Controversial Who is the biggest hater/downplayer of every character?

Her portrayal heavily factors in her devil fruit, if not mostly factors in her devil fruit. Vergo is a unit, that's wild to give her physicals on that lvl. The only thing we saw from her was being handled like a toothpick by Teach, even Law never got that treatment.

Speaking of Law, he is much stronger than Vergo overall, does not make Law's physicals anywhere near Vergo's btw. Same deal here. Vergo's raw strength, durability, speed is nothing to be played with.
Teach would do the same to Vergo what he did to Boa
Tbh there's not much I can argue for boa, she is biggest DF merchant we've seen in the series. Im just giving her some benefit of doubt due to Warlord tax
Pudding said that most of BM's elder children have kids of their own. So very high chance that Kat has his own kids too. BMP are bound by blood so it would be OOC for the first commander not to have his own to absorb into the crew and grow it
“Most” doesn’t mean all. Katakuri hasn’t let anyone see his mouth in decades, this man doesn’t seem the type to have ever lost his virginity out of fear of her seeing his face.
Not to mention Hancock also snapped smokers Jutte but smoker wasn’t throwing a fight against her like he was for Vergo
It doesn't even matter anyway. I just feel like it's really idiotic to think that Hancock genuinely has physicals below Vergo of all people.
Yes, she has no feats, but she has portrayal that heavily suggests that she has great physicals and Haki along with her fruit.
There's a point where you can't keep hiding behind stuff like "Oh but they have no feats besides them using their fruit though! So there's technically nothing wrong with my statement!". Because, let me ask you this, is it reasonable to say Vergo > Rocks in terms of physicals?
Though, then again, these are the people who think Vergo has better AP than Big Mom. I guess some people are just allergic to basic logic and reading comprehension.


The only one who can beat me is me
Teach would do the same to Vergo what he did to Boa
Doubt it. Vergo is way too physically imposing and durable to have his neck snapped like a twig with one hand, this is the same guy Sanji stated was like a mass of iron due to how durable he is, only thing that scene showed was that Hancock is extremely fragile.


The only one who can beat me is me
Quit it. Pre-fruit Teach snaps Vergo's neck
Retarded take. You gotta stop equalizing all stats for characters. Hancock has been presented as nothing more than a df merchant. I don't just gift high tiers physicals on par with Vergo just because. There has to be a rhyme or reason for it, ancient zoan commanders? Cool, I'm down for that. Hancock? Absolutely not.

We already saw how Vergo physically bullied Law but Law is stronger due to his df. Same deal here. Teach isn't snapping Vergo's neck that easily, he's way too physically imposing for that. Sanji was literally questioning what the dude was made out of.
Retarded take. You gotta stop equalizing all stats for characters. Hancock has been presented as nothing more than a df merchant. I don't just gift high tiers physicals on par with Vergo just because. There has to be a rhyme or reason for it, ancient zoan commanders? Cool, I'm down for that. Hancock? Absolutely not.

We already saw how Vergo physically bullied Law but Law is stronger due to his df. Same deal here.
What obsessing over feats of a character that already went all out do to a powerscalers
Vergo is an irrelevant fodder in the OP verse, he absolutely get negative diffed by the guy Shanks and Whitebeard were wary of or the woman Sengoku called very powerful .


The only one who can beat me is me
What obsessing over feats of a character that already went all out do to a powerscalers
Vergo is an irrelevant fodder in the OP verse, he absolutely get negative diffed by the guy Shanks and Whitebeard were wary of or the woman Sengoku called very powerful .
What part of the Law example did you not get? Law is tiers above Vergo, not for a second would I put them on par physically.

Not many characters out there as physically imposing as Vergo is. Very limited number of high tiers for sure. Hancock is certainly not one of them.