Controversial Why is the Spoiler Section the most Toxic and Negative section of this site?

To be fair, I think a considerate chunk just pretends to hate it in the first place in an effort to be edgy and "cool"
There might be a few of this sort here, too, but reality is that a lot of the critical voices mean their criticism.

They're not blinded by nostalgia and simply got annoyed with Oda's overly repetitive writing and the stakes/tension getting lower and lower each arc (especially since the Nika reveal).

The spoiler section is the first unfiltered reaction to a chapter each week and therefore you also get the most negative reactions there.

Uncle Van

Monké Don't Do Taxes
Always found One Piece defenders far more mentally unstable than One Piece haters. They go out of their way to try and prevent you from speaking and turn things into an echo chamber of specific opinions, resembling a cult.

Just something so unsettling about angry people pretending to be so positive and happy with all those buried bodies in the back lol.
This is a zboy forum. If it's not a zoro fighting chapter then they think it sucks and have to let everyone know
What an absolute moron
you are.
but reality is that a lot of the critical voices mean their criticism.
They're not blinded by nostalgia
That is bullshit. Most of the complaints are not even coherent or reasonable.
There is a small chunk of those that bitch constantly who actually have something valid point.

Spoilers attract the most impatient and bored users. People with enough time on their hands to waste on pointless online feuds.

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Always found One Piece defenders far more mentally unstable than One Piece haters. They go out of their way to try and prevent you from speaking and turn things into an echo chamber of specific opinions, resembling a cult.

Just something so unsettling about angry people pretending to be so positive and happy with all those buried bodies in the back lol.
It seems like the Spoiler section is constantly the worst section. The will see either a few sentences or a few cliffnotes for the chapter and immediately call it a "Trash Chapter" or and Shit Chapter". And the majority of the comments in the section are people being negative about not just the chapter but mite negative in general. Why do you think that is?
General political thread is definitely worse,but only losers post there.
Thats a really dumb and dismissive take. Very ignorant.

Fun fact, I have received death threats and people telling me to kill myself over criticising one piece in the past, elsewhere from here.
I never got that from one piece haters. But you know the haters are the bad ones.
didn't some guy say he was gonna shoot people with a glock in here cause of powerscaling?
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I genuinely don't give a fuck about politics anymore because it's pretty clear it's all shit right now
Me neither i didn't even vote this year. I don't feel represent by any of these clowns,so no point in voting.
We should just ban negativity and become a completely positive, all wholesome echo chamber with no problems at all. Clearly Reddit and other places have the superior idea. Fuck free speech and having our own unique opinons and dissent. We only stan Goda and One Piece here.

Goda is perfect. Goda is flawless. Goda can do no wrong. And if you say otherwise, you're too negative and a hater.

The whole reason I keep coming back here because aside from r/piratefolk which is on reddit ironically, this is one of the only places in the entire community where you can actually criticise and dislike the series but overly fragile One Piece and Oda worshippers who can't handle the mildest criticisms of the series never mind actual complaints or slander and more extreme takes, get wound up and constantly whine so negatively about us who criticise One Piece and Oda ironically.

It really is ironic.

Well its not the whole reason why I keep coming back too but it does make up a LOT of the reasoning.
rename the forum to bestgen while you are at it

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Most of the One Piece community be like this ironically:

In a series about self expression, unapologetic emotional authenticity, rights for all innocent beings regardless of race too, freedom and such.

For such a "joyful" bunch, they want to suppress criticism and bully and shutdown any negative opinions and dehumanise them as haters, toxic, evil, scum etc. Exactly the OPPOSITE of what One Piece tries to be about and Oda's intentions with writing the story FFS.

r/Piratefolk is constantly brigaded and made fun of by the main One Piece subreddit (which is unironically mostly porn now and Kirosh was overruled as the one tyrannical mod and dethroned by an even more corrupt and FAR hornier mod who screwed over all the mods there) and also the memepiece subreddit which cant decide if it wants to be a diet version of the main subreddit or a diet version of piratefolk too.

For years I was constantly bullied and attacked by One Piece glazers for being upset with the series and having far milder criticisms of it han I do now. Its only because of the Youtuber Drizzt and this forum that I found somewhere I could truly express how I felt and say my real thoughts, not walk on eggshells and be forced to glaze the series and abide by the cult.

Its ironic in a fandom for a series all about love, freedom, compassion, empathy etc, the fandom is so narrow minded, aggressive, oppressive, hateful etc. I'm generalising a lot here ofc but they constantly do it to us too in the first place, so you reap what you sow too.

Ironically the more toxically positive a fandom is, the more it inspires more hate/criticisms of the series and in return/general. Equal and opposite forces. Every action has a parallel reaction. Yin and Yang. If a lot of criticisms were treated with more open mindedness, less ostracisations, demonisation and thus with more respect and given more of a fair chance than ridicule and insulting, maybe people wouldnt feel so alienated, disrespected, fed up, unheard and gradually become more hateful, bitter towards the fandom, series and author too?

Food for thought.
I just hope the antichrist shows up as quickly as possible.Its time.
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Most of the One Piece community be like this ironically:

In a series about self expression, unapologetic emotional authenticity, rights for all innocent beings regardless of race too, freedom and such.

For such a "joyful" bunch, they want to suppress criticism and bully and shutdown any negative opinions and dehumanise them as haters, toxic, evil, scum etc. Exactly the OPPOSITE of what One Piece tries to be about and Oda's intentions with writing the story FFS.

r/Piratefolk is constantly brigaded and made fun of by the main One Piece subreddit (which is unironically mostly porn now and Kirosh was overruled as the one tyrannical mod and dethroned by an even more corrupt and FAR hornier mod who screwed over all the mods there) and also the memepiece subreddit which cant decide if it wants to be a diet version of the main subreddit or a diet version of piratefolk too.

For years I was constantly bullied and attacked by One Piece glazers for being upset with the series and having far milder criticisms of it han I do now. Its only because of the Youtuber Drizzt and this forum that I found somewhere I could truly express how I felt and say my real thoughts, not walk on eggshells and be forced to glaze the series and abide by the cult.

Its ironic in a fandom for a series all about love, freedom, compassion, empathy etc, the fandom is so narrow minded, aggressive, oppressive, hateful etc. I'm generalising a lot here ofc but they constantly do it to us too in the first place, so you reap what you sow too.

Ironically the more toxically positive a fandom is, the more it inspires more hate/criticisms of the series and in return/general. Equal and opposite forces. Every action has a parallel reaction. Yin and Yang. If a lot of criticisms were treated with more open mindedness, less ostracisations, demonisation and thus with more respect and given more of a fair chance than ridicule and insulting, maybe people wouldnt feel so alienated, disrespected, fed up, unheard and gradually become more hateful, bitter towards the fandom, series and author too?

Food for thought.
At this point,i only read to know what the one piece really is. Don't really care about anything else. If i stop reading now,i will probably have to binge read hundreds of chapters later on and i got no time for that.