Like seriously, this is not bait of any means. I want to know the answer. It seems like any feat he performs or accomplishment he has is downplayed almost instantly. Even against the author himself. When Oda says Sanji is powerful or portrays it, it's instantly 'but Zoro is better!11!1' When Oda refers to him as one of the wings of the pirate king, you start throwing memes about the wings being unequal (in everything not just power) which makes no sense. When Oda says he can turn invisible through sheer speed (FTL) you try to say it's 'per person basis' when the author didn't say that. He said invisible not 'invisible to certain people.' You take in-universe gags and patterns of rivalry and try to use that to kick him off the monster trio.
Any mention of an OST track fitting an anime episode, or a tag team (which has happened canonly), or narrative you think might fit the character, if it so much as involves an ability that shares a place with Zoro, and you instantly go on attack.
Hell, you have some on here literally making fun of the abuse the character had in childhood as if they're his personal bullies and would do the same damn thing if they were in the OP universe. And others claiming Zoro hates Sanji, Zoro would kill Sanji.
...Why? I don't see this from the Sanji fans anytime Zoro does something, I see the accomplishments talked about it well in light. Other than the gags and jokes about getting lost or dense, I don't see people saying it's great Zoro's childhood friend died, or thinking he should have died in TB. I only see this from one side. Of course I've only been here for less than 2 weeks now. But I noticed that anything I posted, or so much as tried to theorize or talk about, if it had Sanji it attracted trolls, haters, and I was instantly attacked. And I like both characters.
....So can someone explain this one sided hate to me? Because I am beyond understanding it at this point.