Well this is just from Comicvine so I don't know if a lot of toxic Naruto fans joined there or not.
It really depends on, where you debate. One phenomenon that I have experienced on different boards is, that some communities are more present in for example Comicvine, then here. Like, i would say you have more One Piece debaters here, then on Comicvine, where Naruto fans are more present. Like we have there 1-2 toxic One Piece fans (One less, since he got banned) while the amount of toxic Naruto debaters is more present. The poll here might be different from the poll on other boards.
If DB was included here, they would easily take both rounds.
Dunno about here, but on CV 100%. DB wankers are one of the least intelligent debaters i met and Comicvine was full with them. Well not anymore, after DBZfan debunked DB community as a whole and some OPM wankers slapped majority out of CV, which makes the majority of DBstans going to VSB

And now, after allowing DB vs Comics again, they also have a reason more to stay away, because currently it is only one big dogwalk. I would say i feel a bit pity for the community, but thats probably the karma for their dishonest lies in all those years. Never downplay a other verse by lowshowings, when definding DB. Never ends good. The few good Db debaters on CV you can count from one hand.