Why do Zorofans still bringing up ZKK even in this situation?

@nik87 I checked the volumes presumed chapters:
- Volume 103 ---> CH. 1036 to CH. 1045 (most likely)
- Volume 104 ---> CH. 1046 to CH. 1055 (most likely)
And changed my stand a lil bit: I think it's more fair to wait for ZKK till the end of the current volume (104) rather than CH. 1052 (as I said before). An event like ZKK should probably happen at the end of a volume so I'll wait some more.

After that I'm out.
No, silly Steven-chin... We get banned for pointing out how trashy Rupee is.
And for pointing out that Zoro will kill Kaido.
Weak hakis cant handle either of those and abuse the only power they have in their lives...
To bad you guys taking Ls left and right

You guys coming up "muh hints" but they are 0 hints
@nik87 I checked the volumes presumed chapters:
- Volume 103 ---> CH. 1036 to CH. 1045 (most likely)
- Volume 104 ---> CH. 1046 to CH. 1055 (most likely)
And changed my stand a lil bit: I think it's more fair to wait for ZKK till the end of the current volume (104) rather than CH. 1052 (as I said before). An event like ZKK should probably happen at the end of a volume so I'll wait some more.

After that I'm out.
Anything we will see after events and reaction of ouffy winning over kaido.
Trolls should be banned. ZKKers are ofcourse trolls and have mostly nothing important to say apart from bullshiting.
Moderation of any forum is necessary otherwise forum would be a shithole like 4chan and it's derivatives.
If being the only fanbase that gets most of their predictions right so offensive to you, then most of the rubber toddlers and candies need to be sent to a gulag for being so damn stupid all the time. :kobeha:
Y'all don't get it, and y'all never will. :mihanha:

ZKK is not a theory. ZKK is a dream. The dream of man. :zehaha:

And you know what was said about the dream of man?

@Lor D. Coast
@Money D Malio
@Fleet Admiral Lee Hung
@Sanji D Goat
@Jew D. Boy

Right, guys?:zosmug:
Delusion to make Zoro as important as Luffy*
You could find posts saying "Luffy wins against Kaido but Kaido goes to attack the capital; only for the capital to get saved by Zoro" all the way back to early 2021. Probably late 2020 as well.
It's kind of the main predicted routes for ZKK.

As I've said, it's like both sides are trying to one up each other with the retarded posts.
Lol give it up