Questions & Mysteries Why didn't Imu use that lulusia erasing attack vs Big Mom, Kaido and other yonkos???


Sasaki Kojirō

Kaidou of the Yonkou was the greatest threat, he literally declared his desire to drag power-hungry nobles into the battleground in which a man's worth is measured, the government tried for decades to conquer Wano...

And they still feared his wrath...
It's not that IM couldn't, it's that Kaidou and the others are very strong.

Unlike the navy that all top tier work in perfect harmony, the Yonkou don't just have the government and the navy as enemies... Kaidou for example has as an enemy:

- All navy headquarters.
- All world government.
- All 3 remaining emperors.
- New pirates on the rise.
- Any other force that stands in your way as an example we have: Revolutionaries, other nations and countries.

Again, the YONKOUS are enemies of each other, they don't work as a team/joint, like the navy and the government, the navy has 4 admirals together.

The day they decided to form a temporary alliance they were aiming for world domination, so you know it's no joke what they can do, and that's just 2 yonkou.

If it was all about balance they would have released Ace and not waged a war with Whitebeard that way it would have been more beneficial for the government, Im and the rest...

And yet the YONKOUS have been spawning in the seas for decades (Kaidou and Big Mom)
We don’t know its maximum targeting area as Big Mom’s territory is huge. Maybe the attack could be blocked or deflected with a strong enough person or persons (like the admirals deflecting whitebeard’s attack). Or Big Mom could turn it into a homie. The government wants Wano’s seastone so that would be another reason not to.

Those with future sight could be problematic and those with flight possibly could steal it. Someone like a revolutionary could see it being used and warn Dragon.

We also don’t know how frequently it can be used or transported.
--The whole world balance does not make sense. A yonko >> Multiple fodder pirates.

--Its much better that only Marines exist as a superior force than letting powerful organization like yonko's to exist

--Powerful pirates don't ally anyways. Its plot
Your point : WG are seeking a stalemate by letting Yonkou fight each other.

My point : When the Gorosei + Imu will turn out to be around yonko-level, how will this be retconned and make sense in the "balance of powers" ? "Balance of powers" was so un-balanced that Oda had to retcon the level of some of the shichibukai recently.
Because the balance is created to keep the world occupied and give a reason for the WGs existence.

If the common man didn’t fear pirates, they wouldn’t need to pay heavenly tribute for protection.

Simultaneously, the emperors ensure that no pirate can become a serious threat to the WG since they protect the Poneglyphs.

Therefore, while the world fears the pirates the world government can continue acquiring wealth and power.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
--The whole world balance does not make sense. A yonko >> Multiple fodder pirates.

--Its much better that only Marines exist as a superior force than letting powerful organization like yonko's to exist

--Powerful pirates don't ally anyways. Its plot
The Yonkou only exist because the Great Pirate era caused the number of upstart pirates to inflate.

Sir Tuna Sandwich II

SII - Sakazuki Incinerate Imu
But does it even matter? Imu can neg them anytime they want
Here how I see it:
- Imu and the Gorosei don't care about pirates/outlaws they care about keeping the Void century secret.
- The Marines (and other goverment forces) are the ones who care about "evil pirates" and "Justice".
- There will always be outlaws and the Marines can't be everywhere, the Great Pirate era only made it worse!
- The Yonkou can't be a real threat as long they gridlock each other (would change if they allied)
- The main issue is upstart pirates who becoming strong, i.e the Worst Generation.
- The Yonkou (and Shichibukai) are wall for the upstarts to climb and if they fall they (usually) can get up.

Basically the system is broken and it's all Roger's fault!
Here how I see it:
- Imu and the Gorosei don't care about pirates/outlaws they care about keeping the Void century secret.
- The Marines (and other goverment forces) are the ones who care about "evil pirates" and "Justice".
- There will always be outlaws and the Marines can't be everywhere, the Great Pirate era only made it worse!
- The Yonkou can't be a real threat as long they gridlock each other (would change if they allied)
- The main issue is upstart pirates who becoming strong, i.e the Worst Generation.
- The Yonkou (and Shichibukai) are wall for the upstarts to climb and if they fall they (usually) can get up.

Basically the system is broken and it's all Roger's fault!
Hmm. I get where you are coming from but imu should be able to erase upstarts pirates. But I agree that balance is fake if imu can indeed erase yonko level characters
We don’t know its maximum targeting area as Big Mom’s territory is huge. Maybe the attack could be blocked or deflected with a strong enough person or persons (like the admirals deflecting whitebeard’s attack). Or Big Mom could turn it into a homie. The government wants Wano’s seastone so that would be another reason not to.

Those with future sight could be problematic and those with flight possibly could steal it. Someone like a revolutionary could see it being used and warn Dragon.

We also don’t know how frequently it can be used or transported.
You’re right about the last sentence, but Big Mom and WCI would obviously get wiped out by an attack that can destroy an entire island. Just the destruction of Whole Cake Chateau alone nearly finished the Big Mom Pirates.
At the very best, Big Mom could only protect herself…and that doesn’t help the rest of her cew or territory.

There’s already sufficient reasoning why Imu wouldn’t use an Ancient Weapon for such trivialities.

- They’d need to absolutely ensure that the Yonko is actually there and didn’t unexpectedly leave, like Kaido & Big Mom could easily do.
- Rampant use of an Ancient Weapon just makes exposure more likely, and the WG actually cares about their appearance of legitimacy. They don’t want the people to turn against them.
Even if he kill them by using AW... another strong being will apppear in the future...but the world will know that AW do exist and the world will be in choas ..specially WG vary existance will be in danger
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