Questions & Mysteries Who was correct - Akainu or Fujitora?

Who is correct?

  • Akainu is correct

  • Fujitora is correct

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The Shichibukai system is a system that was introduced all the way back in East Blue and has remained a relevant part of the story for the last 900 chapters. During Reverie, Fujitora, Cobra, and Riku campaigned to have the Shichibukai system abolished. The majority of the Kings and Queens voted to have the system abolished and now the Shichibukai system is no more. The question is, was this the correct decision? There are two schools of thoughts on this matter, one side is led by Akainu and one side is led by Fujitora.

Akainu's Side:

Akainu believes that having the Shichibukai is important for the balance of power to be in the World's Government's sides and that losing the Shichibukai can shift the balance of power in the Yonko's favor. Overall, Akainu believes the Shichibukai are a net positive for the World Government.

Fujitora's Side:

Fujitora's side is that the Shichibukai are basically nothing more then a bunch of scumbag pirates who abuse their powers and cause countless amounts of civilians to suffer. They are also untouchable due to their diplomatic immunity. Fujitora also despises how the World Government is willing to cover up incidents or outright lie to the world when the Shichibukai are involved. Overall, Fujitora believes the Shichibukai are a net negative for the World Government.

So my question is, who do you agree with, Akainu or Fujitora? And if the decision to abolish the Shichibukai was in your hands, would you keep the system or abolish it? I see good points from both Akainu and Fujitora. Akainu is right that the World Government just lost a massive military power, regardless of how powerful the SSG end up being. But Fujitora is also correct when he thinks the Shichibukai are scumbags and undermine everything the Marine's stand for. I guess the deciding factor for me would useful are the Shichibukai to the World Government? So I'll actually take a look at every former and current Shichibukai and analyze how useful they actually are towards the World Government. If most of the Shichibukai are useful, I'll agree with Akainu. If most of the Shichibukai are not useful, I'll agree with Fujitora. The score system will be from 1-10. If you're useful to the World Government, your score goes up. If you don't do anything helpful or if you actively harm the Goverment's interests, your score goes down.

Shichibukai Report Card:

Mihawk - Rarely ever attends Shichibukai meetings. Barely made any effort during the Marineford war, was more interested in testing Luffy then helping the marines fight the Whitebeard Pirates. Refuses to fight the Red Hair Pirates. Didn't harm any marines during Marineford. Spent two years greatly increasing the powerlevel of a member of the Straw Hat crew.

Score: 4/10

Doflamingo - Spent the Shichibukai meeting attempting to get two Vice Admirals to kill each other. Barely made any effort during the Marineford war, was more interesting in recruiting Crocodile and laughing about stuff that wasn't particularly funny. Overthrew an entire kingdom. Ran a human trafficking business. Turned multiple government officials and marines into toys so everyone could forget their existence. Has a member of his crew working as a vice admiral spy. Sells weapons to other countries to instigate wars for profit. Largest broker in the underworld. Enables Caesar's inhuman experiments. Abuses his connection with CP-0 to manipulate the entire world, leading to a rift between the Marines and the World Government. Tried to murder everyone in Dressrosa including an Admiral.

Score: 0/10

Hancock - Doesn't attend any meetings. Constantly disobeys orders. Spent a large portion of the Marineford war attacking Marines, destroying Pacifista, and harming Smoker and Sentomaru. Rescued Luffy and Jinbei after the war. Helped the Straw Hats escape before going to Fishman Island.

Score: 0/10

Jinbei - Doesn't attend any meetings. Refused to fight with the Marines during Marineford. Helped Luffy and more than 200+ criminal escape from Impel Down. Actively fought against the Marines and the Shichibukai during the war.

Score: 0/10

Law - Mastermind of the Rocky Port incident which endangered lots of innocent civilians. Lost his position after making an alliance with Luffy.

Score: 0/10

Crocodile - Caused Alabasta to suffer for years from a drought. Instigated a rebellion that was intended to kill millions. Had a massive bomb hidden that would have killed countless amount of people. Ultimate goal was to discover a weapon of mass destruction so he could use it.

Score: 0/10

Weevil - Has destroyed 16 of Whitebeard's allies. Also wants to destroy Marco and Blackbeard. Has done nothing that was against World Government or Marine interests. Flawless performance.

Score: 10/10

Blackbeard - Betrayed the World Government by breaking into Impel Down and releasing a large amount of Level 6 prisoners into the world.

Score: 0/10

Kuma - Attends every meeting. Refused to help Kizaru when fighting Rayleigh, claiming that the Shichibukai are only to cooperate with the Marines when the Government is concerned...ignoring that an incident involving the Celestial Dragons is a Government matter. Secretly a member of the Revolutionary army. Protected the Thousand Sunny for 2 years. Currently the ferrari of the Celestial Dragons. 0.5 score for simply attending meetings, punctuality should be rewarded.


Buggy - Runs a mercenary group. Since the World Government is aware of it and doesn't seem to give a shit, I can't argue that Buggy has done anything against the Government's interests since becoming a Shichibukai. However I can't argue he's done anything to help the World Government either.


Moria - Destroys any pirate that comes near his ship. Tried his hardest at Marineford. Hasn't really done anything to oppose Government interests that I can think of.


Since the overall grade average for the Shichibukai is extremely low, I'm going to have to side with Fujitora in this argument. The Shichibukai is overall a hindrance to the World Government and they provide them with very little value overall. Curious what the rest of you think.
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Lee Ba Shou

Conqueror of the Stars
For Doflamingo, you forgot that he was directly selling Devil Fruits to Kaido lol.

But there really is no debate on this matter, Fujitora is obviously correct, the Shichibukai are a huge negative to the World Government as a whole, and the WG was correct to abolish them at the first opportunity that they could (SSG). At least imo.


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
Akainu have more Sengoku approach to this than Luigi despite being Absolute Justice.

Fujitora is kinda bullshitter.

Schichibukai exist = SMH abolish!

Slavery and tyranny of Celestial Dragons - Hehe I'm blind what are you talking about?

If I was a high-ranking Marine ( Admiral ) with 2 things in mind :

> Civilians security
> Secretly overthrowing World Government ( Obviously )

First :

> Yonkous are effectively a huge Problem for Civilians safety. They are powerful, actively try to be more powerful, and reign over New World.
It's already lucky they don't seek power in the Weakest Seas.
Marine alone can't defeat them all.
Whitebeard and Shanks are kind of okay though. They don't seem to endanger civilians much and can be potentially used to attack World Government interests ?
I would not trust Big Mom and Kaidou though, they could Blackmail me if I was to ask them for help.

> Revolutionary : some common goals, they want to overthrow World Government and they protect Civilians when Marines do not.
But I don't know if this Dragon guy is not just another potential autocrat abusing his future authority after overthrowing government. And with CP0 everywhere I can't risk making alliance.

> Marines : The world is huge and we got Marines everywhere making the law but some are among the scummiest men and women on earth, I need to find a way to supervise them by putting trustful men regionally supervising them.

> Shichibukai : A good idea, some pirates proved to be reliable and not actively trying to be a bother for Civilians.
Thing is we recruit crews among the most powerful ones to be Shichibukai and to become this powerful, most of them are ruthless or at least very very independent.
Not a problem at all for Mihawk or Kuja very useful at times but some : big organisation type are really shady.
I'm trying since long to make Whitebeard Pirates an unofficial Shichibukai : we let them alone and help them when they need to face Big Mom or Beast Pirates. We can even deal ressources with them and we just ask them to defeat some pirates among the cruelest ones. I would like them to go look at Dressrosa. The whole thing is shady. But they don't trust us enough to cooperate with us. I won't blame them, I am myself a traitor to the World Government.

> My Organization : "Civilians safety before Revolution".
I'm putting trustful ( and powerful ) men everywhere. Marines or not. And establish bond.
Even if some of these guys become Pirates, they know they can count on me.
And the more some of them travels, the more I know about the World Whereabouts.
I prioritize :
> Making the North, South, East, and West seas safer and encourage means of travels between the island. I send some recruits to build bridges and boat and gain trust of the population.
> See who can possibly creates havock on Sabaody for example or others place where the nastiest of the Nobles have their ways to create "incidents".
> Goa Bridge will soon be a thing of the past. Slavery is done for.
Fujitora is correct ... instead of hiring Pirates the better way to prepare against the threats from 4 Emperors is to have International Military Draft , so that Marines can have Fujitora and Ryokugyu alongside Akainu-Aokiji-Kizaru since a long time ago ( the time when Shichi was created ) .

still , if i was the Fleet Admiral or Kong , i'd hire Mihawk as an ally , he's too powerful and quite harmless . plus Weevil , and Moria at his prime .

the rest , Marines could have tried to subdue them , it wouldn't be easy though , one of the reasons is because they were so scattered
( Crocodile in Alabasta , Hancock in Amazon Lily , Jinbe in Fishman Island etc. )


𝐊𝐨𝐤𝐮𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐮𝐢
What's Fujitora supposed to do against the WG, the strongest force in the world?
At least he can do something against the useless Shichibukai system which didn't benefit the WG at all at this point.

So yes, Fujitora is absolutely correct.
Shichibukai rivaled Yonko system. Do you really think some mere Vegapunk robots will rival Yonko? WG will have more control over them and the word will be unbalanced.

Not saying Fujitora had to attack CD but dude is a hypocrite.

Schibibukai bad. Slavery Im blind.
I continue :

> Shanks Pirate : maybe a missed opportunity... Why don't they try to be Pirates King ? I don't even know if Shanks and Ben Beckmann can be trusted... What are there goals ?

> Pirate King : I don't really care about that Pirate King thing but if I could help the most suitable successor it could be a great opportunity to unravel Raftel mysteries. Too bad Shanks crew can't be trusted enough and don't seek this title... I would have helped them. Maybe a small crew will appears with the potential to reach Raftel ? With okayish intents ? Great move against World Government.
Maybe Mihawk could have tried that for the sake of it...

> Supernova and Worst Generation :

> Blackbeard : I don't know what this guy wants.... Just chaos ? Why not if Mariejoie is the battleground. But the guy is a fox a'd he took the worst of Impel Down with him...

> Cavendish Pirates : too bad they are too weak, they could make great Shichibukai. Still I'm establishing contact.

> Don Chinjao crew : same thing... establishing contact.

> Urouge : I wanted to plain train him... A nice guy... Contact established

> Law : can't hide the nice guy type. Maybe he is a traitor Shichibukai to the World Government but not to me... I would love to send my best Vice-Admirals to train him and his crew... I have to keep him around... Plus I really don't want anyone taking his fruit.

> Hawkins : he easily accepted my invitations. As long as his cards say so... Calm and collected guy.

> Straw Hats : thoses are wild... Luffy punched a World Noble. Good point.
Luffy and his guy defeated CP9 Good point.
Luffy and his guy defeated Dofflamingo and Crocodile and Arlong. Good point.
Luffy attacked thriller bark... Too bad but not something to consider.

Thing is... Each of the battles of this crew ends up with Luffy almost dying and his crew in bad shape.
He seems to be lifted up by destiny.
I would like to establish contact wit Zoro, Sanji, and Nami. Even train them personally.
But everyone is looking at them. I have to be the best.
Shichibukai rivaled Yonko system.
The Shichibukai didn't care jackshit when the navy needed them the most: fighting against the Whitebeard Pirates.
Hell, 4 of the Shichibukais were their enemies - Hancock, Jinbe, Crocodile AND Blackbeard - that's more than half of these guys! Imagine you're hiring 7 powerful individuals who should serve for the WG and 4 of them literally spit on the WG's face...

And what's about the rest? Doflamingo just played around, Mihawk minded his own business - the only useful Shichibukai was Kuma. Ironically, he was brainwashed by the WG lol.

Do you really think some mere Vegapunk robots will rival Yonko?
It's not even confirmed what the SSG is.
That's for sure, it's powerful enough to replace the Warlords.

Not saying Fujitora had to attack CD but dude is a hypocrite.
How exactly? He's serving the WG and he simply wants to get rid of the pest which plagues the WG.
That doesn't make him a hypocrite.

Schibibukai bad. Slavery Im blind.
White and black thinking.
Both of them are correct, and both of them are wrong. I believe you are also cherry picking and taking things too much at face value when appraising their performance.

Our first introduction of 2 Shichibukai (Mihawk and Crocodile) was them destroying pirates left and right. Shichibukai are an even worse enemy to other pirates than they are to civilians, you do not need to be shown each and every time they come on screen.

Not only that, Jinbei (Before Marineford) and Kuma were very helpful towards their goals. If anything, when you exclude plot points related to the Strawhats, the Shichibukai served their purpose. Even Boa Hancock who attacked every male on sight

On that account, Akainu was right and I kind of agree with him.

On the other hand, Doflamingo and Law did help the Yonko grow stronger. Added to the disaster befalling Alabasta through Crocodile, and the plot point in which whenever they cross the Straw Hats Pirates everything crashes down. You could argue Fujitora is also right.

Mind you, no matter how cruel the method, Dressrosa was efficiently ruled by Doflamingo. In fact, many of the "peaceful and strong" nations in real life are ruled like Dressrosa. So it makes perfect sense to me.


Kitetsu Wanker
Based on Marineford war, I would say that Fujitora was right because Warlords didnt bother doing much aside from showing up and pretending that they are doing something... They have no loyalty towards WG, they just wanted to keep the benefits of their position.


Welcome to the House of Hope

Although employing corsairs is not something out of the ordinary, the government simply gave them a free pass to do whatever they wanted.
Not the Navy's fault.
But something had to be done.
Hancock literally destroyed Pacifistas and attacked marine soldiers, the Crocodile and Doflamingo incidents, Mihawk's "i OnlY aGrEeD To fIgHt WhItEbeArD".

The most coherent was Jinbe. Didnt obey? Got imprisoned and lost the title. Done.
Depending on what strength boost can give SSG to Navy, but it's clearly something awesome since it was done by Vegapunk and you can control it, probably, unlike with Warlords.

They were pretty useless for WG and Navy anyway, like you posted, if not for a war like MF.
Boa wasn't listening them at all anyway, neither Mihawk, neither Crocodile (he only was keeping up his image in front of the people while "conspiring"), same Doffy and he even was selling weapons to everyone and providing military power to a Yonko, neither Law who joined so he can enter in SAD room. Neither Kuma who even helped SHs.
The only useful ones were Jinbei because he was a link with gyojins, Buggy since he has that background and gathered a lot of "strong" pirates, Moria and Weevil maybe (he destroyed WB captains and commanders, yes, but that was a personal "grudge" and these people were retiring from piracy basically, they weren't a threat, like Rayleigh, so there is no need to pay attention to them actually).

And Navy found two new Admirals regaining again those losses, so that point is not a problem on this topic.

So Fujitora is in the right and I'd do the same thing.
Fujitora's typology of justice is the most pleasant to me, alongside Aokiji's. He is not as cruel as Sakazuki. Papazuki is a powerful badass but I admit his methods are too raw in certain occasions.