Speculations Why ACoC is not being spammed anymore

So why wasn't Luffy using ACoC against Gorosei who were letting off CoC like it was nothing?

Law and Kidd opted to use Awakening off the bat, abilities they gained more experience with in Wano against strong opponents, and we know they have stamina drawbacks

G5 has a major drawback with stamina too. Why would Luffy not use a power that massively boosts his AP and supposedly has no “drawbacks,” esp against an Admiral?

So Kizaru is not worth using ACoC then?

Luffy is in general retarded yes but I highly doubt Oda made Luffy intentionally forget he can't use same ability that his enemies the Gorosei spammed casually on Egghead. It is very very sus
The answer is literally in the post you quoted.

Luffy was doing just fine without ACoC so why bother using it. No one on Egghead even inflicted significant damage on Luffy, and he was fighting multiple top-tiers simultaneously lol; the only person who damaged Luffy was Luffy.

You're doing exactly what I'm talking about in my post - applying your own logic to these characters. Luffy used G5 because he loves fighting in G5 and he was doing just fine in G5 without ACoC. When he really needed ACoC he used it, e.g. - White Star Gun which floored Kizaru.

Luffy was not fighting to surpass his limits on Egghead, no one was - to use the analogy in my previous post, this arc wasn't a showcase of finals, it was a showcase of qualifiers. Every character was fighting with strength in reserve, because it simply was not that type of arc. No need to overanalyse it.
Remember the future sight and luffy spam on wci. Yet you don't see much on wano arc but we know luffy is using future sight all the time.
‘Same thing apply to Acoc , oda does not bother to draw black lighting all the tie, simce luffy is already acoc amd expect people to use Common sense that luffy went all out on rob lucci , kizaru , and gorosei . Simple as it.
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The answer is literally in the post you quoted.

Luffy was doing just fine without ACoC so why bother using it. No one on Egghead even inflicted significant damage on Luffy, and he was fighting multiple top-tiers simultaneously lol; the only person who damaged Luffy was Luffy.

You're doing exactly what I'm talking about in my post - applying your own logic to these characters. Luffy used G5 because he loves fighting in G5 and he was doing just fine in G5 without ACoC. When he really needed ACoC he used it, e.g. - White Star Gun which floored Kizaru.
But he wasn’t

Wano showed ACoC is something he uses in base and gears casually. But not once did he do it even against an Admiral like Kizaru unless you believe Kizaru is so weak that he is not worth using ACoC on

And it’s not evident WSG used ACoC. Does G5 vs Lucci clash had CoC?
I don't think Oda is intentionally holding it back. After all, he has no problem letting Luffy go into G5 whenever he wants.

I think it's fine to just collectively agree that Oda fumbled the bag with haki and hope that he somehow finds a way to salvage things moving forward.
ACoC having detrimental side effects on his lifespan would be a good way of redeeming the lack of ACoC when Luffy was spamming that shit like crazy in Wano. Luffy is always spamming his shit to do it for G5 but not ACoC is very very sus
But he wasn’t

Wano showed ACoC is something he uses in base and gears casually. But not once did he do it even against an Admiral like Kizaru unless you believe Kizaru is so weak that he is not worth using ACoC on

And it’s not evident WSG used ACoC. Does G5 vs Lucci clash had CoC?

ACoC having detrimental side effects on his lifespan would be a good way of redeeming the lack of ACoC when Luffy was spamming that shit like crazy in Wano. Luffy is always spamming his shit to do it for G5 but not ACoC is very very sus
I said Luffy was doing just fine in G5 without ACoC and you posted panels of him outside of G5. And even in these panels, again as I said, not a single one of the many top-tiers Luffy fought on Egghead was capable of inflicting notable damage on Luffy. Vs Kizaru, it wasn't evident that he needed ACoC, it was evident that he needed more power. Whatever form that power took was up to Luffy, and he chose to use G5 which did the job.

Vs Warcury, you know Luffy can hit things without touching them even without ACoC right? An ACoA barrier would've been enough to avoid hurting his hand yet he didn't even use that, because he had no idea Warcury's skin would be that tough. Y'all act like these characters know everything at all times - if Luffy really wanted to break through Warcury's defences then eventually he would've either attacked a softer spot or used ACoA/ACoC.

Luffy vs Lucci had equal lightning coming from both sides (if anything the lightning on Lucci's side was thicker) with no distinction between the two and we know Lucci doesn't have CoC. Whereas WSG had thick lightning upon impact just like most ACoC attacks.
Congratulations buddy, you reached enlightenment, the truth is Oda doesnt give a shit and will draw what he thinks looks cool in the moment. The moment you stop looking at OP through a powerscaling lens is the moment you will start enjoying it tenfold.
Bingo. Suprised most people don't grasp that Oda write his manga like comic book writer does.

The protags/anatagonists are only as strong as plot demands. There will never be consistent powerscaling. Ya'll ever noticed how Akira gave up after the Freiza saga? Same reason Oda doesn't even try. Rule of cool> Powerscaling. Adhering to powerscaling is not fun as a writer, it can be pretty limiting creative wise. He applies powerscaling loosely, but does whatever he wants for the sake of it for the most part.
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BM using defensive version of adv coc is made up thing kidd fans use to make Kidd's final attack more relevant.

No character has used adv coc like that. Even Luffy creats clear barriers to block.
You can make physical contact with a body part/weapon infused with CoC.

That means you don't have to use a barrier to use it defensively. CoC infusion functions like basic CoA and Advanced CoA.

Not saying that's what Big Mom was doing mind you, just saying that the idea isn't made up concept. Infusion of Haki as a whole is creating an invisible armor to boost defensive and offense, regardless of the color you are using.
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I said Luffy was doing just fine in G5 without ACoC and you posted panels of him outside of G5. And even in these panels, again as I said, not a single one of the many top-tiers Luffy fought on Egghead was capable of inflicting notable damage on Luffy. Vs Kizaru, it wasn't evident that he needed ACoC, it was evident that he needed more power. Whatever form that power took was up to Luffy, and he chose to use G5 which did the job.
Do you think Kizaru > ACoC G4 Luffy?

Vs Warcury, you know Luffy can hit things without touching them even without ACoC right? An ACoA barrier would've been enough to avoid hurting his hand yet he didn't even use that, because he had no idea Warcury's skin would be that tough. Y'all act like these characters know everything at all times - if Luffy really wanted to break through Warcury's defences then eventually he would've either attacked a softer spot or used ACoA/ACoC.
I agree he could’ve used ACoA, but it seems like Oda is intentionally pairing up ACoA with ACoC now as a way to limit its usage. Kaido and BM never used emission haki unless they also used ACoC

Luffy vs Lucci had equal lightning coming from both sides (if anything the lightning on Lucci's side was thicker) with no distinction between the two and we know Lucci doesn't have CoC. Whereas WSG had thick lightning upon impact just like most ACoC attacks.
Except Oda in the same arc made it quite clear when ACoC was being used for Shanks and Garp. For Luffy, not so much. That’s why I say WSG may or may not have ACoC

And if it did — only supports my point, Luffy immediately clocked out of stamina after a single ACoC attack
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Give a better explanation then.
Law did not only cure himself, he cured his entire crew. If it was possibly to do so with the Ope fruit he would not have had a need to use haki. Which means he cured his crew mates with haki as well.
When did CoA haki ever do something like that? The furthest we have seen CoA being emitted from the body was a couple of centimeters at best, whereas CoC haki had island spanning range. We also only ever saw CoC users being ableto nullify DF powers.

Its not blatantly spelled out, if that is what you are looking for.
Oda wants fans to get used to g5
So he's makong Luffy spam G5 every single time
Awakening allows Luffy to fight with the benefits of all of his gears and then some. It isn't about fans getting used to it. Luffy is the one that needs to get used to using it. Also it allows Luffy to fight with the most freedom, it's no wonder he enjoys spamming it.

Its crazy to me how Law immediately got used to it to the point that he busting his out casually against BB without worrying about stamina and Luffy is still having issues of stamina with his own awakening lol