the narrative impact is absolutely not the same. The drawing of One Piece is still on top.
