Be honest, without any power up or training(I don´t know if Brook do something in the last 10days) he will still get trashed by Apoo. Brook need haki, I mean every strawhat member who isn´t Sanji;Luffy or Zoro need haki. We remember how Brook and Chopper get neg diffed by Perospero, how Brook crying out later because he was so weak? I hope Brook and the other strawhats training as Zoro and Luffy did, if not I see very big problems in the fire festival war. And with making a team up doesn´t help Brook and co either, their enemies having more mid tiers and more and bigger army, they are outnumbered in totally, they don´t have the choice to fight in team groups.
But I still wait until we see the fire festival event. After that I can probably say more, for now without any powerup, Brook get trashed by Apoo...