Versus Battle Why I think Kisame and Itachi cant defeat Jiraiya

Honestly.. I don't really see what Jiraiya is supposed to do here. I mean, he cannot offensively bypass the abilities of both Itachi, and Kisame, collaterally. The Mirror Of Yata, and The Ten-Handed Blade, are spiritual weapons, made of pure spiritual energy, so I'd assume that they are extremely concentrated weapons, stronger than when they are filled or enriched with chakra. I mean, if y'all want real life examples, take sulphuric acid for example.. Ya'll would notice that dripping it in water and mixing it'll substantially dilute it, and reduce it's potency.. Similarly, pure physical energy, and pure spiritual energy are on another stratosphere of power. Another example would be eating a box of sugar, and eating them in a less concentrated form in the form of a candy, or a biscuit.. I hope y'all get my point. Therein, I don't really see what the opposing foe can acclimatize in this scenario, tbh. It's really a glaring breadth like difference in power, in my opinion. Kisame can extrude magnificent oceans, and tidal waves, which'll indefinitely douse Jiraiya's fire techniques, and his Sage techniques would be eliminated by the aforementioned oceans, and tidal waves, overwhelming them, and engulfing them, as the former possesses significantly massive area-of-effect in contrast to the latter.. All of these inextricably linked facets of battle entails that the Red Moon Duo eliminates Jiraiya with explicitly little difficulty..

Also, I think people are grossly over-inflating Itachi's admission of inferiority to Jiraiya, tbh. I mean, sure, if you wanna argue that Jiraiya >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the collateral Red Moon Tribe Organization, then, by all means, that statement is legitimate. But.. if you wanna argue that, that part of Itachi's statement is hyperbolic, then I'd like to propose that it's only natural that the preceding part of his statement is hyperbolic in nature, as well. Supplementally, I'd like to add that Kisame doubts Itachi's preceding statement, and enquires on why he was fleeing from Jiraiya, when he could've implicitly eradicated him, in that simulation, with implicitly little difficulty (If we're going by the implication of Kisame's statement, and the way he worded it — it's grammatical structure, to be specific... ).
I dnt think even think totsuka mirror could even hit jiraiya. i bet even using yata mirror plus totsuka blade made itachi’s chakra drain a lot yes this is a spiritual weapon and this weapons of the sage of the six paths is good for ambush type of attack. But i think sage mode can sense this even before they could get hit by it. Imagine how strong was naruto’s sate mode on boruto that he could sense boruto chakra from miles away from konoha.
The only way ok for me is to beat Jiraiya was if you let down his focus, ambush type of attack that was faster than him. Which is 0 chance since i bet he know that you cannot let down your focus on a sharringan user who became an anbu at the age of 12. But i dnt think both kisama and itachi is fast enough to even par with jiraiya

kisamae could use ocean type thing jutsu like he did during bee arc but how would you assume kisame can even touch a sage mode user?
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Tell me what jiraiya does to amaterasu

Also proof Kisame is relative to Itachi?

Weren't you talking about feats > portrayal in sasori vs deidara fight? Or do you think sasori > Deidara too
amaterasu isnt fast enough too to be able to hit jiraiya lol. I mean sasuke was able to dodge this, A was able to get hit in the arm but he dodge sasuke blaze release,why not jiraiya who was probably 20x faster than him in sage mode.
amaterasu isnt fast enough too to be able to hit jiraiya lol. I mean sasuke was able to dodge this, A was able to get hit in the arm but he dodge sasuke blaze release,why not jiraiya who was probably 20x faster than him in sage mode.
When did Sasuke dodged amaterasu? He got hit by it lol

Bro raikage one of the fastest shinobi needed full power level 2 speed to dodge amaterasu and you think jiraiya can? Be serious
Itachi was swapping hands with KCM naruto but can't do the same with sage mode? Lol
If you fought a non dying zombie, who has sharringan what would you do? I think one of the reason why naruto just let him do that its because his trying to read itachi’s moves since he never knows what itachi was capable of, plus nagato was with him. Plus that time he was still trying to learn his power, and speed
If you fought a non dying zombie, who has sharringan what would you do? I think one of the reason why naruto just let him do that its because his trying to read itachi’s moves since he never knows what itachi was capable of, plus nagato was with him. Plus that time he was still trying to learn his power, and speed
Bruh itachi was easily reacting to naruto and it's not like he was getting wounded by naruto and healed by reanimation