Character Discussion Why Kidd and Law were too easy for Shanks/BB

Did Blackbeard really low diffed Law ?

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Law performed against a powerful top tier infinitely times better than Kidd who was negged like a fodder (too bad Shanks is Oda's golden boy). Pushing BB to mid diff ain't that much of an L, considering how it was obvious that Law would have lost anyway.
But the thing BB's fighting style is like that. Get easily hurt and bleed but he has a really good endurance.

Also BB doesn't use any edged weapon so the fight will be longer. If Shanks was against Law, pretty sure Oda would have showed an one shot also.

In my opinion, the reason Oda draws most of BBP with lots of failures and give them Ls, is only to not make them invincible for the upcoming battle against SHP.

But yeah agree with Kidd who completely got wrecked like a noob ...


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
In comparison to kidd, law did better but one of the major factor behind this is BB being careless while shanks went straight up gangsta mode

Those injuries are not impressive as BB was shown worse than this pre TS.

People are dehyping BB but taking law second strongest attack with double the damage and still looking fine and then destroying him is hell impressive.

Law got hit so badly that bepo fears he might even die while BB condition isn't much different from the last time.
The fight obviously wasn’t mid or even high diff.

You want to know how we can tell? Just look at winner island. If Teach was really pushed that far, the island would be in pieces like marineford was.

Teach just took damage because he’s clumsy and his fruit amplifies the pain he takes. Even Bepo was able to land a hit on him. But that doesn’t mean he’s been seriously punished.

A comparison to Big Mom, Teach didn’t even get his bones broken.


Teach was bleeding and motherfuckers says he low diffed Law.

Teach couldn't do shit to Sulong Bepo to prevent from rescuing Law.

Teach jumped on Law with 3 subordinates and still ended up bleeding.

Law gave hard diff fight to Teach + Burgess + Doc Q + Van Augur
This is another thread from a zoro fanboy coping

Zoro without plot armour wouldn't even break free from a chimney
Would be onehsotyed by casual top tiers

Law did what was expected without another PU : give yonko mid diff battle
That's what Kid would manage too if he didn't fight golden boy Shanks. And also if it was a proper 1v1
Now it's confirmed that Blackbeard defeated Law, unfortunately the fight got off screened.

I guess Oda wanted to protect Law and his lucrative fanbase to not get humiliated. In comparaison Kidd vs Shanks was on screen and the fight finished in an one shot with kidd pirates being completely annihilated. We can clearly see the difference of treatment.

But what actually happened during Law vs BB ?
Seems like Law got low diffed by BB because BB seems perfectly fine.
BB's face is covered with blood because of the first attack but seems like nothing else happened to him. "Soundly defeated" means everything.

If you ask me it's perfectly normal, since Law and Kidd are overall really close to each others (proof fought together Big Mom) with Law having the edge.

If for example, showing BB struggling to beat Law and at the same time Shanks one shoting Kidd, kinda implies Shanks is still way stronger than current BB. So if there is any fight between BB and Shanks in the future, it would have been really bad for BB if he high diffed or extreme diffed Law.

But now what really happened is Shanks one shoted Kidd and Bb low diffed Law (who is little bit stronger than Kidd) so everything stays perfect for the upcoming battle between BBP and RHP.

RIP Law who is also now officially out from the race of PK.
And the most impressive thing is the fact Shanks and BB cleared easily two guys who fought Big Mom.

Impressive really ? Hmm no ... because those 2 fights really imply as we saw that Big Mom was clearly nerfed with many holes during the fight in order to make her only fall. Which is why kidd and law were too easy as opponents for the 2 yonkou.

Good thing the truth got restaured.

What you think ?

The fight getting offpaneled just adds more ambiguity to the diff. The time that passed is more important than the amount of damage since Teach is prone to get hit, he was literally bleeding, panting and crying in pain after a single punch from Impel Down Luffy.

The implications though are that it wasn't easy nor too difficult, so something in the middle seems fair. At least until Oda decides to shed some light on the fight later if Law remembers it in a backstory when he meets the Strawhats.