That's not the point i'm trying to make, the point i'm trying to make is about consistency.
Not "there is Zero good comp in the A-Part"
Yes, the flashbacks look good, yes scene like Koudai's or Fasto's look good.
But no, the comp wasn't able to hold that level consistently throughout the A-Part (and looking at the episode, not even the first couple minutes of B-Part)
"So what? should they have focused on making the dialogue scenes more interesting instead of the dialogue scenes?"
No, that is also not the point i'm trying to make. It's really all about consistency.
Also, you can make dialogue scenes look very well comped. Shots like these are fantastic and a prime example
PS: there really doesn't need to be a logical reason for a lighting source. Just put a random flame wherever the heck you want in the shot and use that as a light source. There are enough in-story explanations about why the castle is on fire (Kazenbo, Sanji v Queen fight etc.)
and it's not like the viewer cares where the lighting source comes from lol. Just literally go ahead and create it, as long as it supports the sequence