Controversial Why I think Shiryu's Straw Hat opponent is NOT who you think

My theory is Shiryu will actually be Sanjis opponent for the reasons as follows:

His personality is the complete opposite of Sanji, Shiryu is cold, callous and a ruthless murderer who will kill anyone without hesitation. Sanji however is a kind hearted warm person who won't hesitate to help someone whether they are friend or foe so they juxtapose each other perfectly.

Sanji has never fought a swordsman before so this fight would be something completely fresh and new for Sanji, will be the closest thing we will get to Zoro Vs Sanji in a serious life or death fight we can get.

I think Zoros opponent will be the new mysterious 10th titanic captain as Oda is clearly saving his reveal for something special.

Oda gave Sanji this incredibly strong skin that is super hard to cut for a reason, it has to actually be used in a way that isn't just a flat buff for him and him testing his body's strength against a swordsman would be an awesome way to challenge him, and Shiryu would see it as a personal challenge similar to Zoro trying to cut Mr 1.

I'm also sure that Shiryu has no problem hurting or even killing women as he kills indiscriminately and without remorse, if he tried to harm Nami or Robin obviously again this would anger Sanji beyond likely anything we've seen before.

Shiryu has the devil fruit Sanji has been dreaming of since he was a child and obviously combined with all the other reasons I've listed this would just add fuel to the fire, and this would also be a good way for him to channel any anger or frustration he has towards Zoro into something constructive for a change lol.

Zoro is the obvious choice for Shiryu's opponent but I think there's too many things that make him a better suited foil to Sanji, he's like Zoro, Judge and his brothers rolled into one character and the invisibility fruit is just the cherry on top, also they both smoke constantly which is another fun connection.

Please don't shout at me this is just a fun theory lol
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My theory is Shiryu will actually be Sanjis opponent for the reasons as follows:

His personality is the complete opposite of Sanji, Shiryu is cold, callous and a ruthless murderer who will kill anyone without hesitation. Sanji however is a kind hearted warm person who won't hesitate to help someone whether they are friend or foe so they juxtapose each other perfectly.

Sanji has never fought a swordsman before so this fight would be something completely fresh and new for Sanji, will be the closest thing we will get to Zoro Vs Sanji in a serious life or death fight we can get.

I think Zoros opponent will be the new mysterious 10th titanic captain as Oda is clearly saving his reveal for something special.

Oda gave Sanji this incredibly strong skin that is super hard to cut for a reason, it has to actually be used in a way that isn't just a flat buff for him and him testing his body's strength against a swordsman would be an awesome way to challenge him, and Shiryu would see it as a personal challenge similar to Zoro trying to cut Mr 1.

I'm also sure that Shiryu has no problem hurting or even killing women as he kills indiscriminately and without remorse, if he tried to harm Nami or Robin obviously again this would anger Sanji beyond likely anything we've seen before.

Shiryu has the devil fruit Sanji has been dreaming of since he was a child and obviously combined with all the other reasons I've listed this would just add fuel to the fire, and this would also be a good way for him to channel any anger or frustration he has towards Zoro into something constructive for a change lol.

Zoro is the obvious choice for Shiryu's opponent but I think there's too many things that make him a better suited foil to Sanji, he's like Zoro, Judge and his brothers rolled into one character and the invisibility fruit is just the cherry on top, also they both smoke constantly which is another fun connection.

Please don't shout at me this is just a fun theory lol
Imo it's Mihawk who will defeat Shiryu to hype him for Zoro Fight, while Zoro defeats Magellan

You think it's coincidence that Oda made the two legendary Wardens themed as King of Hell and Invisible Master Swordsman

It's gonna be Clairvoyant vs Invisible and Kings of Hell vs each other


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
Imo it's Mihawk who will defeat Shiryu to hype him for Zoro Fight, while Zoro defeats Magellan

You think it's coincidence that Oda made the two legendary Wardens themed as King of Hell and Invisible Master Swordsman

It's gonna be Clairvoyant vs Invisible and Kings of Hell vs each other
Mihawk’s bounty already hypes him more than flogging Shiryu ever could.

Moreover, there's no reason for them to fight.
Mihawk’s bounty already hypes him more than flogging Shiryu ever could.

Moreover, there's no reason for them to fight.
It's not about hyping him as WSS, it's about showing that he is still much Stronger than Zoro

He will defeat Shiryu at a lesser Difficulty than Zoro vs Magellan, so that readers realize how difficult is that Fight

Cuz if Mihawk isn't shown flexing on someone before End Fight, readers might think that Zoro already surpassed him and the Fight ain't gonna be that hard, it will ruin the Hype

Not to mention, that I very strongly believe Zoro gonna fight Magellan and won't fight Shiryu, so can't think of someone who will defeat Shiryu except Mihawk


𝐀𝐬𝐩𝐒𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐜𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐏𝐞𝐭
It's not about hyping him as WSS, it's about showing that he is still much Stronger than Zoro

He will defeat Shiryu at a lesser Difficulty than Zoro vs Magellan, so that readers realize how difficult is that Fight

Cuz if Mihawk isn't shown flexing on someone before End Fight, readers might think that Zoro already surpassed him and the Fight ain't gonna be that hard, it will ruin the Hype

Not to mention, that I very strongly believe Zoro gonna fight Magellan and won't fight Shiryu, so can't think of someone who will defeat Shiryu except Mihawk
Why would Zoro fight Magellan? I don't think the Strawhats would be returning to Impel Down.