Controversial Who is the biggest hater/downplayer of every character?

When he’s sandbagging to get Laws heart yeah, Vergos haki is stronger. However, going all out Smoker can actually block laws sword unlike Vergo.

Vergo just a plot merchant.
He isn't a plot merchant y'all are just blinded by recency bias smh
Clearly his Armament is better than Kaido's even though it couldn't resist Law's hax while Kaido could not only do that but he could also make Luffy's hands throb just like Katakuri did with his superior Armament Haki
This might be the dumbest post yet in this thread. Smoker does not have superior CoA to Vergo. It's made clear in the manga, Oda didn't draw all that for the conclusion to be Smoker > Vergo in armament.

To begin with if Smoker could KO Vergo he would do that, then take Law's heart by force. Clearly he knew he couldn't get Law's heart back by simply beating Vergo, so he had to steal it mid fight.
Smoker went for the heart because even if he beat Vergo, Vergo Could still kill Law before passing out (look at what Caesar did to Monet) and in doing so permanently stained Smokers honor which is the most important thing to him.

He went into the fight with the intent to steal and was sandbagging to keep Vergo overconfident.

Vergo can’t block Laws sword unlike Smoker. Stop the cope.


The only one who can beat me is me
So he was pulling his punches when he kicked them because he didn’t want to kill them, bit was fully prepared to slice Bonney in half? Make it make sense
I have no idea what you are even trying to say?

He did negative damage to her, merely tapped and then pushed her away with his foot. Yes Vergo can hit harder than this, Bonney would be concussed if Vergo smashed her head from behind with his hardened bamboo.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Kizaru also failed to KO Pre-TS Apoo with a light speed kick. Was he also trying to avoid killing Apoo?
And Kaido couldn't make Kinemon stay down with multiple ACOC hits, while as Apoo and down for the count after a single kick. Poor logic.

Kizaru was only ordered to kill Vegapunk at first. When Sento and Bonney were ordered to be killed, Kizaru fed Luffy to save them. When Kuma punched Saturn, Kiz said "it's over..." and then Saturn directly ordered Kiz to kill Kuma and Bonney. That's when we got the attempted dicing.


The only one who can beat me is me
So he didn’t want to hurt her, but knowingly sent her through the laser barrier which did heavy damage to even Yonko Luffy?
I don't get what you are trying to say, are you saying he seriously tried to damage or KO Bonney directly with that kick which she literally didn't even feel? I don't gaf about where he tossed her. Get to the point.

Kizaru later casually damaged Sanji, is Bonney infinitely more durable than Sanji?
I don't get what you are trying to say, are you saying he seriously tried to damage or KO Bonney directly with that kick which she literally didn't even feel? I don't gaf about where he tossed her. Get to the point.
I’m saying it’s inconsistent af for him to deliberately make sure his kick doesn’t hurt her, while also sending her flying straight through the laser barrier which very well could have killed her


The only one who can beat me is me
I’m saying it’s inconsistent af for him to deliberately make sure his kick doesn’t hurt her, while also sending her flying straight through the laser barrier which very well could have killed her
Ok that's cool. You can take that up with Oda, that has nothing to do with what Kizaru was doing in that scene. He clearly just used his foot to push her far away.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
I’m saying it’s inconsistent af for him to deliberately make sure his kick doesn’t hurt her, while also sending her flying straight through the laser barrier which very well could have killed her
It is not inconsistent at all. You're just trying to making it seem like Kizaru wanted to seriously hurt or kill Bonney, when he went out his way to try and save her. Was he trying to kill Sento as well?
Obviously inspired by @Shiroyru's thread
Luffy: Probably Nik87, I mean the dude is so against Luffy that he even hates on Garp and Dragon as well just because they're related to him. That's serious dedication to the craft.
Zoro: Tie between Rootbeer, Ndule, Erkan, Kaios and Albino
Sanji: Orojackson Refugee
Mihawk: The Legend
Doflamingo: Ndule? I think I recall him saying Doffy is Perospero or Snack level? So he's probably the biggest Doffy downplayer here.
Shanks: Kizaruber Eats or Lee Hung
Kaido: Lee Hung
Big Mom: A ton of people clown on her here, no way to pick one person over the other for this one.
Admirals: Tejas. No contest here.
Garp: Maybe Lee? I know for certain it's one of the extreme Admiral fans here.
Gorosei: Extravlad
Katakuri: TAC
Shiryu: Conquistador, Hellblazer and Soupongo
Hachi: Soupongo
I will bully Smoker until he can prove hes not a bum
It is not inconsistent at all. You're just trying to making it seem like Kizaru wanted to seriously hurt or kill Bonney, when he went out his way to try and save her. Was he trying to kill Sento as well?
Then why send her through the deadly laser barrier lol? That would be like Akainu not wanting to kill them, so he just gently pushes them into a volcano instead of fisting them