So why wasn't Luffy using ACoC against Gorosei who were letting off CoC like it was nothing?
Law and Kidd opted to use Awakening off the bat, abilities they gained more experience with in Wano against strong opponents, and we know they have stamina drawbacks
G5 has a major drawback with stamina too. Why would Luffy not use a power that massively boosts his AP and supposedly has no “drawbacks,” esp against an Admiral?
So Kizaru is not worth using ACoC then?
Luffy is in general retarded yes but I highly doubt Oda made Luffy intentionally forget he can't use same ability that his enemies the Gorosei spammed casually on Egghead. It is very very sus
Law and Kidd opted to use Awakening off the bat, abilities they gained more experience with in Wano against strong opponents, and we know they have stamina drawbacks
G5 has a major drawback with stamina too. Why would Luffy not use a power that massively boosts his AP and supposedly has no “drawbacks,” esp against an Admiral?
So Kizaru is not worth using ACoC then?
Luffy is in general retarded yes but I highly doubt Oda made Luffy intentionally forget he can't use same ability that his enemies the Gorosei spammed casually on Egghead. It is very very sus
Luffy was doing just fine without ACoC so why bother using it. No one on Egghead even inflicted significant damage on Luffy, and he was fighting multiple top-tiers simultaneously lol; the only person who damaged Luffy was Luffy.
You're doing exactly what I'm talking about in my post - applying your own logic to these characters. Luffy used G5 because he loves fighting in G5 and he was doing just fine in G5 without ACoC. When he really needed ACoC he used it, e.g. - White Star Gun which floored Kizaru.
Luffy was not fighting to surpass his limits on Egghead, no one was - to use the analogy in my previous post, this arc wasn't a showcase of finals, it was a showcase of qualifiers. Every character was fighting with strength in reserve, because it simply was not that type of arc. No need to overanalyse it.