Controversial Why are people in denial about Fuji/Ryo being future Zoro/Sanji victims?

People mistake the Admirals as the Marine's version of the Yonkou Commanders. They're technically not wrong, but at the same time, it's not entirely accurate. What would be more accurate is if all four OG Emperors formed a group with Whitebeard taking charge and the other three having the highest and equal authority under him. There's a massive gap between a Yonkou and their heavy hitters. This is clearly not so with Admirals and Fleet Admirals. There can be a small gap between a Yonkou and ONE of their heavy hitter, but so far, it's mostly been just one guy. If there's two, it's an anomaly like Roger's OP vice-captain and a wild card like Oden, who does NOT parallel Sanji but rather Sanji would "parallel" Gaban.

Another thing. Oda has done nothing to establish or hint at a power level order with Fujitora and Ryokugyu like he has done with Zoro and Sanji's past Grand Line opponents. As far as we're concern, they're equals as much as they are with Kizaru and Aokiji. It's far more likely that Ryokugyu and Fujitora fight each other or rejuvenated Kid and Law gets them. Zoro will get a top tier (two if Benn is top tier and Shiryu kills him), but it's most certainly not an Admiral.
Yeah. There's a minimum-maximum limit for Zoro and Sanji's everything.

King can be the strongest Commander, Queen can be the weakest Commander, they're still at the same level of strength.

Since Mihawk is at the top of Emperor level, it is guaranteed that Sanji will face someone at least at the bottom/low Emperor level / top tier.

Sanji will face Aramaki and a Gorosei

Zoro will face Mihawk and become the WSS before he faces a Gorosei

Aramaki is literally an alternate version of Zoro who shares similiarities with Sanji but rivals him in some aspects:

- Green hair (literally the only Admiral whose hair isn't black lol)

- Loves booze

- Smokes

- Womanizer

- Tragic past with women

- Doesn't care about eating

- Has a black blade

- Can counter flames despite being wood

- "No human can win against nature" vs enhanced human
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One is a bushido swordsman who has already clashed with Zoro in the past

The other is a womanizing dirtbag who hasn’t eaten food in over 3 years, and his nature powers juxtapose Sanji’s genetically-enhanced body (science vs nature)

They’re the second and third strongest members of the Marines (Kizaru will likely be out of the story by the end of Egghead), so it’s only natural that Luffy’s Wings fight the top 2 henchmen while Luffy takes on the leader of the Marines
Because Aramaki and Fujitora are too close to Akainu (Luffy's rival).

Those fights won't happen.
Yeah. There's a minimum-maximum limit for Zoro and Sanji's everything.

King can be the strongest Commander, Queen can be the weakest Commander, they're still at the same level of strength.

Since Mihawk is at the top of Emperor level, it is guaranteed that Sanji will face someone at least at the bottom/low Emperor level / top tier.
This tbh. People dislike Sanji too much that they forget this series still basically a shounen-action manga.

Sanji being top 5 main casts will guarantee him to fight endgame threats.

Even Itachi, who is not the top 4 main casts, get to turn the endgame war by himself.
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Because Aramaki and Fujitora are too close to Akainu (Luffy's rival).

Those fights won't happen.
Zoro vs Aramaki/Fuji won't happen because after Mihawk WSS battle, beating those two won't take much effort.
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It’s honestly possible he’s a descendant of Nefertari Lily as I don’t know how else he could know about the Poneglyphs contents
Yeah, this knowledge itself can be expanded into a whole new plotline.

Croc vs Sanji ❎
Croc & Ancient Weapon vs Sanji ✅
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I agree.
Crocodile has a very powerful df and his awakening would be crazy too.
I just have the cross guild as a non antagonist group, at least for now.
It's not like i only cant see mihawk vs zoro happening, i also can't see crocodile as a menacing figure that wants to kill luffy anymore as well.
I could be wrong but for me cross guild is meant for something else and not for fighting strawhats.
Sorry for the late reply, i didn't have a notification
But Zoro vs Mihawk is expected by many people tho, I doubt Oda won't deliver.

How do you think Zoro will attain the WSS title?
When do you think he'll get it? After Luffy PK or before Luffy PK?
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You read 2 poeces

In one piece, Oda called both wings and have always placed them on same level
The rest is you guys coping
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Don't worry

They'll create threads on an admiral is twice below another admiral
They will do the same for Gorosei too and BBP

Watch them make whoever that fights zoro >> the admiral/gorosei that fights Sanji
Same lvl?

Sanji gets washed by Doffy the same Arc that Zoro clashes with Fuji and holds his own but they are the same level.
To be fair, we have absolutely zero idea who will take them out. Luffy has tons of allies. Everyone thought Luffy would beat Big Mom, until Oda had Kid and Law do it.

I think Zoro and Sanji beating Fujitora and GB has a pretty high probability. But I don't think its the only possible scenario.


I wear Dior, not a fad, fad, fad, fad...
I don't think Fuji will fight the strawhats atp. He is more suited to confront Blackbeard/Buggy/Shanks, my guess is Cross Guild
Yeah a plot line of Croc whose ancestor is a legendary criminal with the power of an ancient weapon works well with sanjis plotline. And it’ll allow Sanji to have a fight that could change the planet enough to bring the all blue back to the world.
Oh, nice thinking. It can indeed be integrated well into his dreams. A lot of SH are "creating" their dreams. This way, Sanji can too.
Sanji will face Aramaki and a Gorosei

Zoro will face Mihawk and become the WSS before he faces a Gorosei

Aramaki is literally an alternate version of Zoro who shares similiarities with Sanji but rivals him in some aspects:

- Green hair (literally the only Admiral whose hair isn't black lol)

- Loves booze

- Smokes

- Womanizer

- Tragic past with women

- Doesn't care about eating

- Has a black blade

- Can counter flames despite being wood

- "No human can win against nature" vs enhanced human
You forgot the actual first link people connect them, the black leg disease stuff.