Questions & Mysteries Why do Admirals and Yonkos have broken devil fruits compared to others?

I've always wondered this and don't think it has been explained yet unless I must have missed something? Are there any plausible theories to why admirals and yonkos have OP DF compared to everyone?

The only one that I can come up with is looking at how CP9 got them from World Government in Enies Lobby arc so I think WG have piles of them specifically for new admiral and Cipher Pol recruits and God Knight members and Xebec gave WB/BM/Kaido the same way Blackbeard hunts strong DF users and help transfer them to his members.
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Generally, the stronger the force the higher the chance of happening on a fruit. The World Government has history, power and knowledge, giving them the greatest advantage and access over pirates. Admirals are likely given chosen powerful fruits.

But strong pirates too can still chance upon good fruits. The strongest pirate crew post Xebec/Roger were the Whitebeards. Darkness and Phoenix are top tier fruits. Even the Diamond fruit is not far off.
Generally, the stronger the force the higher the chance of happening on a fruit. The World Government has history, power and knowledge, giving them the greatest advantage and access over pirates. Admirals are likely given chosen powerful fruits.

But strong pirates too can still chance upon good fruits. The strongest pirate crew post Xebec/Roger were the Whitebeards. Darkness and Phoenix are top tier fruits. Even the Diamond fruit is not far off.
In fact, we know Kaido obtained Yamato's fruit (a mythical Zoan) that way.

And he himself obtained the Dragon fruit thanks to his powerful crew.
Bigmom's DF isn't broken. She's probably just always awakened.

Kaido was given his DF by Bigmom.

Teach searched the seas in WB's ship to find his DF and killed his comrade for it.

Luffy took the DF from a future Yonkou.

Admirals were probably given their DF by the Marines or whatnot.

WB is unknown, but Xebec may have helped him get his DF or whatever.
Their powerful fruits is a good chunk of the reason why they’re so powerful in the first place to even reach their respective statuses
In verse, having a broken fruit is a significant factor in making you a top tier.

Out verse, which is the reason that truly matters, the more the story progresses the more impactful a power must be in order to send a message of superiority: causing earthquakes, controlling gravity, turning into light, manipulating souls... are inherently intimidating. You can't give someone like Lucci a dragon fruit and let Kaidou have the leopard model; no matter how much better could Kaidou utilize the leopard power, it would still be a leopard against a dragon and the king of beasts needs to transform into an equally kingly creature for the character's narrative and place in the power hierarchy to be coherent.
I've always wondered this and don't think it has been explained yet unless I must have missed something? Are there any plausible theories to why admirals and yonkos have OP DF compared to everyone?

The only one that I can come up with is looking at how CP9 got them from World Government in Enies Lobby arc so I think WG have piles of them specifically for new admiral and Cipher Pol recruits and God Knight members and Xebec gave WB/BM/Kaido the same way Blackbeard hunts strong DF users and help transfer them to his members.
you can assume that they became Yonko/Admirals thanks to their powerful fruits (Momo is strong just because he ate a copy from Kaido's fruit), or you can assume that these fruits look so powerful just because they are being used by talented individuals (Yonko/Admirals) (mother caramel & Big mom for example).
I think it's a mix of these two reasons, and luck.
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Shanks doesn't
Mihawk Doesn't
Oden didn't
Roger didn't
Zoro won't

Enel was not a top tier
Crocodile as not a top tier
Sugar was not a top tier

There are so many holes in this thread theory.

Otherwise, Gov probably killed all the other trees for their logia devil fruits to grow exclusively at MG.
Why do strong people get overpowered fruits?

I have two opinions on this that differ in context.

1. Strong people are like Natural Disasters. This means that they are anomalous in the sense that why they are born with strong bodies for example is unexplained. Such people are destined to find a Devil Fruit that has overpowered characteristics.

2. Karma. Some people get Devil Fruits because the Devil Fruit itself was looking for them based on karma.