Wano had a lot of flaws one of which is there was no reason to dragged out for so damned long. A lot of panel time wasted on irrelevant character was frustrating as hell too.
But it did have it's moments-
Rooftop 5 vs Big Mom and Kaido
Law (& Kidd) vs Big Mom
Monster Robin vs Black Maria
Zoro vs King
Luffy vs Kaido
and some great moments like Ace, Whitebeard and Roger Pirates flashbacks.
Wano was hit or miss and the end was lackluster, but overall it was enjoyable. I give it a 6.5/10
The audacious amount of massive asspulls in the 4th Great Ninja War though were so frustratingly obnoxious I ended up dropping the manga. A manga I read for years and loved. I finished it later on but nearly every page was cringe. It hurts to say it became trash, but...it became trash. 0/10