Questions & Mysteries What's Mihawk's bounty if he has : The Pirate King Title + Shanks crew

Pirate King Mihawk with Shanks crew whose bounty gonna reach

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You can't be serious.

You have A WHOLE chapter to read, not one tiny panel. And in said whole chapter you are told that:

1) Mihawk has a reputation as a marine hunter.

2) Cross Guild as an organization, therefore its members by virtue of it, will prove to be a major threat.

3) Brannew speaks of "NAVY HUNTERS" who are getting funding to murder marines; isn't Mihawk included here?

If you truly read the whole chapter, understood what was written in it and yet you believe Mihawk's bounty only comes from his strength in despite of being the only character so far with a reputation for hunting marines who is now a top member of a criminal organization mainly known for that..., then you're a lost case, seriously.

Just answer a simple question: Mihawk being a marine hunter and a member of Cross Guild are factors to be considered for his threat level? And if not, why isn't so in spite of Brannew issuing those three bounties togheter in the context of them being "navy hunters" involved in this "major, major threat" that Cross Guild is?

Or suddenly Mihawk is the only character ever whose overall threat level ignores being member of a criminal organization and actively killing Government agents? You can't be serious here.
Seems you can't read cause for Crocodile its says Based on and for Mihawk it only talks about strength and "has WSS.
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Literally called "marine hunter" but just for his strength:milaugh:
So you us to include your headcanon
Brannew :
as the World strongest swordman , he is worth

same brannew :
Crocodile is worth because of his Logia Power and Leadership

same brannew :

shanks is a Yonko and has a powerful crew and territories and he is worth

No mention of what you are headcanoning right there that's just your cope since Posthawk downplayers got destroyed

"Crocodile and MIHAKW are INVOLVED. The NAVY HUNTERS already have funding...".

"This Cross Guild will be a MAJOR, MAJOR THREAT to us".

"(Buggy) has the power to COMMAND these two other men".

Additionally, Mihawk already had a reputation as a marine hunter (keep in mind, fodder like Caribou was more threatening than around 70% of the Eleven Supernova just for that) and, far from a past thing, he's now publicly known as a "chief officer" of a criminal organization whose main activity is killing soldiers.

I mean, I know you well enough from previous activity and I'm aware you aren't the brightest here, but truly believing that Mihawk's bounty only comes from his strength even though his bounty was issued alongside Crocodile and Buggy in the whole context of how threatening Cross Guild is and how he used to hunt marines and is now a chief officer of said group of "navy hunters" is... just laughable.

You're basically saying that being a top member of a "major, major threat" to the Government won't raise his level threat. That's how idiotic you sound, in case of isolating a panel instead of reading it in context wasn't sad enough. And of course I'm not losing any more time with this joke.

"Crocodile and MIHAKW are INVOLVED. The NAVY HUNTERS already have funding...".

"This Cross Guild will be a MAJOR, MAJOR THREAT to us".

"(Buggy) has the power to COMMAND these two other men".

Additionally, Mihawk already had a reputation as a marine hunter (keep in mind, fodder like Caribou was more threatening than around 70% of the Eleven Supernova just for that) and, far from a past thing, he's now publicly known as a "chief officer" of a criminal organization whose main activity is killing soldiers.

I mean, I know you well enough from previous activity and I'm aware you aren't the brightest here, but truly believing that Mihawk's bounty only comes from his strength even though his bounty was issued alongside Crocodile and Buggy in the whole context of how threatening Cross Guild is and how he used to hunt marines and is now a chief officer of said group of "navy hunters" is... just laughable.

You're basically saying that being a top member of a "major, major threat" to the Government won't raise his level threat. That's how idiotic you sound, in case of isolating a panel instead of reading it in context wasn't sad enough. And of course I'm not losing any more time with this joke.
Crocodile's bounty based on

Mihawk's based fitting / as The WSS he is worth

read before typing ur bs
Seems you can't read cause for Crocodile its says Based on and for Mihawk it only talks about strength and "has WSS.
Oh, look, another one who believes that a "chieff officer" of a "major, major threat" to the Government "commanded" by the public leader of said organization, whose bounty poster is issued alongside his two fellow Cross Guilders, who is put in the group of "navy hunters" getting funding from many criminal groups; that very chief officer's threat level isn't affected by all of it.

How stupid is the Government. Caribou will be issued as more threatening than 70% of Eleven Supernova and Yonko crewmates are influenced by their captain's price, but these two officers of a major criminal organization actively hunting marines down with the help of other dangerous groups aren't having their bounty affected by it just because Oda didn't write "oh, and also for being a member of Cross Guild" three times in those tiny individual panels shared in the context of a chapter mainly focused on these guys forming a terrorist group.

You have to laugh.


Lazy is the way
I feel like that would’ve been mentioned since Oda did give reasoning for their bounties tbh. It’s weird it was only mentioned for buggy but not the others.
It’s a two ways thing

It was mentioned because Buggy became the Yonko, the one able to tame croco and Mihawk that is why he became one

But the new threat of this alliance and the huge threat it is for the WG was mentionned. So it made their bounties bigger.

Even Croco was he asked Mihawk the first said that with their two names combined the Marine would be forced to consider them as a huge deal
It’s a two ways thing

It was mentioned because Buggy became the Yonko, the one able to tame croco and Mihawk that is why he became one

But the new threat of this alliance and the huge threat it is for the WG was mentionned. So it made their bounties bigger.

Even Croco was he asked Mihawk the first said that with their two names combined the Marine would be forced to consider them as a huge deal
The problem is when Kaido and Big Mom made an alliance they didn’t get bounty boosts because of it.
I feel like that would’ve been mentioned since Oda did give reasoning for their bounties tbh. It’s weird it was only mentioned for buggy but not the others.
Buggy was mentioned because he's their "leader" and therefore more relevant than the other two as a member, not because of Cross Guild alone. Oda doesn't need to repeat everytime how each of these navy hunters now working as top officers of a "major, major threat" to the Government are having their threat level calculated according to it; that's information from the context of the chapter itself.
Oh, look, another one who believes that a "chieff officer" of a "major, major threat" to the Government "commanded" by the public leader of said organization, whose bounty poster is issued alongside his two fellow Cross Guilders, who is put in the group of "navy hunters" getting funding from many criminal groups; that very chief officer's threat level isn't affected by all of it.

How stupid is the Government. Caribou will be issued as more threatening than 70% of Eleven Supernova and Yonko crewmates are influenced by their captain's price, but these two officers of a major criminal organization actively hunting marines down with the help of other dangerous groups aren't having their bounty affected by it just because Oda didn't write "oh, and also for being a member of Cross Guild" three times in those tiny individual panels shared in the context of a chapter mainly focused on these guys forming a terrorist group.

You have to laugh.
Bro what are you going on about? It literally states "Based on" why are you Coping because of a chapter states and making up your own headcanon. Mihawk description only talks about Mihawk strength noting else. Like they always talk about Mihawk simce chapter 50 about his strength. Just like Zoro who a strength related character.
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Buggy was mentioned because he's their "leader" and therefore more relevant than the other two as a member, not because of Cross Guild alone. Oda doesn't need to repeat everytime how each of these navy hunters now working as top officers of a "major, major threat" to the Government are having their threat level calculated according to it; that's information from the context of the chapter itself.
Buggy their leader yet Mihawk bounty is above hos lol
The alliance only lasted for a few hours I believe...

They fought for days then made an alliance then got defeated by the Strawhat-Wano alliance. The Cross Guild is an established organization that has been running for awhile
The alliance lasted 5 days. Cross guild were updated as soon as the WG got word of the alliance and we know that Drake let word of the Kaido big mom alliance as soon as it was announced


Lazy is the way
The problem is when Kaido and Big Mom made an alliance they didn’t get bounty boosts because of it.
Oda never changed bounties mid arc

and it was only happening as they had the informations, and Wano was a closed place. Nothing was completely sure

I have no doubt if the news was confirmed and they had beaten Luffy and co their bounties would have grown
Crocodile's bounty based on

Mihawk's based fitting / as The WSS he is worth

read before typing ur bs
Sorry, I will write the chapter for dumbasses as you want it:

(After spending half a chapter explicitly stating how incredibly threatening Cross Guild is, how Crocodile and Mihawk are top officers of a group of "navy hunters", how Mihawk used to be a marine hunter and is now a subordinate of a marine-hunting mafia; and right after insisting on the major threat of Cross Guild, Brannew shares their bounties as a totally independent thing because context doesn't matter and we're jumping between unrelated things):

Brannew: Former Warlord of the Sea, Sir Crocodile! Based on his logia powers, intelligence, and leadership, oh, and being a top officer of the major threat I just described as I addressed their three members as navy hunters, 1.965 billion berries!

Hawk-eyes Mihawk! Former Warlord of the Sea (careful there, is this a factor unrelated to his strength for his threat level or not?), with greater sword skill than even Red-hair the emperor, oh, and being a top officer of the major threat I just described as I addressed their three members as navy hunters! As the strongest swordsman in the world, he is worth 3.59 billion berries!

(And so).

Is this how you want Oda to write his story or he can expect readers to infere that, in a world where being part of a big criminal group, killing civilians, hunting the navy... will all buff your threat level, that in this world, becoming the chieff officers of a navy-hunting group, an explicit major threat, and subordinates of an emperor will maybe, maybe also affect your bounty?

I mean, I know what kind of user you are and I know your answer, so save it for yourself because I'm not giving you more time anymore.