General & Others Why is that Admiral fans nearly all the times side with Mihawk and Schichibukai in debates?

this is too good:finally::finally::finally:

OT: lots of awesome replies here. i dont think can add anything new
so i can kinda tell my experience:
i like WB/Zoro/Garp/Mihawk/Papazuki/Luffy etc.
thinking about why i like some of these char i found that some them have "something" in common and it turns out its either i want to have those in my life or these are part my aspiration in life or these things are similar to my own belief so on...i think u get the picture.
so its not exactly Admiral fans/WB fans/Zoro fans/Mihawk fans against Yonko fans for me. i mean my fav char is a yonko, WB.
then close 2nd would be a swordboi, Zoro, then comes the irresponsible grandpa, garp so on so forth.

i became a mad fan for WB witnessing his love for his sons and family and the type of person he is. his position as Yonko didnt impress me compared to the person he was.
for example i dont like perverts, so a perverted char will always leave a bad impression on me. so if any of those char that i mention was a pervert they most likely wont become my fav.
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And the world was never called the greatest pirates either. They were called the most powerful pirates and the kanji used for the yonko title means great politicians. The kanji used for Mihawk refers to him as the strongest hence, why constantly flips back and forth from saying greatest and strongest.

Stop interpreting things in specific ways that leads to contradictions.
They were called the greatest pirates in the Viz
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Glad we agree

Marineford Whitebeard = strongest pirate
He was talking about WB in the past


lol at this response
def ignore responses from people who arent mihawk or admiral fans
they cant speak on what they dont know
:kayneshrug:nobody say you can't speak what you think but at least admiral and Mihawk fans need to chill and cool down.

took on as in clashed with one and did nothing more after that?
while doffy took on artomos,oars and for the vast majority of the time was on crocdile
Notice how you fail to mention wb side getting a buff from luffy and rest of folks from impel down like jimbei?
hancock fighting for both sides but mainly luffy?
reeks of bias

akainu hits did way more damafe than bb did . very clear half his head off and a whole in his chest were the most significant injuries wb had in that war. Want to mention how the admirals while fighting tried as much as possible to stifle damage on mf while wb actively tried to sink it.
or garp not acting as usual cause he was conflicted due to his grandson being involved.
yonkos and admirals are mentioned together like peers
both by chinjao and luffy

Gold roger former Pk acknowledged garp and sengoku with garp playing a part in both rocks and shiki. garp position would have been an admiral if he accepted promotion
cut the bs.
BM speech>Chinjao and Luffy speeches, both were below Admirals and Yonko.
:kayneshrug:nobody say you can't speak what you think but at least admiral and Mihawk fans need to chill and cool down.


BM speech>Chinjao and Luffy speeches, both were below Admirals and Yonko.
their powerlevel
doesnt make it less relevant
bm wouldnt become pk
luffy will
his statement holds more weight.

we are chill , why do you think we are not?
took on as in clashed with one and did nothing more after that?
while doffy took on artomos,oars and for the vast majority of the time was on crocdile
Notice how you fail to mention wb side getting a buff from luffy and rest of folks from impel down like jimbei?
hancock fighting for both sides but mainly luffy?
reeks of bias
It looks like you mangled some names there so I'm not quite sure what that means. It sort of sounds like trying to have it both ways, stating that the Shichibukai didn't do much while taking on some of the premiere crew (Oars, Jozu, Vista) but that their relative lack of accomplishments doesn't speak to their strength.

The "vast majority of the time" is something pointless that I won't defend or argue, because the on panel time for these characters isn't a sufficient case. If we say that Dofy, one of the strongest antagonists, spent most of his time fighting Croc, then it's pretty dumb whether you're talking him up or down based on what we actually know about their respective strength as individuals.

The WB side getting a buff is cancelled out by BB showing up and attacking him head on, Hancock's vague but helpful showing can be argued to be along the lines of WB being seriously injured by a betraying ally. Jinbe is a massive help, Ivankov is just as good... but then Luffy is like the distant third best from Impel Down. All they really provided was numbers. It's not worth arguing to me that the kinda guys who would listen to Buggy did as much damage as a fresh Shiryu or Pizarro attacking the wounded.

akainu hits did way more damafe than bb did . very clear half his head off and a whole in his chest were the most significant injuries wb had in that war. Want to mention how the admirals while fighting tried as much as possible to stifle damage on mf while wb actively tried to sink it.
or garp not acting as usual cause he was conflicted due to his grandson being involved.
Akainu couldn't score on WB without being seriously injured himself. You might want to think that Akainu is tough enough to take him on man to man and that's not a poor argument... but I don't think he'd talk Squard into literally backstabbing the guy if he was entirely confident himself.

Oh and Garp was useless but... Sengoku had his hit tanked by a Luffy on the verge of collapsing, lol

yonkos and admirals are mentioned together like peers
both by chinjao and luffy

Gold roger former Pk acknowledged garp and sengoku with garp playing a part in both rocks and shiki. garp position would have been an admiral if he accepted promotion
cut the bs.
I never said anything about Garp making it to admiral or not so it's pretty weird to bring up. Garp knew those guys from his generation well enough to imply that taking on the former first mate of Roger and WB at the same time was too much. Rayleigh and WB are both repeated to be out of their prime or rusty.

I'm not convinced of anything by mentioning how they're lumped together, especially in the context of Luffy fighting an admiral as he said that. Akainu is basically his sworn enemy because of what happened, and yet his plan is mentioned to both Law and Hyo as taking down four emperors... other pirates put before the Marine forces. I don't remember the admirals being a goal of Kidd either but maybe I'm forgetting something?
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took on as in clashed with one and did nothing more after that?
while doffy took on artomos,oars and for the vast majority of the time was on crocdile
Notice how you fail to mention wb side getting a buff from luffy and rest of folks from impel down like jimbei?
hancock fighting for both sides but mainly luffy?
reeks of bias

akainu hits did way more damafe than bb did . very clear half his head off and a whole in his chest were the most significant injuries wb had in that war. Want to mention how the admirals while fighting tried as much as possible to stifle damage on mf while wb actively tried to sink it.
or garp not acting as usual cause he was conflicted due to his grandson being involved.
yonkos and admirals are mentioned together like peers
both by chinjao and luffy

Gold roger former Pk acknowledged garp and sengoku with garp playing a part in both rocks and shiki. garp position would have been an admiral if he accepted promotion
cut the bs.
This ain't it chief. We know from Luffy that his idea of PK is having the most freedom on the sea. Who restricts your power on the sea? The marines and the Yonko. So you have to be able to beat both to be PK.

This doesn't mean they are equal though. All it means is both Luffy and Chinjao didn't have the strength to beat the admirals at that stage (Though Fuji did say Luffy was close to him:goyea:) How do I know this? For Yonko BM the only obstacle to complete freedom or PK is other Yonko.

It's like irl if you wanted complete freedom at sea you would have to be able to dominate both the USA (Shanks for instance) at sea and Papua New Guinea (Akainu for instance). This does not mean they are equal though. If you were China (Kaido for instance) then you are not worried about Papua New Guinea(and other admiral level nations) but other strong powers like India (BM), USA etc
This ain't it chief. We know from Luffy that his idea of PK is having the most freedom on the sea. Who restricts your power on the sea? The marines and the Yonko. So you have to be able to beat both to be PK.

This doesn't mean they are equal though. All it means is both Luffy and Chinjao didn't have the strength to beat the admirals at that stage (Though Fuji did say Luffy was close to him:goyea:) How do I know this? For Yonko BM the only obstacle to complete freedom or PK is other Yonko.

It's like irl if you wanted complete freedom at sea you would have to be able to dominate both the USA (Shanks for instance) at sea and Papua New Guinea (Akainu for instance). This does not mean they are equal though. If you were China (Kaido for instance) then you are not worried about Papua New Guinea(and other admiral level nations) but other strong powers like India (BM), USA etc
"This ain't it chief. We know from Luffy that his idea of PK is having the most freedom on the sea. Who restricts your power on the sea? The marines and the Yonko. So you have to be able to beat both to be PK."
oh it is
they are mentioned along side each other and it directly follows from roger's generation where both admiral characters were rivals to the likes of roger and shiki. if you choose not to see it as the author putting them as peers, thats on you. Note that context here, roger is close to dying and wants a worthy opponent.
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It looks like you mangled some names there so I'm not quite sure what that means. It sort of sounds like trying to have it both ways, stating that the Shichibukai didn't do much while taking on some of the premiere crew (Oars, Jozu, Vista) but that their relative lack of accomplishments doesn't speak to their strength.

The "vast majority of the time" is something pointless that I won't defend or argue, because the on panel time for these characters isn't a sufficient case. If we say that Dofy, one of the strongest antagonists, spent most of his time fighting Croc, then it's pretty dumb whether you're talking him up or down based on what we actually know about their respective strength as individuals.

The WB side getting a buff is cancelled out by BB showing up and attacking him head on, Hancock's vague but helpful showing can be argued to be along the lines of WB being seriously injured by a betraying ally. Jinbe is a massive help, Ivankov is just as good... but then Luffy is like the distant third best from Impel Down. All they really provided was numbers. It's not worth arguing to me that the kinda guys who would listen to Buggy did as much damage as a fresh Shiryu or Pizarro attacking the wounded.

Akainu couldn't score on WB without being seriously injured himself. You might want to think that Akainu is tough enough to take him on man to man and that's not a poor argument... but I don't think he'd talk Squard into literally backstabbing the guy if he was entirely confident himself.

Oh and Garp was useless but... Sengoku had his hit tanked by a Luffy on the verge of collapsing, lol

I never said anything about Garp making it to admiral or not so it's pretty weird to bring up. Garp knew those guys from his generation well enough to imply that taking on the former first mate of Roger and WB at the same time was too much. Rayleigh and WB are both repeated to be out of their prime or rusty.

I'm not convinced of anything by mentioning how they're lumped together, especially in the context of Luffy fighting an admiral as he said that. Akainu is basically his sworn enemy because of what happened, and yet his plan is mentioned to both Law and Hyo as taking down four emperors... other pirates put before the Marine forces. I don't remember the admirals being a goal of Kidd either but maybe I'm forgetting something?
uh you started out great but your conclusion is off base
may I remind you that when luffy said he wanted to be pk coby responded by saying he will be an admiral and luffy admitted, he has to get to that point to take him on in the near future. using kid a pirate who obviously doesnt have a marine position in mind is awfully bad.
No pirate wants to be a naval admiral and no marine wants to be a yonko. Also important to mention, kid's goal is to be the pk
not a yonko. another flaw in your argument.

According to the manga old wb was still considered the strongest pirate in the sea by buggy, by kong and sengoku. you can choose to refute that as yonko fans do but I'll be glad to supply the panels.

"Akainu couldn't score on WB without being seriously injured himself. You might want to think that Akainu is tough enough to take him on man to man and that's not a poor argument... but I don't think he'd talk Squard into literally backstabbing the guy if he was entirely confident himself."
akainu is strong enough to take him one on one

whether it was their df's matching each other in output
not sure you want to argue squardo's stab made his punches weaker

a comparison of the damage that they both dealt
point being akainu looked pretty healthy at the end of the war. after his clash with wb he went on to handle jimbei, ivankov
by the time the clash was over , wb was pretty much a living vegetable.

another scene of the remnant of wb pirates in an attempt to stop akainu but he succeeded in hurting luffy
this remnant btw was roughly enough to promote BB to the new yonko position.
and last but not least

I would argue bb with the gura gura nomi and the darkness fruit is a lot more afraid of akainu
than shanks and his entire crew.

oh on sengoku and luffy
visit bigmom chopper. that was great as well lmao.
Mihawk was also called the “greatest swordsman in the world.” Great = strong, as per Stephen Paul.

There’s a reason why Luffy really wants to surpass the Yonko, but doesn’t care about surpassing Warlord Mihawk
Mihawk is the World's Strongest Swordsman:
世界最強の剣士 (Sekai Saikyō no Kenshi)

Whitebeard was the World's strongest man:
世界最強の男 (Sekai Saikyō no Otoko)

You can see that their title is almost the same:
世界最強 = Sekai Saikyō = World's Strongest

As per the Garp's statement, thanks to @Den_Den_Mushi
今は星の数ほどおる海賊 - Currently there are countless pirates, just like the stars
今 - currently
星の数ほど - as many as the stars
海賊 - pirates

かの白ひげに並ぶ四人の大海賊の一人じゃ - He is one of 4 great pirates alongside Whitebeard
かの - He (Shanks)
白ひげに並ぶ - alongside Whitebeard
四人の大海賊 - 4 great pirates
一人じゃ - He is one of them

グランドラインの後半の海にまるで皇帝のように君臨する奴ら、「四皇」と呼ぶ - They rule like emperors in the second half of the grand line, we call them 'Yonkou'
グランドラインの後半 - latter half of Grand Line
まるで皇帝のように - like emperors
君臨する奴ら - they reign
四皇 - yonkou

the use of characters such as 'reign like emperors' and the use of 大海賊 (great pirates) rather than 最強の海賊 (the strongest pirates) or 最悪の海賊 (the worst pirates) carry the implication that Garp is referring to political power
Garp uses:
大海賊 = Dai Kaizoku = Great Pirates

instead of:
最強の海賊= Saikyō no Kaizoku = Strongest Pirates


As per Mihawk when he is called Greatest Swordsman, it's used 世界一 = Sekai Ichi = World's Number 1
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World's Strongest Swordsman
Mihawk is the World's Strongest Swordsman:
世界最強の剣士 (Sekai Saikyō no Kenshi)

Whitebeard was the World's strongest man:
世界最強の男 (Sekai Saikyō no Otoko)

You can see that their title is almost the same:
世界最強 = Sekai Saikyō = World's Strongest

As per the Garp's statement, thanks to @Den_Den_Mushi

Garp uses:
大海賊 = Dai Kaizoku = Great Pirates

instead of:
最強の海賊= Saikyō no Kaizoku = Strongest Pirates
He already knows hes a troll
"This ain't it chief. We know from Luffy that his idea of PK is having the most freedom on the sea. Who restricts your power on the sea? The marines and the Yonko. So you have to be able to beat both to be PK."
oh it is
they are mentioned along side each other and it directly follows from roger's generation where both admiral characters were rivals to the likes of roger and shiki. if you choose not to see it as the author putting them as peers, thats on you. Note that context here, roger is close to dying and wants a worthy opponent.
Lol mentioning someone as worth your time doesn't mean equality or rivalry lmao. All he is saying is that Garp and Sengoku are not fodder. This is something we know