Speculations Why ACoC is not being spammed anymore

Whether he did or didn't isn't very important in my opinion, because Kizaru was blocking all of his attacks and we already saw him block Luffy's kick with ease, which did produce lightning.
Lightning is at worst simply an indication of basic CoA, not CoC

I will also add that there is already a lot going on in that panel, especially with Kizaru's light effects, and adding lightning would create a lot of visual noise and make for ugly art. Once fans start looking at haki from an artists perspective, suddenly Oda's choices make a lot more sense.
This would only make sense if Oda was going for aesthetics over story in his manga right now

20 years ago I would have believed this. But modern Oda since WCI has crammed so many panels into few pages and condensed so much stuff into double spreads that I don’t believe he thinks about for aesthetics unless it’s a major reveal like Gorosei and Shamrock/Gunko

He basically skipped Kizaru vs G4, so either 1) Luffy didn’t use CoC as visuals indicate, 2) he used it and we have to assume every haki moment is also a CoC moment. Luffy admits he goes ALL OUT when he fights so yea

It would just make so much more sense if ACoC had a hidden deadly side effect that not even Luffy would want to keep spamming
I simply can't wrap my head around why Luffy wouldn't have used aCOC against the elders, especially since he complained about their immortality and literally stated they kept bouncing back no matter what he does. I get that PIS can be a thing, but even for Oda standards it'd be extremely unusual to write his MC stating nothing works if he didn't even try the stuff that allowed him to truly hurt Kaido the previous arc. Might as well give up on powersaling altogether.

Still, I don't like the idea of invisible aCOC because the black lightnings are like the only way to tell it is used without statement.
I simply can't wrap my head around why Luffy wouldn't have used aCOC against the elders, especially since he complained about their immortality and literally stated they kept bouncing back no matter what he does. I get that PIS can be a thing, but even for Oda standards it'd be extremely unusual to write his MC stating nothing works if he didn't even try the stuff that allowed him to truly hurt Kaido the previous arc. Might as well give up on powersaling altogether.

Still, I don't like the idea of invisible aCOC because the black lightnings are like the only way to tell it is used without statement.
That’s what I’m saying once he realized his ACoC atks were not good enough for Gorosei (offscreen, inductive reasoning, whatever) there’s no reason to spam it

Kaido vs Yamato is a good example of how in a battle of DFs you don’t need to use ACoC every single time but you KNOW it plays an important role in battle

It ain’t Oda to outright ignore a special application that makes Shanks so strong, Roger so strong, all OG Yonkos have, made Luffy sky-split and then just turn it invisible

Same with CoA emission, had been a thing since pre-ts and Luffy knew about it but didn’t actually learn it properly until Wano. Very few fans if any understood the advance application of CoA until it was told to us as a way to beat Kaido
Enma enjoys dat haki suck. If you don't regulate its haki consumption then it will drain you dry until you die
CoC is the embodiment of the spirit of the user, inherent to only a few. So naturally CoC should have even greater risks associated with its own usage like chipping away at your life if you keep using up that super rare spirit
The Spirit of Zoro is infinite.

Chapter 540's Color Spread.

Naah lol.
It just isn't necessary.

Advanced Conqueror uses up a lot energy and probably end in a one shot if done properly.

Problen with luffy and zoro is that they are still young.

Luffy gives up stamina in return for strength.
Same goes for zoro. In KoH.

By the time they are 39~41. They won't use anything below it.

On top of that Garp really showed us AdCoC use in Egghead without being sick.

For bigmom case, Using both devil fruit at the same time is very taxing.
Zoans are different.
But paramacia and Logia , do exhausted them in extend use.
And same with haki , if there are two factors Draining you, you will run out of it eventually.

Whitebeard never showed us AdCoC + DF move. Nor did bigmam.

Rest are swordsman or pure Haki man.
All large lightning post ACOC reveal is ACOC.

I really think it’s that simple, a lot of people are coping really hard about Scopper.

In the panel with Kizaru he didn’t use it with Snakeman because he was deflecting light orbs.

If Luffy was mostly just punching light orbs from Yasakani no Magatama why would he use ACOC?
@Ven437 @Kurozumi Wiwi
Nothing about coping about Gaban, most were saying that first kick against Kizaru and haki clash with Lucci aren't ACoC.
Imo it's because oda doesn't want to end fights quickly or have adcoc watered down by having weaker characters being hit by adcoc attacks. Adcoc is 1 of the best and mosted hyped abilities in the series and if every adcoc user was spamming it then either they'd end thier fights quickly and oda has to rush every fight or scale characters up. If not that than adcoc gets way less impactful if every relevant character can tank it and keep fighting. Oda usually hold his characters back anyways and doesn't let them go all out without a reason. We basically have no characters that starts fights super serious. The closest ones were kaido and akainu where kaido does spam adcoc even in base and akainu spams his df and and goes for the kill.
I think people have forgotten how incredibly lethal CoA can be you don't always have to exert yourself to rely on adcoc
Since wano there hasn't been anyone that required adcoc from marimo so simple asnwer is we will see them use it more often once they face more worthy opponents
PIS imo. Oda made Big Mom go an entire fight without a single use of ACoA or ACoC. He didn't want Luffy to damage the gorosei, same way Luffy didn't use ACoC against the seraphim before Zoro said they practically invisible.
Nobody luffy has faced since wano screamed main villain that needs to go down.
Kizaru and gabban felt more like sparring matches. elders was more concerned about Vegapunk info getting out than joyboy.
Even zoro and sanji hasn’t been going all out
Ya think coby has it ?
Yes obviously he’s literally the next Garp.

Nothing about coping about Gaban, most were saying that first kick against Kizaru and haki clash with Lucci aren't ACoC.
There’s ACOC in all of it, we literally see Lucci deflecting ACOC sword slashes later with his bare hands.

I’m pretty sure ALL large black lightning is ACOC post reveal, people are just coping my guy