General & Others Which Character or Character's are Hurting the Wano Arc the Most?

Who's Hurting the arc the most?

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he's an 8 year old who everyone in wano counts on to be the next shogun. King ordered the entire beast pirates crew to go after momo earlier in the arc because that would rob the samurai in the alliance of their purpose. Imagine the stress an 8 year old would suffer from being the center of attention in a brutal war of incredibly high stakes. Momo additionally sacrificed 20 years of his biological lifespan so his people wouldnt die from kaido's madness. What exactly do you want an 8 year old to do? Perhaps you'd prefer a badass caricature?
Perhaps he could fucking stay home then lol. There's no reason he has to physically be present, in fact it makes it worse because they can just kill him and break everyone's spirit right there.

Tama showed up even though she didn't have to and is using her DF in a better fashion, so maybe she should be shogun.
Yamato for sure, introduced so late into wano to be so important and create so many more plots and problems and just another sabo at dressrosa or ace at alabasta or even lola at thriller bark
I'm still trying to figure out what Yamato's purpose even is. Even if it's to join the crew, she hasn't done enough to really call herself a big player, unlike Franky in Enies Lobby, for example. Her role has been 90% running around, and 10% acting overly familiar with characters she just met.

At this point, I think only Kaido's flashback can save her